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Most overrated directors

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David Lynch is very over-rated. His films are either just ok or horrible.


Oliver Stone is over-rated unless you don't want accuracy in your history movies. A lot of people have never taken a college history course, so Oliver Stone's films continue to be praised.


Spike Lee's films aren't that good either. He's highly over-rated.

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David Lynch is very over-rated. His films are either just ok or horrible.


Oliver Stone is over-rated unless you don't want accuracy in your history movies. A lot of people have never taken a college history course, so Oliver Stone's films continue to be praised.


Spike Lee's films aren't that good either. He's highly over-rated.


All of this.

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I still can't see how District 9 was smart, dazzling and surprising in ANY way. I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I saw that the freaking Aliens had human names. Trust me, that guy didn't have the face for a Christopher Johnson.

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I still can't see how District 9 was smart, dazzling and surprising in ANY way. I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I saw that the freaking Aliens had human names. Trust me, that guy didn't have the face for a Christopher Johnson.


All the characters are one dimensional caricatures with no real evolution (Beginning, the idiot antihero hates prawns and treats them as garbage cans because it's his job. Ending, the idiot antihero makes a reluctant deal with the only intelligent prawn if he promises he'll get his idiot shape back because he absolutely hates being a prawn. Has he really learn to respect prawns beyond thinking about them as parasites/a mean to reach his egoistical ends? I don't think so. And people say it's a movie about brotherhood and a parabole against racism :rolleyes: Don't ever start me on Nigerians depiction...) and D9 fanboys trying to bang on your head how it is soooo subtlier than Avatar. I mean how that no-name mercenary in D9 chasing that buffoon caught in a bad remake of The Fly mixed with Alien Nation is written any subtlier than Quarritch?


But oh well, "DAT Mecha!" :drool: (*Fanboy cumload*)

Edited by dashrendar44
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Rob Zombie.


I loath this hack of a director that thinks loading a movie with countless "fuck", fugly rednecks and his talentless wife makes him an edgy filmmaker equalling the likes of Tarantino and Peckinpah. He's an average typical rock music videos director at best but his movies are load of juvenile redneck crap filling worthless horror remakes (Halloween I & II). None are scary, none are better than Texas Chainsaw remakes that are supposed to be crap. His take on Michael Myers as a redneck kid that grew up in a fucked-up vulgar redneck family to explain why he's an evil-doer was so over-the-top and ridiculous pseudo-psychology bullshit (His wife as Myers skank mum didn't help at all). He just squandered the powerful aura of Carpenter's Halloween 1978.


His latest attempt at trying so hard to be Ken Russell in a laughable satanist bad trip is priceless, just your typical empty cliche-ridden wallpapers imagery (goat, witchery, pentagram, greasy and filthy long hair) for goth and metalheads posers to filled their Tumblr feed thinking they're so dark and rebel.



My favourite post in quite some time.  


I loved his first two films.  L-O-V-E-D.  Then he thought he was better than Carpenter and he gave Myers reasons for being a psychopath.  Zombie is a hack.  I can't stand what he did to Halloween.

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I still can't see how District 9 was smart, dazzling and surprising in ANY way. I couldn't help but burst out laughing when I saw that the freaking Aliens had human names. Trust me, that guy didn't have the face for a Christopher Johnson.

You know a movie is good when the only thing haters such as yourselves can complain about is the name of one of the characters.
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D9 has a human turn into alien after he was sprayed by some "genetic" spray. That's end of smart right there.


i'm not a fanatic district 9 lover but come on - that's a plot device that serves a thematic purpose. sci-fi isn't just about how realistic the tech is.

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