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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. I have always been a big Potter fan. I've seen every movie on opening day and read every single book at least three times. I was never too excited about the idea of a spin off but I went in quite optimistic. The film is a mixed bag. I believe it ends better than it starts. The four leads are decent with Dan Fogler being the most endearing of the bunch. The themes of the movie are interesting but there isn't enough time to explore all of them and it feels jammed in. I feel there is a huge misfire with the reveal of Grindewald as Graves was really turning into a interesting and imposing villain. The main problem with this film is that it feels like a prologue, plot points and character motivations are teased but never explored because they are clearly waiting to use them for the sequel. Therefore it becomes hard to be invested in the movie. I am intrigued by the idea of the Fantastic Beasts franchise.....but I am not sold on the execution nor its addition to the potter universe. 3/5 B-
  2. It's the Twilight version of Power Rangers. Not for me (obviously) but looks cute and could appeal to younger audiences.
  3. I really can't remember shit about this movie beyond the fighting scenes.
  4. I just remembered. This really was the ultimate white people revenge movie. All for a dog (his girl got killed too but I feel he was more upset by the dog)
  5. The first John Wick was pretty good. I enjoyed it a lot. Especially that they used Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / MMA fighting skills. Added a twist to the fight scenes.
  6. One of the most dull movies I have seen in a long time. Uninteresting characters, uninteresting plot, uninteresting climax...just dull.
  7. I'm not one to accuse anyone without evidence but the core selling point of the movie has been these 'AMAZING' reviews. I've seen TV spots and posters with these reviews plastered all over, sometimes in bigger font size than the actual title of the movie.
  8. A wannabe Prince. He's alright but nothing great. That trailer was........well it.........nope nothing.
  9. I'm extremely claustrophobic so that is very effective for me. I don't know how I'll feel about watching that scene pay out on the big screen.
  10. It doesn't look as appealing as Gone Girl. The story is solid, although, the twist is pretty predictable and uninspiring. I'll say $33M OW / $84M DOM
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