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Spidey Freak

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Everything posted by Spidey Freak

  1. And Then There Were None. It literally created the horror/thriller sub-genre of a bunch of folks getting stranded in the middle of nowhere and then getting bumped off one by one.
  2. Truth be told, we have no idea where all the Dorne related storylines are heading in the books as well. Maybe they will pick up next season which tackles Winds of Winter.
  3. So how did it work? Did they just report the final gross of the movie at the end of its run? Was there a gross report at the end of a month's run? Curious because there had to be people outside of the studios who were interested in how much a movie made compared to its competition.
  4. Coz people all across the world regardless of age, gender, race, culture and orientation connected with emotionally intelligent universal themes which were expertly presented in a simple yet elegant manner to make that possible? Also, catchy tunes.
  5. A gorgeous looking film with a standout performance by Zachary Levi. A competent story but not one of Disney's best. The songs and music are probably Alan Menken's least impressive yet. Weird pacing and the lone "epic" action sequence isn't engaging enough. Wish they had gone the "Into the Woods" route with Gothel. Rapunzel herself is kind of a Mary Sue, despite a strong effort from Mandy Moore. In an effort to make the film more "boy-friendly", the makers squandered a HUGE opportunity to flesh out a fascinatingly rich mother/daughter dynamic with lasting consequences on Rapunzel's personality. Not that Flynn/Eugene isn't awesome but this villain could have been Disney's most layered yet with the most complex relationship and effect on the heroine. That lovely lantern sequence alone justifies a B+ though, despite all of the movie's shortcomings (of which there are many).
  6. Great list, especially the top two. Howl's Moving Castle is incredibly underrated and if that is supposed to be Miyazaki's "indulgence" then I wish more film-makers had such intelligent, imaginative and brutally honest indulgences. Don't care for Wind Rises being placed higher than Mononoke though. Will post my Top 10 in some time.
  7. People had a right to because they actually cared about Mojo's remaining prestige. Now however, it is turning out to be a rapidly sinking mess crying out for the final kiss of death. Terrible, coz as far as I can remember, Mojo was the only BO site I was aware of as a teenager, and I would enjoy reading the articles that were linked to the IMDb front page.
  8. Was it supposed to be just HIS movie though? Having said that, Starlord still has to prove himself in order to appear on a Top 100 Movie Characters of All Time list.
  9. Before Midnight is great. It has many elements that sets it apart from the first two Before's. I need to rewatch this trilogy again. Before Sunrise is pure magic. And Celine's personality and outlooks are uncannily similar to my own girlfriend's.
  10. They've already done the streamlining. I don't see how 23 episodes of 10 hours each aren't enough to wrap up the already condensed material.
  11. Real life monarchs like the Tudors were just puppets for the religious orders like the Church. It's not a very odd thing at all. As for Tywin, if it hadn't been Tyrion, I'm pretty sure Baelish would have orchestrated his assassination sooner rather than later. That man is a BEAST.
  12. The reason my Emma obsession went from "Oh, it's that girl who was cute in The House Bunny" to Super Creepy Jim Carrey level.
  13. Yes, because we've NEVER had a million parodies of typical action star stunts going bust before. The sheer originality of EoT witticism thrusts the entire human race a good ten steps ahead in the evolution process.
  14. C'mon WB, let China experience this awesomeness. Hollywood owes the People's Republic that much after exposing them to Age of Extinction and I, Frankenstein.
  15. What a wonderful list. Unsurprisingly very villain heavy so far. This was an interesting watch. I've never seen Miyazaki behind the scenes before. He seems like the warmest and politest taskmaster ever!
  16. That's just the Zimmer music. I've slowly begun to realize that TDK is just incredibly well polished and not nearly as deep as everyone thought it was when it came out. Now Fury Road has nuance bleeding out of it.
  17. I'm impressed with the world for the amount FR has already made and is on course to make.
  18. The day would've decidedly been less lovely if she had though.
  19. I'd love to see Aunty Entity return. Don't necessarily want Furiosa or the wives to turn darker. Would prefer if the character were Entity herself, recast. Australia is certainly big enough for more than one matriarchal society! Speaking of Thunderdome, was just listening to "We Don't Need Another Hero". So many themes from the lyrics fit Fury Road perfectly. Now I'm sad FR doesn't have a Tina Turner OST. Part of me thought Miss Giddy was an earlier wife whose youth and virility was sucked away by Immortan throughout the years.
  20. She also had the best tweet that I read which perfectly summed up the infantile rage. I don't know how to post Ms. Marcotte's tweet so I'll just paste the text: We do love our fairy tales about princesses in towers, until we’re reminded of what actually happens to princesses in towers.
  21. The beauty of the lair was why I understood Fragile's dilemma and kind of wished one of them had actively revolted against the other women. Would have added to the humanity of the wives. Regarding the mountain water, didn't one of the wives tell the old ladies that there was an underground reservoir lake that Joe had dug pipes into? Edit: Beaten by Tele.
  22. Rosie had said in an interview that the cuts on Splendid's arm were self-inflicted. I think each of the Wives had sufficient, broad strokes of characteristics to engage viewers to care for them on a basic level. Splendid was obviously the most developed with her ingenuity and resourcefulness, the way she rallied, led and was protective of her "sisters" and used herself and her womb to shield Furiosa from Joe. Kravitz (Knowing?) was pretty tenacious, eager to prove her efficiency and worth. Fragile was interesting in that she showed signs of a broken spirit and Stockholm's Syndrome. I was sure that one was doomed so it was surprising that she managed to pull through for Furiosa and co. in the end. Capable as I mentioned in the above post, was instrumental in helping Nux find a purpose once he thought he had lost it all. The Dag (the anorexic blonde) was as kind, initially pleading with Furiosa and Max to spare Nux's life, then forming a bond with Melissa Jaffer's character. She was also quirky in the way she framed her phrases. I agree with you that it would have been better if at least one of the wives had opposed Furiosa and the others, as there is such a thing as a female anti-feminist in real life, so it isn't as cut and dry as All Men vs. All Women. But I can overlook coz goddamn this is bliss.
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