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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. It's a film you'll have seen parodied a million times even if you didn't know it. Ditto for a lot of other Kubrick movies.
  2. Good for FvF, happy Mangold has another hit on his hands. Bale continues to play his post-Batman career well too.
  3. Seen posters for this bragging that it's 'produced by the visionary director of Black Panther,' which is surely stretching the 'from the' marketing gimmick to breaking point.
  4. How long before they reboot this franchise again, then? Seriously, you wouldn't put it past them...
  5. "She works in a year-round Christmas store, wearing an elf costume and hawking tacky ornaments for the boss (Michelle Yeoh) she knows only as "Santa."" If such a store exists in London, I've yet to see it.
  6. The only thing Top Gun 2 has going for it is its director. There is zero nostalgia value for the first film.
  7. Dang. I know 900m+ was a given quite a while ago but seeing it pass the last Spider Man puts it into perspective.
  8. More than that: none of them are relentless misery-fests with hateful protagonists who find no redemption.
  9. Its current 60% can probably count as a win after the last two films. At any rate no-one can feign surprise after the good-but-not-great early reactions.
  10. Reactions slightly better than what I expected, but only slightly. I love Arnold but I don't think anyone can still justify his presence in these movies.
  11. [Shrugs] I'm only vaguely following this film and genuinely had no idea. Not my fault the marketing's being coy about it, and I'm sure it'll come as a surprise to a lot of viewers too.
  12. Don't worry, Futurist knows this. Calling out imaginary edgelords is just a bizarre obsession he's had since Logan.
  13. Someone daring to mention an R-rating = Futurist's bat-signal.
  14. Wait, this is actually R-rated? Marketing should have made a much bigger deal out of that.
  15. Nah - it's a totally reasonable, albeit arguable, take. A 55m, 2 hour action-free misery-fest getting a billion would be more shocking than anything else that's happened this year so far. (Honestly not trying to start a flame-war here, I have zero riding on the Maverl vs DC nonsense. But at this point it's not enough to say 'well duh, it's the Joker'.)
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