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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. olympus has fallen 9.20pm MEGAPLEX 7 CINEMAS 20% full but its thursday night , cinema has slow attendance until weekend days i only saw oblivion trailer, which i still am not sure what's going on in it the film : i'll admit after seeing red dawn i was skeptic, but good reviews here is what decided me to go see this ... me in the beginning WHAT THE F....!!!! where's the police ? where's the air force , until it dawns on me pretty neat plan by the bad guys successive waves that didnt raise too much response , like two jets to stand down a bomber this film was gore , it might not have been a lot of us, but there was this group of people late 20s , and particularly one guy was having a ball watching this film ,reacting to everything! good film good action did decently with gerard butler's character! i have all the confidence in FOX that they're watching and will deliver the real version starring jack bauer! seriously i could not believe those secret services guys , what did they get their training at mcdonald ? and of course the mole pff gosh this film made me wanna rewatch 24 lol , the eery part was how the film was in synch with the news cycle right now regarding north korea well i sure hope in reality they'd have a better response time, took less than 15 mn to take down the white house, then again after 9/11 i'm ever the skeptic regarding america's capability to warn off an attack, i don't doubt them getting their shit together after the fact but the problem is with letting shit happen in the first place! i always wonder though as fellow asians, what do the actor playing north korean feel about their role?
  2. finale was great, one little thing made me happier than anything was andrea biting the dust, and i was kinda rooting for her until after milton was dying and he told her he had left a tool on the floor and she kept staring at him ...i was like geez why don't you offer him tea too while you're at it! is this the first zombie she's ever seen turning? she can't possibly be that ignorant , guv must have really done a number on her, if i were her i'd have been frantically trying to retrieve that tool and believe me it wouldnt have fell and even when she had the tool she kept watching him instead ....well i can tell you right there and then i was like i hope she dies , she deserves to die! and poor milton was trying so hard to stay alive even told her to hurry up , and she's oh no lets reminisce one last time pffff as for the governor assault what was that? i guess we need to thank merle for killling most of his trigger happy fellow psychopaths although clearly the two left aren't as blood-thirsty as their leader, they were scared shizz crayzay of him and by the way where oh were is he anyway, did he just drive off into the sunset? agree glenn and maggie should have done more damage to that group what with element of surprise! i really thought they had left the prison and left traps with grenades etc that would get those who didnt get out! as for carl, he sure told his dad! he probably thought he was going to scold his son and make him cry or apologize and carl was having none of it! i couldnt disagree with a thing he said to his father! sorry rick but your kid died a while back and killing his mother must have seal the deal! also that kid carl gunned down i didnt trust him either, he was way too slow at putting his gun down when all he had to do was drop it and kick it away instead he probably thought he could overtake carl and then kill the old man ! too bad for him carl wasnt playing if this /if that... i was pleasantly surprise seeing maggie's sister whose name i cant recall , killing zombies! i too wondered why not move to woodbury but i guess the prison is a good standing place with real gates so with all those people they can do 2 things immediately clear the yard, and other blocks of the jail and try and fix that wall or make it less of a liability oh and those same old people will die as fodder for zombies, on the plus side, herschill will have senior company what i find confusing is the numbers, pretty sure the guv said they were 90 something people or was it 75 and that's all they brought back , that contingent that went couldnt have been more than 20 people, maybe in the attack before they lost a few, then when rick and co attack the town that time michonne got the guv eyes hmmm maybe ....
  3. i envy everyone sitting in front of their tv watching HBO right now, i have to wait a couple more hours
  4. feast isnt bad, its just very tedious ,because you just wonder the whole time what's going with your fav characters who either get little to no exposure in it and you can't skip so in order to get there you have to cross here and some new characters aren't that bad on a 2nd reading and your ultimate reward is to join the throngs of fans twiddling their thumbs waiting for the next book , or wringing their hands/pulling their hair in agony at how long it might be until then marathoning season 2 right now ! what else to do until tonight plus its raining anyway
  5. oOO rightttt they were the other couple in knocked up, i've totally forgotten that movie, like it did not leave a lasting impression on me, not a fan of heigl or rogen hmmmm
  6. i'm watching this right now,and i'm an hour in , and i can't understand how this is slightly over 2hrs its kinda funny , and i guess pretty realistic but ehhh i find it scary 40! i love how surreal it is , the mom went to the club and enjoying herself to forget the news about her pregnancy, and the scene with the doctor when she finds out she's pregnant lol will edit in another 20mn... best line by the little girl "i hope i never get my period if this is what happens" also a good one was "i'm tired of everyone fighting all the time" something like that, so true , i hate that it is such a truth of life when living with family, everyone blaming each other for this or that ,why are families like that? gosh this movie was a little bit depressing, for a sec there i thought he was either going to get knocked over by a car or have a heart attack, but the door of a car was OUCH-worthy didnt like the ending, it felt fake and yet so in character if that makes sense, i get what someone meant by at end of film characters are in same place as they were in the beginning! Also agree this needed some serious editing, that party went on for way too long, the subplot about the store also couldnt have been shortened, that asian girl could have been edited out completely megan fox was ok in this, she's not so bad when she's not the focus of the film as a sexual object ( sure they show her off but that not all there is to her character)
  7. kids don't have the same taste as adults, even so kids don't own the exclusivity on the corner of "bad or questionable taste" which is really just someone's perception on another person tastes whatever...its kind of easy to pick on kids for their taste
  8. what's with the north korean attacking america meme in films i had a hard time not rolling my eyes watching red dawn , but ok now they're attacking the white house ooh this better be good, will check it out when it comes out here
  9. i hopeeeeeeeeee GRRM is writing right now with the speed of a thousand mythical horses i mean if he needs more assistants to keep track of everything so less research for him to do , i'd volunteer i've stayed away from watching all those clips fan made or real , i've only seen the first trailer i thought march would never end lolllll SUNDAY 31st CANT COME SOON ENOUGH i'm a house of stark fan, because winter is coming and well i've felt its shards team stark has been dealt a cruel hand by the author in these books, but i'm keeping hope alive , all our losses need to be vindicated in the end , game or no game!
  10. i was torned , i was going from glee yeahhh kill her she's too stupid for her own good , she deserves it for choosing a stranger easy on the eyes and his illusion over a friend tried and true who kept you alive for months, then hrschill again gave her chance to leave, carol told her what to do she chickened out then i'm like i kinda want her to live , like i want her to die but not by that psycho guv hands they really used the zombies well , i jumped and screamed quite a few times what's this about merle and michonne???? what an unliikely ship , but i do concur they have mad survivor skills
  11. this is playing at my cinema, read synopsis , LOL a zombie and a human....i think i'll wait until its on tv , french tv that is
  12. its a great film, somehow in my child like eyes it seems like an incredible drama oscar worthy ,i love how vague a memory of a film might be that you saw as a kid but what remains is a feeling an impression a colour, even a scent... like say when i watch a british period film , i remember how i loved and enjoyed my time in england, the scent of the air, the parks, the countryside
  13. they also did this in france lollll its a FLOP even though people tuned in out of curiosity first episode but after that it was a freefall
  14. perks easily, it actually moved me whereas i watched SLP with this expression the whole time i liked robert de niro and bradley cooper performances in it though but the film itself was ...i just didnt click with it...that's not something you can plan !
  15. he's had a great career seeing that list of films not including his box office franchises, i love the specialist, tango and cash, over the top and assasins
  16. daylight, but then there are so many like demolition man and judge dredd and cliffhanger! i shoulda picked demolition man , i'll always remember that movie for the arnold schwarzenegger quote being mayor or president , then a decade or so later it actually happened well he became an elected figure the governator ,lol
  17. i picked sixteen candles, co-2nd would be the breakfast club and she's having a baby! i remember thanks to this film wanting my 16th birthday to be great , lets just say it was equally as dismalling as hers turned out to be , a day to forget and alas no happy ending lol, the nerd in the film i cannot get over who he is today , he was like the quintessential nerd who make people squirm , like i believe even some nerds wouldnt want to associate with him plus there's john cusack in the film, he's so cute(another cursed with the baby face syndrome,he got tall and old but his face hasnt changed) and the exchange student was hilarious! i love how her family seemed so different from her and yet they felt real as a unit!
  18. what can be said some films shouldnt have passed that mark the only reason they did is johnny depp
  19. eh i feel like its been ages since i went to the cinema last time was when i saw les miserables and a haunted house... so les miserables a haunted house jack reacher the hobbit flight might go see OZ , i wanted to go see DH5 but only if a friend went with me (she likes action films like this) and she's been super busy , i don't mind coz its the kinda film i don't care if i see it on the big screen or on dvd in 4 months more or less
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