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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. That's one interpretation (which also ties into the concept of karma). And maybe the elephants wouldn't have cared if they had been too devastated if the baby hadn't been saved.
  2. Most of the other complaints on the matter are the other way around i.e. even Kaa's explanation wasn't enough to clarify Shere Khan's animosity towards Mowgli. Goes to show there is no pleasing everyone either way. Regarding the elephants, I guess it was staying culturally authentic for a story set in India. Some of the beings/elements (fire, river, elephant, cow etc.) that are considered holy and mighty aren't just invisible, mythic legends but very visible and common parts of everyday life. The other animals revered the elephants because of what they were capable of and paid their respects whenever they came across them in daily life. And Mowgli's single act of personal kindness was the reason the elephants diverted the natural course of the river to stop the fire from destroying Mowgli's part of the jungle. That and the first scene also worked as a neat little nod to the Colonel Hathi sequence from the original movie.
  3. The cast's so outstanding that I would've watched it even if it seemed utterly soulless and drab. Great to see it's having fun and milking its Pratt.
  4. For a second there, I thought that initial rumor about Scorpina being the main villain was true after all. But Banks namechecks Rita Repulsa in the article.
  5. Pretty convenient that the scene took place in the ruins of a Hindu temple. Those bells hang from the ceilings of temples so it didn't seem out of place in those ruins either, while still being sly.
  6. Guys... Neel was pretty impressive, considering this was his first film and he had no other actor to react to. The fact that it was all green screen instead of being an on location shooting meant he had no proper atmosphere to work with either. Pretty intimidating and demanding for a first time child actor. There have been seasoned professionals triple his age who have stumbled terribly when put in the same situation.
  7. Yeah, that's another thing. Without the proper cultural context, GitS gets robbed of a whole load of its heft. People arguing "But this wouldn't have gotten made in Hollywood without ScarJo" need to get that "This needn't have been made in Hollywood" in the first place. With the whitewashed cast, this will just be an empty husk of the original movie. Similar to ATLA. Critics will be like
  8. Are you serious if you think no other fandom does the unbolded stuff? As for the bolded stuff, I remember Marvel fans sending death and rape threats for bad reviews of The Avengers. I think non-DC related Nolan fans did it too. The shooting people thing is one crazy person talking (and there was one anti-Twilight person who actually tried to put this plan into action so it's not like that extremity is limited to DC/anti-Marvel trolls either).
  9. Wreck-It Ralph was about video game characters. Inside video games. Inside video game arcade consoles. This may still be shit but not for the reasons given above.
  10. I hope Power Rangers kicks this in the balls. Though I'll settle for Hermione Belle ownage too.
  11. Why not? And if they are smart then it should be more like Inside Out. Pray the sequel is about emojis feeling neglected after the advent of one @Rey and her arsenal of GIFs.
  12. So going by the list posted on the previous page, it cracked the Top 10 and beat Titanic in a mere SIX DAYS?
  13. One of the meanings for "coco" in Spanish is boogeyman. Seeing how this ties into the "Day of the Dead", not a stretch to think the Boogeyman will play a pivotal role in one way or the other.
  14. From what I've been told (though somebody can correct me if I'm wrong), India's love for The Jungle Book was boosted by Nippon Animation's 1989 critically acclaimed anime Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli, which sounds similar to this movie in that both combined elements from the original Kipling stories and the 1967 Disney movie. Disney Marketing (because they are scary efficient fuckers who will take over the world in a bloodless coup as we sleep) realized this and shrewdly tapped into the country's attachment and nostalgia for this series. By getting the composers of the incredibly popular Hindi version of the show's theme song to record a new cover for this film and allow the video to go viral Let It Go style: The original theme song from the Hindi dub of the anime: The Hindi dub of Favreau's movie also features the voices of an ensemble Bollywood star cast including Priyanka Chopra.
  15. Kaguya will mature beautifully and will be seen as one of Ghibli's finest in the future.
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