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REVISED Weekend Estimates 6/14--6/16: Man of Steel OW $116.7M($128.7M including WM)

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To the people that woke up stupid today, this message is for you.


I can't even believe I am reading people SUBTRACTING the Walmart sales from gross on this movie?




Walmart comes to WB and tells them "we're going to give you $12 million dollars (chump change for this MULTI-BILLION dollar company) worth of tickets if you let us sell advance tickets for 7pm showings day before it opens".


Transaction completed.


WB has $12,000,000 that a company bought worth of tickets.






That means that WB has not yet "earned" those $12 million dollars. I mean, how could they!?


WB has to physically count every single person that went inside and sat in the theater to watch this advance screening.


For the fun of it, and to all smart people that will get what I am trying to say, watch this:



I'm going to purchase an IMAX 3D ticket myself (worth $16.00) for tonight (even though I already have a 3D) and NOT attend this showing.


WARNER BROTHERS should NOT count that $16.00 in its Friday's number because I didn't physically go and sat my a** in the theater!, right?


Just as walmart paid $12 million in fake money and no single human being went to see its advance screening....



Edited by VGPOP
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I think a bunch of you are really underestimating Friday's potential. This thing is on a billion screens with a billion showtimes and summer is upon us. Riczhang's on the right track here: think high 20s/low 30s for Friday alone (not including midnights or sneaks).It has a solid chance of beating SR's 3-day OW on OD.

Edited by Telemachos
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So now it's a 4 day weekend to some? lol...Tell that to...The HobbitBD2FF6IM3GI JOE Retaliation


BoxOfficeMojo might count the Thursday numbers separate.


I think they should be counted separate, obviously.

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I'm going to purchase an IMAX 3D ticket myself (worth $16.00) for tonight (even though I already have a 3D) and NOT attend this showing.


WARNER BROTHERS should NOT count that $16.00 in its Friday's number because I didn't physically go and sat my a** in the theater!, right?

Would your ass have been in the seat if Mick Foley was in the movie?

Edited by Biggestgeekever
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When i went to theater yesturday there was a long line for MOS. so mine wasnt empty lol, people are going to complain regardless, when Barnes n Noble sells tickets for CF, or Target sells for TA2, you wont get complaints, just let people have their fun now. The weekend will be huge either way.

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Why? Post Aurora, every movie that's had late evening Thursday sneaks has folded the number into Friday.


7pm is not late evening, and WB reported the number by itself (which is very rare...usually the previews + midnights are combined and its impossible to separate them).

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BoxOfficeMojo might count the Thursday numbers separate. I think they should be counted separate, obviously.

You could be right actually. Since WB had the balls to report its Previews separate from the Midnights.
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Why? Post Aurora, every movie that's had late evening Thursday sneaks has folded the number into Friday.

Yeah if 8pm sneaks get lumped into ow, I don't see why this shouldn't.
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