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Everything posted by KATCH-2D2

  1. I enjoyed Gravity just fine in the theatre because the movie did look great on the big screen. It's when I tried to re-watch it at home that I realised how boring and 'empty' the movie actually was.
  2. I hope so. Saw it on Thurs night and still can't stop thinking about it. I think I'm going to see it again. One of my favourites this year.
  3. Any reasons why Ted seems to have a better hold than the rest? Adult demo?
  4. I know but I don't want it to crawl pass it, I want it to glide pass it gracefully and effortlessly..
  5. Thanks so much for your great work. It's funny how great Minions' leg has been in Japan. I thought they loved animations with more substance but what did I know... So MI5 is going to make $30m less than MI4? That's quite a big decrease considering the qualities aren't that different. I know the ER play the big factor but it'd have made $45m+ with the same admissions. Hope JW can still make it to $70m, I want that $1b OS!
  6. Even better. JW needs $17m more from this weekend to reach 1b os, meaning 65m total. Very doable.
  7. Not to mention with last year ER these movies would have made more in USD. JW would have made 8m second weekend.
  8. ^^Thanks so much. I love your analysis, very insightful. I hope JW can go as high as your projection or close to it, I love this movie. MI5 is such a great movie as well so I'm glad it's doing well too.
  9. Thanks. I was a little worried since Minions has been out for a while but it's numbers were getting closer and closer to MI5. It looks like Minions is the first choice for the kids in Japan as well, and I though Japan was the market that didn't follow global trend... Do you know if JW and MI5 have good reviews/wom in Japan?
  10. ^^Minions is already above MI5 daily number? WTH? Is Tuesday a discounted day for kids movies or something?
  11. This. Plus I've seen no evidences of it's so called mediocre reception from GA... The movie seems to have good to great legs everywhere. All of my friends who have seen it loved it. It even broke out in Japan, a WOM-driven market. I guess it might take a few months for the bad wom to spread...... Maybe it might effect the home video sales, who knows...?
  12. Of course you are. You're allowed to hate/dislike good movies. There's no shame in that. Sometimes I dislike good movies too. Just because it's good doesn't mean we have to like it.
  13. I didn't try to bring down FR to make JW look better. I'm aware of JW's faults and if I had to make a list of it's flaws my list wouldn't be much shorter than yours. l merely pointed out that people who went easy on FR weak characterisation should do the same for every movie. FR would beat every movie in the action department it isn't even up for discussion here (or anywhere). Btw, I'm glad MI5 is doing well but I hope Uncle isn't flopping. Is Uncle as bad as both Sherlock Holmes movies?
  14. To me it is. MMFR was a masterpiece, it's only weakness was it's weightless & unlikable main characters. However I put it at the top of my list of my favourite movies this year anyway because I'm very forgiving when it comes to characterisation in blockbuster movies. However, I hold every movie to the same standard. You people who've given Mad Max a free pass for it's flaw turned around and spat on JW's every single flaw you could nitpick on. It's as funny and ironic as hearing a Baysformers fan bagging another movie for having too much explosions.
  15. Great first post. Welcome and please stick around. And I agree, it's ironic that a lot of JW haters are MMFR worshippers.
  16. It's elitist to assume that just because some of us enjoyed the movie you didn't like = we were way easier to please and didn't ask much from our movies especially when I didn't give MMFR a full mark like many of you had. And FF7 was a motherfucker of dumb fun movies. , it probably felt less dumb to you because you had fun with it.
  17. So by my very very rough caculation, JW should pass 1.6b this weekend, right? Rexy makes it look easy.
  18. Wow.. these numbers are great... I'm so happy with JW numbers in Japan so far. I'm so surprised with Minions performance.. I though it'd be Inside Out who're making this kind of number.
  19. That's ok.. I thought your earlier thur estimates were too good to be true anyway.
  20. Have you seen the movie? I really enjoyed it, it's one of my favourite horror/paranormal movies.
  21. I don't know how to read the weekdays numbers during the obon week though I can tell that Minions has had the best hold of the three so far. Do these mon-wed numbers good for JW and IM5 compare to the previous years? I'm very curious about the WOM of both movies in Japan.
  22. Thanks. Too bad JW's going to miss 1b yen after coming so close. It would've reached 1b had it opened on Fri or Sat. So what kind of multi we can expect for JW and MI5 if their WOM are good? Over 6X?
  23. I'm so happy that MI5 has less than 50% drop. Probably?? More like definitely all things considered..
  24. I decided to skip F4... Never skipped a movie I'd planned to see because of bad reviews/ratings before but I have to draw the line somewhere. I'm very shallow when it comes to blockbuster movies, just give me an entertaining movie with great action and great visual and I'll be sold. This movie doesn't even have that.
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