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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. The abyss Everytime I see this on tv I sit down and watch it even I wasn't planning on watching tv I love it and its so happens to be the director's cut
  2. Thanks for info telemachos , I hate war , even though I won't pretend to be a goody two shoes pacifist either! Yeah I guess the situation was just messed up all around , I just felt like why did they sign up for the military , I wouldn't after seeing this film felt like they were left to be slaughtered in an unfair fight ! But on the other hand they were navy seals? Aren't they like the elite of the us army and trained to be as near as possible super soldiers , they held off as long as they could that's for sure Whatever fails I put on the military as an entity and organisation , the portrayal of individuals was well done and dear I say this movie is leagues better than that snorfest of "hurt locker"
  3. If a show is on my attention bubble list it really doesn't help when it has a hectic schedule where you never know if its a new episode or a rerun I'm behind by 3 episodes now and don't have the time to allocate to it in order to catch up , its just not a priority right now Its likely to go in my rainy day stash that's already crammed as it is Sorry marvel I tried ...
  4. Ok watched ep 4 and 5 this morning its getting better and better I find , I like the show and I think they have a good partnership , lots of good actors , really hope they give this a chance
  5. Well like I said in daily thread I'm mystified , perplexed, shocked , dumbfounded by what was shown in this film I couldn't help shaking my head at the seeming indifference of the military in this situation , it seemed like they were sipping margaritas while the shooting was going on , except for the other men in that group who came later on only to be crashed down ( why the hell didn't they jump out ! They were getting out anyway )granted I get they were frustrated with the lack of support , maybe should have waited for assistance coz they kinda came in like sitting ducks The army sent them in for an op and just abandoned them and then the apache pilot is like I see no movement ( no shit sherlock!) Oki doki back to base like after a minute buzzing around (my mouth dropped) basically my WTFs kept going crescendo as my disbelief There's also fact I saw captain phillips last night and in that 3 ships were sent after him and a navy seal team for one hostage in a lifeboat with 4 somalian pirates So to see this after I don't get it , then all the senseless shooting I have to say though they were troopers to take that many shots and falls and still have 90% of the wits about them ! Bravo...BTW hats off to the stunt guys they did a hell of a job The villagers who saved him I find had more balls than the us military and did more for him than they did for him and his team Where was the armada sent in to leave no man behind yada yadaAll that said they could have prevented this by keeping the hostages with them until they were sure they made contact and help was on its way before letting them go
  6. Well I don't know which feeling is more predominent in me after watching "lone survivor" Shock or dumbfoundness or a mixture of both I seriously don't know if its because of editing but it seems like the us army was sipping margarita while these guys were being hunted down and shot up 6 ways to heaven Off to RTM , perplexed too !
  7. I'm aware ! And I'm on my phone so not as easy to navigate ...And I wasn't that annoyed as I was watching the episodes and saw ep 4 also right after ! In such instances of a horror type suspense tv show it was ok to be spoiled , most people tend to die in this genre Indeed it was a rather dumb move of hers not to tell alan , hope she kept a copy of her work elsewhere but I doubt it ! One thing I reallly don't get it is all the secrecy when full disclosure would go leagues in forwarding any progressAll I can think in such instances is please if apocalyptic event such as outbreak , zombie or aliens happens don't let me be stuck with kids or stupid / irrational people
  8. Thanks for spoilers guys just watched the premiere and nearly done with ep 3 just saw military guy tell blond doctor to keep secret Its pretty scary I like mad scientist plot they're so focus on the discovery that the end justifies the means
  9. I'm just about quaking in my boots right now , just watched helix episode 01-02 premiere , been meaning to for past 3 weeks or so Pretty scary !
  10. Just finished "captain phillips" its awesome gosh the action was tense , tom hanks was great in it and so was the actor playing the pirateI like the portrayal of the attack because seriously seeing this on the news now and then I could never figure out how they did it then again never bothered really with logistics I for one am happy that you guys have finally changed your tune from flopzen incantations to LEGO at least I can get that I played with legos when I was young they were all the rage and more interesting/challenging than puzzles Ps: I got the THX 1138 reference , def obscure ...
  11. staying clear of any vampire discussion, you guys can be way mean to vampire lovers i saw an ad for a film named POMPEII with jon snow in it , have no idea what its about but hey i'm willing to give a try to his projects he's such a cutie!
  12. i hate when writers retract on their own creative decisions this is the way it organically happened leave them alone i love harry with ginny and ron and hermione and fact they're all one big happy wizard family ron and hermione mesh ok , she's bossy he's more easy going i'm sorry but i don't get harry hermione pairing , makes no sense to me ! they were best friends and that's that ...now that the novels are out of her hand and "property" of readers she wants to retcon go write another book and leave fans alone pfff its canon get over it ! trolling indeed!!!
  13. There's a wall?!!Latest episode was really good I hope they don't cancelled it , leave it at 13 episodes When I heard there's a wall I got flashback to judge dredd , a technological advance world and there's a wall? Whuuuuuut???They've just spike my interest a tenth-foldJust really enjoy john and dorian blossoming bromance That and karl urban's eyes are crazy green gorgeous , he's such a tough guy awww!
  14. It was easy fun! I laughed and enjoyed myselfI guess as a young 30smtg person its seems kinda far thinking about being that old but its nice to be able to say you have lifetime friends I'll give it an A-Didn't like the part of michael douglas falling for some las vegas singer after he proposed to his gf , Just seems out of character after presenting himself as a sophisticated guy ! I mean sometimes an older guy can truly be in love with a younger woman but I guess that wasn't the purpose here ! That said him and the singer do look more age appropriate ! Morgan freeman is flawless as usual loved his speech to his son in the club about still being alive and wanting to live and do stuff
  15. I liked this episode to quote castle in it "murder is the new black" something about murder and fashion just seem to mesh together! And we learn kate had a short live modeling career,I have to say the dress was very pretty and very her not sure if at her age and per personality if a white virginal dress would have been the best fit ! I love how happy they both are , they deserve it after so many years
  16. Yeah I don't think anyone saw that coming woah! Yeah for sure walter had a mysterious power but he was quite normal in SH world , and it sure seemed when they killed crane jr "its alive"doll the plot of his son had been dealt with ... Although I do remember at the time wondering if the kid was dead or buried alive but didn't take that too mean he'd still be alive 2 centuries later ! I was not a happy camper with abby staying in purgatory just so katrina could get out they acted like there was no other witch alive in 2013 which is laughable at best when there are sin-eaters, demons etc roaming around pfff And now she's playing house with her younger self and sister's in a doll house Clearly I'm no fan of crane's wife but ehhh ... Loved the captain storyline, and jenny mills also Ps: I read a tweet to the writers saying "you do realize there's no flat iron in purgatory to keep abby hair in check LMAO
  17. Loved HER so very happy it won , it is indeed the most original script of the year by far ! Amazing idea ...haven't seen captain philips so can't say
  18. I'm watching this right now and its ok quite lovely actually but a tad too long , there's still 30 minute to go feels like forever but I do agree its nice they take time to delve into different characters And yes they do feel like real people , I guess we rarely see films like this that go beyond the chase kiss and sunset romcom where real life rarely happens I did wonder about margot robbie , I was wondering where I knew her from as she's not as in your face sexy in this filmOf course always adorable bill nighy...A bit off point , I find it funny rachel mc adams plays the love interest/ wife of a time traveller twice! Is this why they picked her for the role ? Oh have No idea who the guy is who plays the lead but he sorta grew on me as film went on Awww that last scene with his dad is emotional I did love the scenery , something about the british coastline is gorgeous and very relaxing
  19. Loved nathan fillion appearance! Annie was deep in control freak modEAnd I was lol about the whole game of thrones spoof and imdb board !
  20. well i still haven't watched scandal dunno why , they're in such a long hiatus right now what with kerry pregnancy and shorter season i think i'll just wait it out and watch the entire thing in one go! last night and today i've been catching up on season 9 of bones , i guess after a lull with them where i was just bored by idea of watching it i've renewed my feel for it its a good show to watch if you're in the mood for something interesting enough but not time consuming , like continuity isnt paramount to following it , you can catch an episode randomly as plot is contained for the most part and you don't need to over analyze leave brennan do that , there's a murder , with a gruesome skeleton and basically its clue game to the end heard the news it was renewed for a 10th season that's longevity for you and you can count on never running out of ways to kill a person and dispose of their body plus i love that for some reason i'm always eating when i start watching this , breakfast lunch or dinner . fascinating (in my best spock voice) i caught up on community episodes , psych and sherlock also of this season might watch "real husbands of hollywood" season 2 this weekend as stress-relief , these type of shows serve one purpose putting your brains on pause because your logical mind is incapable of processing the inane compilations of scenes you're watching so it goes in sleep mode much like a computer
  21. last episode was so good , actually last two ! rebekah is so much fun even when she's lashing out to her beloved brother elijah , claire holt is really having fun with her character that's for sure ! i like her whole girl power thing , but alas she's always let down by men pfff i couldnt believe the convo she and marcel were having in that flashback so that's what they were referring too in that episode when klaus took over the rule of NO , i remember wondering what she had over him that would piss klaus off real good esp as now our one and only hybrid is in a particular good mood after a spin in TVD mystic fall i'm such a fan of klaroline that i got said episode of TVD just to see those scene and made a fan vid of their scenes together in WMP program that witch voodoo guy was creepy , its always worrysome when i see someone actually besting and kicking an original's arse when you know they're supposedly invincible , although last time i was ok with it as it was davina doing the besting say how do you feel about the baby? hmm i dunno i'm ok with it but at same time not really as its acting like a barrier to my fav couple hayley and elijah by the way if you don't like them its ok , i'm cool as long as everyone stays civil what do you think of marcel? its interesting since they look the same age i forget a lot klaus practically raised him and so he's like his son as for celeste wow that bomb really blew me away , chica has been walking around easy peasy and never told elijah she's alive ( not cool)
  22. I kinda slowed down on my awards film viewing , dunno I feel like after seeing 12yas I'm ok ! I'll try to catch up this weekend on a few ...I made a cousin watch 12 and she loved it said it was not cool I didn't warn her how brutal it was , all I told her was that its a film about slavery
  23. Les miserables , the thought crossed my mind I'd like to see it on tv and not 3hrs later it was playing , how fortunate!
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