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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. This will be very very front loaded of course. No one knows for sure. The numbers from Europe are not very encouraging (large week-to-week drops). But in Brazil, Mexico, Korea & Hong Kong the numbers are massive. But still, I can't see a domestic number below $350M.
  2. Prometheus has an atrocious 3rd act and still made $120M+ So maybe they learn a few things
  3. Disney may be the first studio with more than 3 $1B movies in a single year (Universal scored 3 in 2015): Rogue One - locked Civil War - locked Finding Dory - likely Zootopia - almost Jungle Book -likely Moana - longshot Whatcha think?
  4. I feel they should introduce one more DC characters like Flash or Aquaman before Justice League, but hey.
  5. I heard this movie beats the typical franchise fatigue. It's really the most emotionally devastating Marvel movie yet. The twist near the end is pretty ::holy cr*p::
  6. The movie is too dark & depressing for Chinese audience. They ares spoiled by Marvel's light touch. Anyway the 3rd act which should be awe-inspiring turns out to be very disappointing. You cannot disappoint the audience when it comes to climactic action scenes.
  7. $1B OS LOCKED Korea, Japan & Hong Kong numbers are very, very impressive. Mexico & Brazil should also clean up in a massive way Only Erso & Team could kill this one.
  8. Russia loves goofy furry animals. One of the Ice Age Dawn of Dinos did $44M in 2009 (?) & Continental Drift did $50M in 2012. So no big surprise here. If Zootopia is released before Ruble massive crash against the US, it would have made much more than what it does today. Look at that crazy US-RUB ER chart.
  9. Yea, Rogen vs Sorority is not as funny as Rogen vs Zac. But that gag with wired telephone is funny.
  10. There is only a finite number of screens around the world. Somebody has to give way
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