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Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Thor: The Dark World (2013)  

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First, it was pretty obvious that Jane had no intention of even entertaining the thought of calling Shield. And second, well, they obviously didn't need help, they got the job done on their own.

Darcy called SHIELD & said they werent responding

lol maybe b/c it was Darcy & they thought it didnt deserve their attn



I didn't even notice it.  Looking in to it Levi was originally cast to play him in the first Thor.

oh really!? Its great to know he was the 1st choice

much better than Josh Dallas imo

Edited by Leyla
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Grade: A-


I found the film to have excellent pacing and it set up it's premise and introductions, as well as re-introductions, to be well done. 


I like how it has an opening monologue from Odin similar to the one from the first film where he talks of "humans once accepted a simple truth....", the continuity there is something I like.



    [*]The romance is solid, it's fully realized here. [*]Darcy, I actually didn't mind Darcy this time. [*]The call back mentions to Avengers [*]Loki [*]Sif [*]Figga fighting and her death scene [*]Odin [*]Well placed humor [*]King Bor!! (nice delving into more lore!) [*]Captain America's cameo [*]Kurse



    [*]Seeming accidental ease with which Jane teleports to exactly where the "hard to find" Ether(mcguffin) is located so it bonds to her making her crucial to the plot for 2 acts. I get why, just could used some work. [*]So, where exactly is Odin now? 



    [*]So Malekith isn't really a threat without the Ether? That was my take. I mean yeah, he controls an army but he himself, as depicted here doesn't seem to be a threat to Thor or the 9 Realms without it. In the comics it's not quite that way but I didn't get that vibe in the film.  [*]Would I have liked more Warriors 3, yes, but it's neither here nor there. They got about equal time, maybe a tad more here in DW---except for Hogun. 


I was never fooled by the cut off hand scene, I did however buy into the Loki death scene. Why? Cause Frigga had died also and was sent off to Valhalla. So with a main character in Loki dead also a trip to Valhalla to revive, rebirth them as has been done seemed a great story point moving forward. A Thor 3 where the journey is made to speak with Brumhilda(Valkyrie) to return Loki and Frigga to the living seemed possible to me. 

So when the Asgardian foot soldier reports to Odin they found a body. I believe that foot soldier to have been Loki now. However, what did he do with Odin? Did I miss something.


Only a few nagging things but overall I solid and enjoyable Marvel Studios entry yet again!!

I'll see it at least one more time, not ruling out twice more. For me, better than IM3. 



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Just got back from the movie.  I enjoyed it and it for the most part was well done, but it did feel like it was going through the motions a bit for me.  It's not saying it was bad, as it definitely had some moments, but overall, it didn't engage me that much.  The humor is still pretty much hit or miss but that's most of the Marvel films.


The Captain America cameo was the most memorable part of the film. :)


I still easily give Thor at least a B

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I was glad to see what BDT's look would be as Collector and also what the color palatte and visual look would be vs the spy photos we saw. So from that perspective I'm glad to have seen it. Is it as awesome as seeing Nick Fury on Stark's couch, Thor's hammer in the desert or Thanos smiling back at you no and largely cause this stinger isn't as easy to foresee exactly what is coming. Those others did. 


That said, I felt the Thor reunion with Jane was perfect cause it seemed yet again she may be left pining for him, what with the whole treason thing "on our way out of Asgard". Plus the Bileschnipe(sp) was one last funny gag tying back to the portal/gravity 9 Worlds alignment part of the plot. 

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A lot of the plot stuff is really dumb, there's some super awkward editing in places, the villain is one-note. You can tell it was stitched together in placesHemsworth, Portman and especially Hiddleston are all fantastic. Most of the supporting cast turns in fine work. The movie moves at a brisk pace and is tons of fun, and the third act battle sequence is quite inventive and unique.I'll give it 7.5/10

This, pretty much. I have no idea what the plot was and the villain was laughably one-note and under-utilized, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The second half is creative and propulsive in ways the first movie never came close to being. Great work from Hiddleston (who they ultimately used well but still needed more of), Hemsworth (who has grown into this role remarkably), and even Portman (who genuinely worked, shockingly). Probably even with Cap in the MCU lineup for me. Edited by Gopher
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I did enjoy the portal-style climax, though it didn't make a whole lot of sense.

What part didn't make sense?

They were explaining via Selvig & Jane that when the worlds align every 5K yrs the gravitational forces allow for passage ways to open up between worlds. Breaking down the normal barriers and allowing for passage between them. The ancient Mayan, Celtic, Chinese and other global landmarks were likely markers for where these "portals/passages" appeared in ancient times and why they became revered religious sites. 

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Dull, uninteresting, and lacking any sort of creative vision.


Way to much CGI and a near non existent plot. This movie is just kind of there, stuff happens I guess. Never found myself invested in anything that happens. The Dark World is just generic, It never creates a sense of scope, a sense of taking me on a journey. To put it into one saying the movie is just flat out not cinematic in any way.


C- (71)

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Thor 2

2:05 PMAbout 85% full, mostly adults



Delivery Man: Quite a bit of laughs, I don't think it looks that funny, but to each there own.

Catching Fire: I finally saw a trailer for it, and dang it is short. Some whispers.

Jack Ryan: Nothing.

Robocop: Some laughs at the part about robophobic, I do have to admit that was kind of an amusing line.

Captain America: Some talking, looks really good.

X-men: Looks really good, pretty long for a teaser.


Movie: Very good, better then the first one. Natalie Portman is such a cutie. The audience loved it, the part with a cameo by a certain someone got a fantastic reaction, loved that part also. Ending got a few gasps. The mid credits sequence was....odd. The end credits scene was not that bad. When compared to the other Avenger films, I say it is not as good as IM1 or IM3. And defiantly not as good as The Avengers, but better then Thor 1, Cap and TIH.

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What part didn't make sense?

They were explaining via Selvig & Jane that when the worlds align every 5K yrs the gravitational forces allow for passage ways to open up between worlds. Breaking down the normal barriers and allowing for passage between them. The ancient Mayan, Celtic, Chinese and other global landmarks were likely markers for where these "portals/passages" appeared in ancient times and why they became revered religious sites. 


Yes, I heard that, but that doesn't explain why those portals seemed to open and close at will. 


It's really not that big a deal, but it contributed to the indifferent attitude the rest of the film carried.

Edited by tribefan695
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