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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Many agree it is the closest to Scott's original in terms of tone & spirit. I thought it is the 2nd best Alien movie in the series. Cameron's Aliens is a fun action movie but less interesting to think about.
  2. Yea but doesn't Disney have to give up theaters for Civil War especially IMAX?
  3. That scene is inserted to ward off all the criticism of homoeroticism in superhero/buddy movies. When Cavill goes shirtless in MoS, a couple of male teens groaned, giggled & whooped at the screen. Do you realize Warner remove the red briefs in Superman costume? All this is marketing-driven choices to cater to a new modern audience who are jaded by social media.
  4. Zoo is at $907M WW now. Domestic will add another $20M, OS-Japan will add $20M. Surely Japan can hit more than $50M with that strong opening?
  5. Worldwide revenues by studios as of April 24, 2016 Disney $1.48B Fox $1.32B Warner $962M Universal $424M Paramount $232M Sony $179M Big franchises win. Sony & Paramount look like indie studios. Having said that I hope they don't sell Paramount to some financial/holding company: it will ruin it.
  6. When I said $15M it is domestic, not global. Say what you will about live-action vs animation but Alice 1 is around the corner.
  7. It is not likely to earn more than $15M after this weekend. But Japan could over-perform so ...
  8. Compare Chris' MCU with Liam's Hunger Games. The result should be in Chris favor, but not that much. In the Heart of the Sea & Blackhat are missed opportunities for Chris. Those movies, if done well, could be a positive contribution to his resume & career. He was working with Michael Mann & Ron Howard for God's sake!
  9. Liam's batting average may be a little better than his more famous brother. According to Mojo: Liam's average : Average: $187,431,048 Chris' average : Average: $142,029,960
  10. Chastain is hot but the rest of the trailer is very underwhelming. Don't understand why Chastain would take up a mid-level blockbuster when she starred in the $200M-grossing Martian?
  11. Yea I feel like the Bourne movies may be overdoing it when it comes to car crashes. The first one is small scale and adds some action to the story. The second one is more ambitious turning the movie into a typical summer blockbuster instead of the thoughtful thriller like Identity. Ultimatum is a carbon copy of Supremacy, which I feel is the best Bourne in the series. This one seems to be a bloated action movie with all the classic Bourne personalities all but a distant memory. But I will still be there opening night
  12. They are doing with another Robin Hood movie along with Disney & Sony.
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