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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. A 'simple, self-contained horror movie'? That's all I really wanted at this point. Glad to hear Scott didn't drop the ball.
  2. It actually was made into a ground-breaking point and click video game back in '97. But anyway, fuck the crowd. This is clearly a passion project for all involved, and looks pretty damn good so far.
  3. Surprised the the budget's that low. While I normally welcome Hollywood reigning it in I thought this was meant to be one of the great unmade projects that would have everything thrown at it. Instead it really does look like it cost just 60m.
  4. If you hate the idea of Nolan directing the next Bond movie, look away now: https://twitter.com/Bond25Film/status/859799064606593026
  5. Nolan to direct? Syncopy, his production company, has 'Bond 25' in development. https://twitter.com/Bond25Film/status/859799064606593026 (I can take or leave the idea, since we've already had Skyfall, but it makes sense they'd want him.)
  6. Yup, that's what I was getting at. This isn't another Logan situation where it's at least obvious it's a firm R.
  7. Knowing nothing about the books, I guessed this film would be aimed firmly at adults and kind of trippy. It seems to be neither of those based on the trailer, but I suppose I can't exactly fault it for my unfounded expectations. The kid taking center stage will put loads of people off though.
  8. Ironically, it looks like it can't decide whether it wants to be dark or family-friendly. I sense a critical mauling coming. (I did chuckle at that shot of the Overlook Hotel in the picture frame, given how much King hates Kubrick's Shining.)
  9. Joanne was an awful album. It was stuck in a no-man's land of pseudo-country and dumb club music. Gaga's ability to convince people she's still some kind of avant-garde pop star is legitimately brilliant, though.
  10. Spending 225m on TLR is more stupidity than bravery anyway. There's nothing impressive about out of control budgets.
  11. It's hard to feel strongly about Disney now one way or another, just as it's hard to feel strongly about any large holding company.
  12. First I'm hearing about this movie/trainwreck. They're really trying to make Cara Delevigne into a movie star, aren't they? Also, Clive Owen deserved more prolonged success. ETA: I don't actually relish the prospect of stuff like this bombing. Expensive original blockbusters aren't exactly frequent these days.
  13. Haven't read the book but I'm aware of its mixed reception. Writing a novel about social media probably seems really zeitgeisty and important at the time but use of the technology changes so fast anything that tackles it feels dated even with a few years.
  14. They don't want it to be a big hit. The producers have said they hope it makes less than 150m DOM.
  15. Hope it's still dialogue-light. Atmospheric views of the city will be enough.
  16. Come on BKB, you're a great guy and I love you to bits but you would be the very first to admit your taste in movies is generally terrible. That you liked JW is perhaps the worst indictment it can possibly receive.
  17. Will it? JW may have been shit (I'm contractually obligated to say that every time I mention it) but there's no reason to think the next movie's box office will veer much in either direction at this point.
  18. Out of the upcoming 4, I think I'm most looking forward to the third one.
  19. Post production touch-ups aren't uncommon. Think RDJ looks that svelte in real life?
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