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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I can`t decide whether to give it an A for the the best insomnia cure since Thin Red Line or F for one of the most boring movies ever. Couldn`t finish it so I saw the hilariously attrocious sex scene here from a youtube vid.I really liked the comic book though I`d do with much less Laurie and Dan and Dr Manhattan who are boring and much more Rorschach and The Comedian who are awesome especially the former.
  2. Wow, that`s so insulting. Selma is that unbelievable hack Selma Blair. Salma is a Goddess.
  3. While there won`t be iJack`s novel tome #10000000 to spin the drop into best evah success.
  4. Universal. It beat HP sales record in UK. Go figure.Coincidently, Universal is the studio producing this.
  5. I know, right? It was red one moment and than turned blue.
  6. Why pay $11 or more bux to watch buff bodies on the screen when you can do that live on the beach for free? TASM is baumer`s Shriekapoo. :wub:
  7. Nice weather, people`d rather be outside than watch movies that really aren`t OMG-must-see-right-now like TDKR.
  8. At leats he is still in the lead unlike charity cameo/seriously reduced screen time actors coming back to TH such as Elijah Wood and Borlenado.
  9. I don`t think the totals will be on Teddybear`s side but right now Teddy`s the daddy.
  10. Solid isn`t the same as amazing which is what loonies expected when it scored A at Cienmascore before ladies gave it a heave-ho in favor of six-packs, buns and stoned teddybears. Teddybear beats a bear. Now that I don`t have trouble proving. Good, no embarrassment.
  11. Shriekapoo,duh! A billion dollar flick with a Shitto in it? Worst. Run.Ever. But it`s falling like a rock now. Woo-hoo.
  12. Enough of this attention whore already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I`m just putting brakes on inevitable Brave wanking.Dumbest movie since Prometheus. Even Paralel Universe has enough sense of reality to call it alright but forgettable.
  14. IA4 will hit it and there`s no way Brave beat IA4 OS. Its WW won`t beat IA4`s OS alone.
  15. POTC:AWE should be remade. That movie is an abomination that ruined the whole series. Just pretend it was halucination induced by DJ`s Locker from where they never escaped and take it from there.LOTR to wash out the stink of Shitto.MatrixDuneJCGL
  16. No time to read previous 100+ pages so kindly provide a recap. This is a good number, no?:
  17. I don`t know where the myth that Tom didn`t let her come back in TDK comes from but it`s a common knowledge that WB was extremly unhappy with her deportment during BB promo blitz where she was incestantly yapping about TomKat instead of promoting the movie. Plus reviews singled her out as the worst thing. I even remeber that WB insider disclosed WB was looking for a stronger actress. That was well before it was announced she wasn`t coming back.She`s done a san actress so all she has left is taboid fodder fame. So more gossip-attracting antics and I fully expect a reality show.
  18. I walked out of Dreamcatcher and Corpse Bride but the biggest number of walkouts I`ve ever seen while working at the cienma was during the retarded wedding in POTC:AWE. That broke all records.
  19. So that`s why everyone and their mother is at the beach? I see the whole freakin city crammed up at Woodbine.
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