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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. Projected total for BvS? Will it hit more than $50M?
  2. That's right, speak up, brother Panda Tree. Don't lurk in the dark.
  3. Batista would play the Leon role. Great choice, he is memorable in Spectre as OddJob type of character. Ford will play an aging Dekard, Gosling will be the new/younger blade runner, similar to Ford's original. Robin Wright may play the female version of some corporate type, like Charlize Theron did in Prometheus. Wonder who would play the new Rachel or the new Roy. Blade Runner is one of those movies you don't remake but I am intrigued: Villeneuve has been making a lot of interesting movies lately.
  4. DC may get a jump on Marvel in 2016 but Marvel got a jump on DC waaaaay back in 2008 with Iron Man 1. People are either sick of the relentless darkness (and those rain!!!) of Snyder's vision or Marvel seems to able to capture GA imagination when it comes to Extended Universe the way Apple did with smartphone business & apps/music. Look at the rest of the iPhone competition: Nokia, dead. Motorola, bought by the Chinese. Blackberry, on life support. HTC, panicking everyday now. People tend to shy away from folks who adopt the "me too" attitude. The first, the pioneers, the crazy ones, and they are winning....unless CA: CW continues with GA's distaste of superheroes, call it fatigue. Maybe it is just this guy:
  5. Three $200M grossers before April? Is it because of El Nino? Will there be a drought later on in the year?
  6. Too dark & mean-spirited, and people must be whispering to each other: "Jeez, enough with the drizzle already..."
  7. Because people love these characters and people want this movie to gross $600M DOM & $1B OS, okay? Hate is the child of Love
  8. Kinda insane in 15 years, Spider-Man franchise has seen 3 versions. Unprecedented. There is 23 years in-between Adam West version of Batman and the super-blockbuster Burton/Keaton version, and almost 20 years between Superman IV and Superman Returns.
  9. BvS is barely TA1, how can it be compared to TA2? BvS is more like TA0.5 But seriously, if Warner/DC just sticks to Batman's conflict with Superman as the only plot, the movie will have more streamlined storyline and hence better reception. This race to beat the other guy, ironically the plot of the movie, actually kills the massive momentum set up by the teaser last year.
  10. You don't see the problem but you said it is a bad movie? Don't get you...
  11. Because of the Brussel's incident and that Paris thing a year earlier?
  12. So freak-outs are banned now? Even at weekday threads?
  13. Zootopia will make it. The weekday gross is very strong. Last weekend hold is impressive considering the arrival of BvS
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