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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. well as long as star trek doesnt suffer from this !!!! bad robot has a good team so i guess we'll see! wonder what lucas thinks..
  2. i'm not sure she likes bollywood but 5pm showing of miserables ends at 8.30 so we should have near an hour to decide what to watch!
  3. hallelujahhhhhh , my theatre put up "les miserables" on a screen out of the blue! i am beyond relieved i was about to watch it on my laptop, saved in the nick of time ! I WILL SEE IT ON A BIG SCREEN AFTERALL i'm coming hugh jackman! so my friend doesnt want to see les miserables , she's not in mood ,and would prefer something more fun , what would you recommend between ganster squad, arnold film, random bollywood movie, parental guidance and hansel/gretel?
  4. and now they're trying to do the same with daniel grayson , this latest episode finally put together two plot lines that seemingly had nothing in common nolan program and the new company initiative wants daniel to acquire
  5. finally gave in and saw this movie in an unconventional format as i probably will all oscar nominees coz i live in a wasteland in the middle of nowhere....anyway i gave it a Bthis is an unconventional rom -com if that's what people are calling it, maybe the ending , i did not connect with the characters, but it made me think about what makes people label this or that behaviour crazy? bradley cooper was really good in this acting wise ,he scared me , i don't think i could cope with being around someone who goes off like that , it must be exhausting and emotionally draining...and yet somehow he connects with another person who's got her own issues( by the way i know what's bothering me about j.lawrence i don't like that color hair on her, she looks better as a blonde) at times i wasnt sure i believed her reactions as they seemed over the top but not enough to take me out of the film i'll admit though with 40 mn left i started getting restless , wanting to go play games on facebook as i listened to the film but i stuck with it and at the end it did get an AWWW from me scene in street where he gives her his letter, by the way i knew all along she never gave anything to his ex wife, the way she acted while he read it, she seemed to pay way too much attention to how he was taking every line,trying to tell how he felt about his ex-wife and hopes of rekindling their couple, clearly she was playing it safe keeping her cards closse to her chest and came up with this dance thing to get to spend time with him without him suspectingi really liked robert de niro performance, if anything i'd say i can agree with the acting noms but the film itself mehhh and this is the same guy that did "the fighter" that film had way more dept and drama and tighter directing, could be difference in approach between filming a comedy and a drama?that scene at football stadium , i felt like i've seen it before somewhere else, same depiction it wasnt one of the stronger scenes in the film, in a movie talking about mental ilness , it brought such a contrast between cooper who's supposedly the cuckoo one and these NFL hooligans( what was that about?brawl for sake of brawl and consequence of airheads mix with too much alcohol) it left a bad taste in my mouth, clearly not everyone behaves like that which is a reliefin the end what i take from this film is your mental ilness is only a part of you and you can still fall in love and have a relationship , love is universal and if you have someone to love and a family that support you even when you're a pain in the ass to them then you're more the stronger for it and its a little easier to cohabitate with your crazy side and help you to live better with them is it best film of the year ? NO , up there with the best certainly it can def argue its way to an A- but its first oscar nominee i've seen so wait and see firstnow on to see her competition lol
  6. yes i am and very proud of our loulou national jean dujardin i'm stumped berlin wall in the us? can i have another clue for 200$
  7. ok i found one "oh yeah the cougars will eat him up"
  8. wild guess because i haven't seen it yet but ... taken 2?
  9. actually someone on a fringe forum said that indeed it was olivia , because remember at one point she started moving small objects on a desk back in another season, so it would stand to reason in order to move a car (matter) with that speed she'd need to sipher all the energy of the town and that had they been inside a building he'd be fried barbecue instead! i think he was teleporting but some bit of him got crush as he was phasing out so maybe half of him made it somewhere else or not! basically he got squash like a bug , which is ironic as he considered humans to be insignificant like an insect!maybe the writers will clear that up for us, but that explanation makes sense to me!
  10. finally mustered up the courage to watch it 2 hrs ago....so much too much needs rewatching asapso many nods to this or that fringe event, it felt like the entire series subliminally weave into the finale....i'll admit i cried , gahh they were hitting all the right notes, at heart this show was always about our humanity, our emotions and walter (would someone pleasee give him an emmy already) that scene with peter but then september says no need but i never felt like he was safe , i had a deep conviction that walter was right and that's what he was suppose to do!may i just say that september to me has to be the most improved character on the show !! what a journey of discovery and awareness he's been on , amazing, i fell bad for him but he did what he had to to protect his child and the future!the entire time i kept thinking peter was going to fade away , darn preview and olivia would have to raise her kid alone, dunno why...all in all i prefer knowing that walter is alive in the future than dead! that's not so bad even if they never get to see each other againyeah we saw gene, heck he made me cried too , just the flood of memories that kept surfacing every scene or so....gene too was along for this crazy ride!i think walter told peter he'd send him something if their plan succeeded, that's why peter seems aware at the end!i'm so watching this tomorrow again, gotta get some sleep now! i'm happy!i wonder what the future looks like now with an evolved humanity based on michael and not cold snake observers, would have love to see what the commander felt and if he had time to notice that 0.111111111 % was enough and that indeed the resistance plan was not insignificant, showing even the smallest detail we cast aside has its importance!
  11. ughhhh ...worse i'll have to wait till wee morning to see it online ...this is for you fringe you'll be sorely missed
  12. I'm gonna die of sadness once this is over!!!! or it will feel like it...i'm not ready for it to be the last friday i'll ever see fringe!fringe was there for me when lost and battlestar galactica were ending....it seems there's nothing there to help me transition this time round; life suck for a scifi fan,no relief in sight
  13. def worth it and absolutely unique! esp if you're a pop-culture/tv/film geek...0o0OOOO
  14. i'm so disappointed in lifetime right now, won't be watching them againthey cancelled a perfectly good show with good ratings per their standard "drop dead diva" after a season 4 finale full of cliffhangersi won't forget this anyttime soon!also heard syfy cancelled alphas , haven't watch syfy since they cancelled caprica, those pricks in a suit who don't know good scifi , hard to believe there was a time scifi meant something on that channel pfffff
  15. it was ok but i don't think i'll be watching and it probably will get cancelled, the 80s on tv so last century...plus as a SATC fan they've changed too mant things , and agree they should have started when she's about to move to new york , here it seems like we'd get 3yrs of high school plus i don't remember carrie having a sister or her dad, said dad abandonned her and her issues with men stem from her daddy issues, carrie is at least 33 when SATC starts so they had ample space to tell story of young woman reaching in new city introduced the other girlsi like the actress though ,she made me cry in bridge to terabitha, was totally blindsided by end!
  16. if they're inspired it shouldnt take long, if not it will die a quick death
  17. twilight is chugging along nicely wonder where it will finish, dont see it making another 10M clearly the fact eclipse came out in summer helped it reach 300M domestic
  18. i probably don't feel the same because i haven't had cable in yrs so i don't see the media blitz actors go through during awards season, i haven't seen any interviews with her , i'd have to go out of my way to do so ,and she's not on my short list of actors i stalk virtually or look up regularly, last time i saw her was in "TDKR" and before that when she hosted the oscars ? heck i didnt even know she was married until recently ...so yeah in her case i know the actress more than the person and anyway she hit the jackpot in my goodwill with her role as princess mia in princess diaries i watched those films a lot and she's done nothing since to change that opinion !
  19. i'm so happy the hobbit is doing well overseas, american market seems to snuff its nose at many films , glad some overseas market are getting to be just as important as the domestic one
  20. so that's what you took from the twilight films hmmmmfunny how that thought never crossed my mind! to each their own i guess i can't think of a film right now, but i'll try!
  21. i feel your pain, i'm in same boat, i'm lucky if a film stays 3 weeks here! only big blockbusters stay over 4 weekends and by said 4th weekend its on smallest screen with 2/3 screeningsbuses here run till 7pm so unless my friend who goes to cinema with me sometimes is available (she has a car) then i'm screwed if i haven't had chance to see a film on weekends, because there are afternoon showigs only on weekend otherwise its a 6/7pm or 8/9pm showing and agree you guys cinemas look super fancy!
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