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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. The problem with streaming services throwing money at prestige projects for long-term cred is… they’re really shit at it. I absolutely do not associate any of them with venues for quality original feature films, and I would never subscribe to them on that basis. Does anyone? If that’s part of the strategy, I’d say they’re failing miserably. (This is a totally different conversation to the one where I’m very happy Scorsese gets a blank check to make whatever he wants. I don’t care about this movie’s success, but the idea that these massive streaming companies coming to the rescue of great cinema is, as it currently stands, patently horseshit.)
  2. Caring about box office at all is really silly, but if you do then discussing it in relation to budget (ie. studio expectation) seems fair game to me. And yeah, creative accounting exists and we never really know how much these things cost but, as with the rest of it, that’s all part of the fun.
  3. I mean, this is a box office forum. It’s all nonsense and meaningless to our lives but it’s not entirely unrelated.
  4. Why are people constantly acting like this thread is some kind of unique dumpster fire when it’s really rather tame and civil?
  5. I’m happy Scorsese is being given blank checks but I genuinely don’t understand why streaming services make these kind of movie investments. There is zero chance they’re getting their money back in corresponding subscriptions, and the prestige factor is minimal at best. But then so much about the logic of the streaming money pit eludes me.
  6. Short is good. I’ve no idea how anyone could look at all the SH films we’ve gotten over the last 20 years and think “damn, I wish this were 140 minutes!”
  7. The mcu really did kill action-comedy, didn’t it? It’s now really weird seeing one that’s not content fodder for Netflix.
  8. I can’t say why exactly, but marvel fans rebutting Scorsese always reminds me of that scene on Curb where an ex Survivor contestant argues with a holocaust survivor about how tough he had it on the show.
  9. stranger things is a hot mess and is absolutely not a touchstone for that kind of dynamic
  10. We’d all love to see it but I think the almost total lack of competition alone makes that impossible
  11. When I saw the poster I guessed that the lead actor was English and a quick wiki check proved me right. Not sure why, just a certain posh theatre kid look.
  12. I’d be sincerely impressed if the budget was 130. It obviously isn’t, but talk about a step in the right direction.
  13. Can’t say I’m sorry superhero movies are having a shit time of it at the moment. Hope it continues with this and Marvels. Take a hint, Hollywood.
  14. Met up with a crotchety uncle who mentioned seeing this. I had to laugh when he said he actually got up to complain to the theater manager half an hour in because he couldn’t hear any of the dialogue. “There’s nothing we can do,” the manager apparently said, “that’s how it came to us.”
  15. Paul Mescal is shockingly good at picking post-breakout projects. I wonder if that will hold true of Gladiator 2.
  16. I was gonna say... good luck trying to out-extreme the last third of that movie.
  17. The actors in this must be so happy they don’t have to do promo. I can’t imagine how boring it is giving that many interviews on a superhero movie.
  18. It’s amazing how much discourse these live action remakes generate when they’re always shit. There has never been a good one, and yet they’re still so talked about.
  19. Spain the better team but sad they’ve copied the diving tactics of their male counterparts. An absolute plague on the sport that fifa just ignores.
  20. Still haven’t watched NWH. I’m sure it’s fine but I just can’t be bothered for a 2.5 hour SNL sketch.
  21. I subscribe to the school of thought that says there are no movie stars anymore. This is akin to Robbie starting a SH smash and then her next few films doing just ok. And that’s fine. It’s the new reality of Hollywood. People want characters and concepts more than stars.
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