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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I'm sure she's fine in the movie, but I'm relieved Gaga didn't win. She'd have been fucking unbearable with a Best Actress oscar thrown into the mix of her celebrity.
  2. So Bohemian Rhapsody won Best Editing, despite there actually being memes about how bad its editing is.
  3. No idea if that's any good for such a small film but it's clearly a passion project for the rock so I guess it doesn't really matter.
  4. It feels like they took a Family Guy cutaway ("this is worse than the time Will Smith granted me three wishes!") and made a movie out of it. Still, a lot of people on my Twitter are talking about it so... job done?
  5. Really unimpressive trailer, but I didn't realise Keaton was in this. That's cool.
  6. Does this thread hold the record for length of time between its creation and the movie's release? 9 years must be up there...
  7. I admit, I lol'd when Why Can't We Be Friends started playing. Looks like they finally got rid of all the dead wood from the other films and have distilled the franchise down to its purest essence.
  8. A good movie that's frustratingly close to being great. The Bush years are easily the most engaging (if slightly rushed) part, which helps because you get the best stuff last. It admits from the get-go it basically has nothing to work with as far as intimate details of Cheney's life go, so it wisely goes the full-on operatic route. Indeed the music's so high in the mix you sometimes can't even hear what the actors are saying (or maybe I'm just getting old). Given this, it seems odd the movie decides to give Cheney no motivation whatsoever. There's a neat joke about him 'choosing' to be a Republican because he finds Rumsfeld funny, but after that he's just driven by... power, I guess? It's a question the movie doesn't even try to answer, which feels like a waste of artistic license. If McKay's been asked about this in interviews I'd be keen to hear his response. PS: the fake credits scene midway through made my cinema laugh hard. It was both a funny and, in retrospect, a bloody tragic 'what could have been' moment.
  9. Just watched Vice. I was somewhat ready to dismiss Bale's performance as all make-up, but he is actually pretty good - insofar as anyone can get a handle on one of the most inscrutable politicians ever. In what's just an okay set of noms he earned his place.
  10. "I never said thank you." "And you'll never have to." In just two simple sentences, decades of the the Batman-Gordon dynamic is crystallized. That's understated yet powerful dialogue I'd put up against any SW scene.
  11. This is the same studio that's still churning out Men In Black movies. Trailblazing originality is not its MO right now.
  12. When I think of the McConaissance, True Detective is the top of the list. It feels like a long time ago now. But for the few months during and straight after that show he was the coolest guy on the planet. 
  13. Good trailer. Having a basic "everyone's out to get John" setup is a lot more appealing to me than the half-assed attempt at lore that dampened the second film. Looks great too, I'm a sucker for rainy cities.
  14. I wish we got admissions for every movie, every week. Far more interesting, and would put the current records-mania into some much needed perspective.
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