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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. That does not even make sense. By being a Hollywood director of course he will be a public figure. QT has the right to protest and he never even said anything against good cops. Maybe if they spent more time out reaching to the community and speaking against bad cops, QT wouldn't have to say anything. This is just childish gang mentality.
  2. It could have been 30 minutes shorter. One particular car chase needed to be half as long.
  3. Having seen the movie on Saturday, this is not a shock. The movie is just mediocre. Its not bad just half assed. It is also...WAAAAY to long.
  4. My screening was completely sold out and the line was across the street. This opening is, amazingly, not that shocking.
  5. The fact that Bond can walk in open space whilst 10 guys are shooting at him and he can pick each of them off one by one.
  6. If you are a Bond fan I'd assume you will get some joy out of it. It's nowhere near as good as CR and Skyfall is better too (and I am not a fan of Skyfall, much). The first set piece, and the train set piece, are good. The remaining set pieces range from average to dull. The cinematography is beautiful in many scenes but the action itself is filmed with very little imagination. The finale is total shit. It felt like it was from a Austin Powers movie.
  7. It really is like Scream 3. That's is the best comparison....right down to the attempt of linking all the movies together. I've never been a Bond fan but I enjoyed Casino Royale. It felt like a different take on the classic Bond, but now they are trying to be both a classic Bond movie and a dark broody movie too.
  8. It's not a bad movie, it just offers nothing new. It almost feels like a satire of previous bond movies. The best action sequence was the train fight and even that has been done better in previous Bond movies.
  9. Surprisingly average. It starts of well, but drowns in its own self-importance. 6/10
  10. Just seen it. Meh! It's way too long. It starts of decent but gets dull mid way through.
  11. I can't believe how underplayed paramount has been with marketing this last installment. It's literally being dumped without a care. Will easily be the lowest grosser in the franchise.
  12. Exactly. I'm sure Spectre, like most James Bond movies, makes its production budget back from sponsors alone.
  13. I think horror, as a genre, will soon be a VOD release only genre. Its probably more financially smart to release it this way.
  14. Is it even being released here in the UK? How the mighty have fallen. This was a huge franchise, at one point.
  15. We already know how it ends, so there is no suspense in the only scene worth watching.
  16. We need another 'Scream'...not a sequel but a horror movie which gives the genre a much needed kick and connects with general audiences. No more found footage, its been milked to death.
  17. The CNN storyline was so stupid it almost dropped my IQ by 10 points. It was ignorant.
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