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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. Local market bumps yesterday were a lot worse than at MTC2, odd. From the MTC2 data was expecting 550-600 in Sacramento and similar in Philly.
  2. Black Widow MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 3220 (+32) Seats Sold: 80059/472972 (+9241) Friday: Showtimes: 5258 (+62) Seats Sold: 68709/805462 (+12606) Excellent jump. It's even better than it looks as the quoted data from yesterday is gains from Sat afternoon to Sunday night, while these are just from a straight-up 24-hour period.
  3. I don't have 24-hour data yet (that will be later tonight or tomorrow morning) but it has already sold 7362 more tickets for Thursday in less than a day after only selling 5604 in a day and a half and it's running at 800 tickets/hr at this point. It will be double yesterday's 24-hr pace which is crazy big for a Monday bump. July 4 certainly had an effect yesterday but now it's back on track.
  4. Also backed up by the PS. If not for PA I would have little uncertainty saying over 90 million as the PS is well ahead of F9 (except for yesterday in some areas, but from a look at MTC2 today I suspect that will be rectified tonight).
  5. I think 90 is fairly likely, 100 possible but needs good boosts/walkups, 80 would be really presale-heavy at this point.
  6. Considering the time of day that you normally post, much bigger jump than I expected.
  7. Pulse though was also affected by the sales of films currently in release as it was just sample data rather than absolute numbers. So I'm not sure how much of that trend was real, since even if PS were static you would expect them to take up a bigger portion of the pie on Sunday night as films currently in release peter out.
  8. Black Widow MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 3188 (+29) Seats Sold: 70818/470745 (+5604) Friday: Showtimes: 5193 (+10) Seats Sold: 56103/796795 (+6726) As I alluded to last night, pretty meh bumps especially for Thursday. Hopefully today sees stronger results.
  9. This was probably my least favorite F&F film, but it was fairly entertaining still. I do sense a bit of staleness now so hopefully the next one provides some kind of a jolt.
  10. Franchise is definitely declining, I thought this was probably the weakest of the series, but I still had an entertaining time. Maybe a B-/C+.
  11. Yeah I have noticed the Sunday bump as well. I unfortunately didn't take Saturday for F9 but I think Keyser did post something so maybe I can parse what F9's Sunday bump might have looked like from that, although come to think of it the DBOX issue probably makes that impossible.
  12. Black Widow MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 3159 (+66) Seats Sold: 65214/466789 (+4612) Friday: Showtimes: 5183 (+66) Seats Sold: 49377/795047 (+5406) Thursday ramp up is fine but honestly I expected more acceleration in the last couple of days. I conservatively am going with 14m previews (170k finish at MTC2) for now, let's hope it can go higher. Friday seems healthy and I think it can double Thursday. GvK overperformed big time at MTC2, but a straight up comp gives ~13 million for previews. That will probably decline a bit in the next couple of days and then jump at the end as GvK had somewhat limited walkups. MTC1 numbers look much better. Edit: This is from yesterday afternoon. I forgot to post yesterday. So don't take these as Sunday numbers (as that would make the pace disastrously slow). Should have made that clear in the original post.
  13. Yeah and the "dark and gritty" crowd on Reddit. Funny how the films that everyone complains about it most in are some of the most popular of the series.
  14. This seems interesting. Wonder what the shorts will be about though. The old Clone Wars microseries was a series of shorts and was quite good but I assume this is a different sort of thing.
  15. This was pretty much expected given the ending of the last movie though right? Not the specifics I mean but it was clearly leaning hard into a pointless lineage subplot.
  16. You mean at MTC2? Those numbers seem very pessimistic to me. 180k seems more like 11-12 million but I don't see how it will be only that given the current number. Even if it added the exact same number as F9 from this point it would break 160k. And the pace is more than double.
  17. Black Widow MTC2 Thursday: Showtimes: 3093 (+25) Seats Sold: 60602/459959 (+5714) Friday: Showtimes: 5117 (+70) Seats Sold: 43971/788270 (+5796) This is about 1.5 days of data. At the same time, F9 had 25139 for Thursday and 24540 for Friday. The daily pace was +1890 for Thursday and +2142 for Friday. Adjusting Black Widow's pace to ~+3900 for both, the pace is 2.06x that of F9 for Thursday and 1.82x that of F9 for Friday. Honestly, Friday's pace looks pretty good and it's at 75% of Thursday already. The Friday pace passed the Thursday one at about the same time as F9 as well. I think this might be less frontloaded than we have been expecting.
  18. Really thought Switzerland was gonna steal another one on penalties but in the end Spain deserved to advance.
  19. Yeah but D+ had more subscribers. It wasn't hugely ahead of WV and had much less growth throughout.
  20. Genre is not a singular thing. There is no reason why something couldn't be both a superhero film and a space opera/heist/whatever. I think you could argue that Bond and Harry Potter also switch genres to an extent but it's less overt than in the MCU.
  21. If there wasn't the textural variety then the movies would be far less successful.
  22. Yeah those two scenes aren't even close to similar. At best, they're both plays on the "duel in front of looming evil overlords" trope which is present in a lot of SFF media.
  23. I kinda like USA sports culture (though I like soccer/football as well). It feels like a nice unique thing about the country.
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