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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I don't mind Cavil but unless they're going to be really liberal with the makeup they're casting a noticeably younger Geralt than I was expecting. Either way it's going to have to be bloody good to live up to the expectations set by the last game.
  2. So it's an effective melodrama. Safe to say I'll never watch this, but fair play to Cooper - it could have been embarrassingly awful and it's apparently not. ETA: now watch it do well at the Oscars only for everyone to hate it soon afterwards (hi La La Land!).
  3. Dude, I know it's hard to believe, but indie films did very well from good reviews and WOM before the invention of the internet. You're giving the site waaaayyyy too much credit there.
  4. ETA: but yes, does RT really have much use to anyone anymore beyond being ammo for franchise wars? As one writer astutely noted, "RT doesn't tell you how good a film is, just how accessible it is."
  5. Outrageous. I propose this forum boycotts all mention of SW and MCU movies forever.
  6. Gonna be weird hearing Bale with his actual accent. But Mangold movies are always worth a look, and the American angle should ensure it does a bit better than Rush.
  7. Forget being too old, Elba's too famous for Bond at this point. The actors should be up and comers before taking the part, not already huge A-listers. I do think that PR pretty much dictates they have to get a non-white actor to play it next time, though.
  8. She hasn't had an unqualified hit solo album for ten years, so I don't think it's too off the mark to say that. As far as her music goes she's basically a legacy act at this point, which no doubt partly informed her decision to branch out into stuff like this.
  9. Yes, it did. It almost certainly isn't going to be one of the top 5 films released this year, but sometimes you just have to acknowledge a film for posterity's sake.
  10. Awful idea. Apart from the fact that most SH movies really, really don't deserve Best Picture noms no matter how much their fans love them, it lets the Academy off the hook from just having the guts to consider genuinely great blockbusters as worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with indies. Even allowing more than 5 noms was a capitulation, but this is just nuts.
  11. Unpopular opinion: I've only seen the first Guardians but it didn't strike me as the kind of property that depended on an irreplaceable auteur writer/director. Like, fair enough, the source material is probably way more out there and Gunn did well to reign it in and place it comfortably in the MCU wheelhouse, but if someone new does step in I don't think it'd be terribly hard for them to just run with what's already been established.
  12. Fury Road's great but any movie that's called one of the best of its genre will invariably get its naysayers.
  13. This site in a nutshell: people arguing about a movie acronym you can't even decipher. ETA: oh wait, I just got it.
  14. As others have mentioned, the movie has no 'signature' action scene. I suppose it was meant to be the skydive, since it was featured in posters, but it doesn't feel like it when the scene plays out.
  15. The Paris and London scenes were a lot of fun. The helicopter finale went on waaaay too fucking long for its own good, they needed to shave at least 5 minutes off that. Incidentally, is the next film already confirmed or am I just imagining that?
  16. Liked it quite a bit. A slow start but the second half is as full-on as you'd hope. 'One of the best action films ever' is seriously pushing it though - just go in expecting another solid M:I entry.
  17. This will likely be the only blockbuster I watch at the cinema this summer. Looks like the franchise has hit an absolute sweet spot.
  18. Haven't read the tweets so can't comment on this case, but in the next 20 years or so this is going to be very, very common. A lot of people were writing shit online in the naughties without thinking of the consequences.
  19. The last one's performance must be one of my bigger crow-eating moments. I thought the marketing was relying on non-existent nostalgia for the first but in the end none of that mattered. It was just the perfect all-ages vehicle for the Rock.
  20. Regardless of the movie's quality, or lack thereof, it's been a strangely boring one to follow on this forum - as the meager size of this thread perhaps attests. No real elation or meltdowns.
  21. What's the record OW drop from one mega-opener to its sequel? JW2 will surely approach it, depending on your definition of 'mega-opener'?
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