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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. i picked her singing i dreamed a dream , only my pick is serious i'd love for her to sing even just a little verse so people can see she does deserve this and can sing it truly live!
  2. very good for argo! come on hobbit you should easily pass skyfall its nice to see that nearly all oscar nominees are doing well boxoffice wise!
  3. TNG without a doubt followed by ENTERPRISE they're the only ones i've seen , i love enterprise because its the only one i saw live somewhat i heard they were going to make it and caught some reruns during breaks and finally watched it all within a year of its cancellation and now trekkers and trekkies , i've finally decided to watch TOS even if it looks crazy cheesy ,still i can totally see how cool it would look to kids and people at the time it came out, so i saw the pilot episode (well 5mn only) with some other dude as the captain and he was lame looked like he didnt know what to do or say didnt seemed captain-ish enough,no wonder he got the boot and they refilmed the pilot lolllll enter william shatner , and he knocks it out of the park from the beginning there's a captain who's sure of himself and has the swag totally believable and his line delivery flawless , and zulu scotty and spock all there but i haven't seen bones yet, its uncanny how the 2009 cast looks like them i keep hearing good things about DS9 and fishnets is always a good barometer for judging things, if it elicited that kind of response in her and her cat ,,it might be worth a look
  4. i put gryffindor, that's the house we really know , but i am partial to ravenclaw! i feel like gryffindor is a free for all buffet whereas the others are more specific, more selective....
  5. i saw that today, that is such nasty streak of hers, which i got the year when the king speech won over social network , i was raw and wasnt expecting that kind of answer "if you don't like it gtfo " its my party and i'll cry if i want to i'm not saying argo is the best film of the year but from the few i've seen its the one i've enjoyed the best and at very least a deserving one as the others are , for sure there's a bit of sympathy vote because of oscar director snub but i highly doubt you can give that the only credit as to why the film is winning awards, until it became a serious threat it was enjoying a good run with critics and general public and everyone was saying good things about it,now its how dare he? how dare it? how dare they like it more than lincoln? i wasnt even rooting for it more than necessary until she started putting affleck and his film down, then i felt like championing it which isnt really hard to do when you actually do like it! in my dreams i hope the envellope says and the winner is LES MISERABLES but realistically i'll be more than ok with ARGO HELL YEAH!!! i really have to watch django and life of pi soon ,see if best pic order changes....
  6. i feel so bad for enjoying the implosion over at AD , gahh its a beautiful thing i've had so many films i thought should have won everything over the years but i've never gotten that beat up over them not winning or berate other films to that degree so yeah loving the meltdown over there its well deserved! (my opinion of course lol) the best part is how they rarely ever follow their own mantra of trick is not caring yet they still manage to be upset and surprise and hurt every year at the end of the day spielberg will get his third oscar and so will DDL (even though i prefer phoenix) so its not like their precious masterpiece won't go home empty handed
  7. not happening not after the artist lovefest train which i happily tagged along on....this year i see the academy going all "made in america" vibe and what's more american than ben affleck writer/actor/director or steven spielberg for director?
  8. i just wanted to say go argo cry your heart out to a certain person who's been condescending over argo and its director over at a certain blog....but i didnt and kept to congratulating ben affleck and his team! it makes me sad even more now that affleck didnt get in for BD because just maybe he would have won best pic and best director! but oh well guess we'll have to do with best picture oscar still think les miserables should win , but i guess anne will have to do for us mis' fans!
  9. don't know and don't care but very grateful ! you know how infuriating it is to like to follow award season and not be able to see any of the film because they're not the usual fare of your one lone theatre moviegoers who seeminlgy prefer comedies/ actions and throw in random drama like a bone for the rare older crowd! i had nearly given in until last minute they added les miserables and so i went to see it on the big screen but i was getting antsy as more guilds are given out their prizes , come award season i'd pay to see the movies but if i'm not even given the choice ,what am i suppose to do? it sucks to be sidelines from convo just because of where you live!
  10. red tails? the movie wasnt exactly thrilling stuff, flight was better and i haven't seen the others you mentionned! i like taraji p henson in "think like a man" but haven' t seen kerry washington in django yet i'd love to see tom hanks tackled blacks in world war II with the same production value he brought to band of brothers and the pacific
  11. just watched first two episodes, huhhh its a bit in your face/matter of fact which is refreshing but a bit shocking, maybe i'm more used to seeing these kind of stories in a drama setting, that scene at abortion clinic would have gone down differently , so yeah the whole comedic approach is a bit unsettling but i do agree its funny ! might take a bit of getting use to ! its so rare to have the main character not be the top model type, i like that!
  12. watch all the nominees and hopefuls (that didnt make the cut) of last year oscar ceremony! i'm nearly done, and hopefully i'll see all the nominees from this "year" this year! i still have: a dangerous life, beginnings,a better life ,carnage,margin call, war horse, the rum diary, j edgar, martha macy may marlene, my week with marylin,pariah ,iron lady,tree of life , we need to talk about kevin will add if i think of something else
  13. 2 films a month on average, some months 0! rarely 3 films a month but it does happen sometimes if there are films i want to see! popcorn and drink expensive: xlarge pepsi is 3.25 large popcorn same and ticket 7.25$ sooo that puts you back about 15$ plus usually i take the bus 5$ roundtrip so yeah per movie i spent 20$ , sometimes i take a small popcorn/drink to save $
  14. this oscar is anne's hands down, ever since i saw miserables sunday i can't get that song out of my head and i get all pensive hen it pops up suddenly in my mind! now there's a performance that stays with you!
  15. lol that pic has a weird angle of their noses, yet in real life naomi looks more normal than nicole's wax statue!
  16. i've just about had it reading articles/blog entries over at awards daily, the vitriol over there is incredibly concentrated! especially now that argo has won a couple of big prizes this past weekend at DGA and SAG argo is my 2nd fave to win after LES MISERABLES, lincoln 3rd , on a cerebral level lincoln has all my praise but in all honesty argo is so much more alive ! i've seen historical movies that were more moving than this maybe not as well written say "king speech" another film much scorned at over there! if i had a choice i'd give best pic to les miserables it made me cry , argo had me on edge, the only other time i've felt like that is when i watched a rafael nadal match against djokovic or federer and you can't eat ,drink or move the entire time! so yeah to me that qualifies argo as a good best pic anyway decided to stay away from there until oscar night if i'm brave enough to go back! personally i loved ben speech when argo won best ensemble at sag ! it was real...
  17. now i love historical movies and i did give lincoln an A because truth be told you cannot deny quality acting and storytelling but gahhh this has to be the driest A- i've ever given! last night i tried watching it but i was too tired and within 5mn you realize this movie requires extreme concentration , this is high brow dialogue that is very well done esp if you like history like i do ! maybe what some of you call restrain by john williams did not help , there was an evenness to the tone , like one long speech with exception to scenes in congress that were lively! i wanted to like this film and i do to a certain degree but i can't embrace it with enthusiasm because it made me sleepy, when i want to sleep i listen to norah jones "come away with me" cd , i love all the songs on it, but her voice is so soothing and so relaxing that it induces a sleepy state and you drift away without noticing, this is what lincoln felt like ... which is so weird because i love love "john adams" mini-series and i watched that in one day back to back ...and cannot remember feeling anything but enthusiasm for it! it certainly will improve with multiple viewings, maybe its me and not so much the movie! the one thing i hated was sally field performance she was beyond annoying, and baumer even i who understood what she was saying to tommy lee jones character at the reception was WTF'ing too because that whole dialogue seemed out of place and inappropriate but that could be due to her emotional distress condition? batman junior was forgettable, came off as a petulant child! tommy lee jones , james spader, david strathairn were all very good in it, i too was looking at faces trying to recall who were under the beards, i was surprise to see the actor from boardwalk empire , who paused so long before voting i wondered if the image was stuck then he belts out a yeahhhh lol DDL was lincoln i agree , i had to look hard to find him in there even in the expression of the eyes but i cant tell if he's the most deserving as i've yet to see joaquin phoenix in the master who i think is the only viable competition he has, but if he wins once again it cannot be disputed that he is a fine consumate character actor! the amendment was as good as any anchor they could have chosen to build the movie around, perhaps what annoying is how uninvolved any blacks were in such a monumental decision concerned them to the utmost ,i found lincoln summed it up well in how he answered his wife maid?/companion? on the entrance porch of white house he doesnt know her or any of them but that has nothing to do with his moral compass of what's right and fair! and to a degree many other congressmen i'm not sure many cared anything for the black people plight except as a mean to resolve the war! then again who cares why they voted yes as long as they voted yes? i guess you can say that you learn alot about the man himself,and the way his mind worked!
  18. very funny spoof on space-travel shows, namely star trek and the fan conventions circuit! its a fan fantasy, if you're a scifi geek and found out your show was real wouldnt you help them if they ask you to? that's one of the reason star trek IV :the voyage home is my fav original crew star trek film plus they come to save the whales and a marine biologist gets to hop on the enterprise back to the future ,lucky her! galaxy quest also has a great cast in sigourney weaver,alan rickman and tim allen, i bought the dvd after seeing the film on tv ...
  19. i will edit by end of week with a score , for now typing this list is a bore! best picture: 1-argo 2-les miserables 3-django unchained 4-lincoln 5-silver linings playbook (sorry that's all ive seen so far) best actor : (have not seen the master yet) 1-joaquin phoenix 2-hugh jackman 3-daniel day lewis 4-denzel washington 5-bradley cooper best director : (have not seen LoP,Am or Beast) 1-steven spielberg 2-ang lee 3-david o russel 4-michael haneke 5-benh zeitlin best actress:(i've only seen jlaw film so far) naomi watts jessica chastain jennifer lawrence q wallis emmanuelle riva best supporting actor:(i've not seen the master) 2-robert de niro 3-alan arkin 1-tommy lee jones 4-christopher waltz 5-phillip seymour hoffman best supporting actress:( have not seen the master or the sessions) 1-anne hatthaway 2-jackie weaver 5-sally field 4-helen hunt 3-amy adams best original screenplay:(i have only seen django and flight) 1-django unchained 2-flight 3-amour 4-moonrise kingdom 5-zero dark thirty best adapted screenplay:(have not seen life of pi or beasts) 1-Argo 2-lincoln 3-SLP 4-life of pi 5-beasts best animated feature: i've only seen hotel transylvania which i loved and its not even nominated so choice would be tim burton 1-frankenwinnie 2-wreck it ralph 3-brave 4-paranorman 5-pirates to be continued.... this is annoying me...but i added at least 3 more categories will try again when i see life of pi and the master
  20. downton season three is such a heartbreaker , i was inadvertently spoiled about the ending and i haven't watched it since , stopped at episode 4 but i'll watch the rest eventually i guess once i digest the news
  21. absolutely great movie with very solid acting all around... i give it an A+ i'm just glad its over, i couldnt take it anymore the suspense was killing me, from the get go the action has you on the edge of your seat biting your fingers, i could hear my heart thumping fast and i was literally trembling the whole time! i had to pause the film twice and go for a walk around the house when the situation felt like it was going to blow up in their faces, i went on wikipedia to check out the story of the hostage crisis , then near the end during my second pause i checked out a map of iran ! i don't know how they did it but if i were in the shoes of those people i'd have fainted after peeing myself due to hysteria! on a more serious note sometimes when you mesh two ideas together they don't gel and crumble faster than a souffle say "cowboys and aliens" but this movie industry/hollywood and a political international crisis made for a great combo,it gaves the film a great buzz with the based on a real story may i just say now more than ever ben affleck was robbed at the oscars for best director, before i was just basing that on his previous efforts esp "the town" which i liked and thought was really well done ! i could live with this movie winning best picture even if my personal pick is "les miserables"
  22. so far i've seen silver linings and les miserables my heart is with les miserables ! congrats on argo , clooney and affleck a charming duo!
  23. i finally saw it todayyyyy i give it a resounding what will all the negative things i've read about it, fishnets comments ,critics secretly i had doubts even though as i've said i know this book and film adaptations through and through the one thing i didnt like was samantha barks singing (i'm not saying she sang bad ) she has a very pop voice! whereas others sounded cohesive, not helped by fact i don't like eponine character ,she's really not nice when you read her the thenardiers were sooo funny, everyone was laughing, their comedic timing was perfect i too will make special mention of both kid actors performances , awesome! gavroche just own his scenes and here's another thing i'm no musical purist who gets to see shows on broadway or off it; on this rock there aint much i get to see lol BUT i didnt feel like russel crowe was that bad, i think people criticizing him must have seen same performance on stage and maybe in comparison it doesnt hold up i love hugh jackman and i was amazed at his transformation for this role, he really sold me on life had battered him real bad as much as he tried time and time to be a good person if not for his past dogged pursuit in the form of javert, i cried at the end because i didnt want him to die , that whole scene was just too emotional, plus it was coming off of eddy redmayne performance of " empty chairs ..."where i was already choking up MEGA MEGA KUDOS TO ANNE HATTHAWAY that girl made me bawl my eyes out from the moment she cuts her hair to end of her "i dreamed a dream" so much emotion packed into a song, a memorable turn ( song keeps popping up in my head even now) OSCAR IS YOURS young lady, she's only in the movie for 20mn until brief appearance at the end but man she earned her buck worth for every frame she's on! i remember she was up for role in the phantom of opera but emmy rossum got it and i thought mehh then i heard her belt a few notes at the oscars when she did a stint with hugh jackman and thought hmmm ok ok she's got something and was very happy she was cast in this and it paid off now fishnets i haven't forgotten you, about those close-ups, what was the matter with them ? i thought they were perfect, in sense that approach tom hooper went for i totally bought it, it gives a very intimate feel to the scene like its only you and the characters, very minimalist , the decor wasn't over the top, i loved the cinematography, there was a very stark nakedness that added realism to the grime of poverty and desolation the characters on hard times go through , i even appreciated that their teeth didnt have the actors hollywood polish (that can be so jarring when you have to wonder who's their dentist in 19th century france puhhlease) i felt nothing you warned me about, go figure! i'm so watching this again and again....but at home (sorry about that but after my experience at the theatre today again !) i'll write my crowd report tomorrow you guys will not believe this , my theatre does not inspire me confidence i give this an A but only because there's not option AAA!
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