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THG Catching Fire $25.25m Thursday Previews

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2nd biggest OW wasn't WOW enough for you? That sucks

I did note that I fucking hated IM3 and it was maybe my least favorite blockbuster of the year, so it really didn't feel too sweet. And if you want to compare it to the atmosphere when something like DH2 or even Revenge of the Fallen opened? Not even close. It was just the logical statistical validation of the Avengers effect. 

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I know, I know. It's all a matter of perspective and such. But the most entertaining or crazy thing about IM3 was just BKB's antics. It didn't feel like an event. Brilliant run, but not an event.

While I agree to an extent, I'm curious as to why this is. Have we come so spoiled that 174/409 is no longer event worthy? Even BOM stopped really caring for IM3 after its second weekend and didn't even report that it had passed a billion until a couple days after the fact.

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What do you think Baumer?I think this is trending below New Moon here in Canada?


I'm just going by what you are saying but yes I agree.  I'm not sure if that means it's going to make less than 150 for the weekend, but I certainly don't think it's going to make 72.5 mill OD.

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While I agree to an extent, I'm curious as to why this is. Have we come so spoiled that 174/409 is no longer event worthy? Even BOM stopped really caring for IM3 after its second weekend and didn't even report that it had passed a billion until a couple days after the fact.

It was just something intangible, honestly. It didn't bust out past expectations, cause controversy (box office wise), or shatter records. There's no deny that the actual money it made is absolutely incredible. 

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Cmasterclay your turning into another Matterk

Can you please at least spell my name right? I always say your name properly. It's Mattrek. Also I'm really getting tired of your pessimistic attitude when it comes to anything on this board it seems Lordmandeep or should I say Lordmanderp?
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While I agree to an extent, I'm curious as to why this is. Have we come so spoiled that 174/409 is no longer event worthy? Even BOM stopped really caring for IM3 after its second weekend and didn't even report that it had passed a billion until a couple days after the fact.

Billion dollar grosses aren't that impressive anymore, there's 17 of them.  And movies like Alice in Wonderland being on the list kind of diminishes its allure.  

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Can you please at least spell my name right? I always say your name properly. It's Mattrek. Also I'm really getting tired of your pessimistic attitude when it comes to anything on this board it seems Lordmandeep or should I say Lordmanderp?

Maybe he was trying to spell Mattwerk :P

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That really doesn't tell us much, except that it's almost certainly not hitting 185-190 (and who thought it would actually do that?).


Oh, come on! There is an entire thread here devoted to CF over $200M ravings. It's way too early to start the revisionism. 

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The reason IM3 didn't feel big was because most on this board thought it was a meh movie. When was the last time we had a truly great movie break box office expectations or hit huge numbers? It's been scarce and I think that's why you feel that way as do I Cmasterclay.

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Yea I get that Taylor Swift was a huge draw to the album, but this time around there are a lot more high profile artists too, Lorde and Imagine Dragons are this year's two biggest breakout artists, and they have singles that went multiplatinum, reaching #1 and #3 on Billboard Hot 100.  Plus well established artists like Coldplay and Christina Aguilera.  A 63% drop is quite alarming.


There's also this trend:

Posted Image


Google search volumes have always been a good indicator of box office potential and comparing THG with CF, the week before THG's opening there was 41 points of interest for the term "hunger games" while for CF, there's only 17 points for "hunger games" AND "catching fire" the week before CF's opening.  And right now it's partial data because the week isn't over yet but there's no way CF reaches THG's internet peak during their respective openings.  


Leading up to THG's opening, there were also many reports of 1000+ and 2000+ showing sellouts and an article saying $15m in presales have been done already 2 days before opening (here, and here), and maybe the increased number of showings is having an effect for CF but I find it kind of odd that there have been no articles about how the presales have been doing whatsoever.


And also the opening in Brazil and midnights in China have been pretty lukewarm.




I really hope that these trends are wrong but I just have a bad hunch feeling right now. :unsure:



Maybe my doom and gloom wasn't all that unwarranted. 

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Billion dollar grosses aren't that impressive anymore, there's 17 of them.  And movies like Alice in Wonderland being on the list kind of diminishes its allure.  


That's 17 out of how many thousands of releases? It's not like films are blasting past the $1 billion mark every week or something. 

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I disagree with this completely.  The problem with this board is that there is no perspective.  When Twilight sequels all get crazy midnight numbers, too many people think that is now the norm for a big film, when in reality many have lost perspective.  DH1 was the penultimate in the series, so the rush factor was big but nothing close to DH2.  And to further disprove your assertion that it is harder in the winter to make 30 mill at midnight, NM, BD1 and BD2 opened in November and they did 30 mill or close to it at midnight.  So it has nothing to do with the time of year it opens, but rather the rush factor.  Just think for one minute how big a 30 million midnight is.  We're used to it now but in 2009 when NM did almost 29 mill, it shocked the industry.

Eclipse made 4M more than NM at midnight.  Why do you think that is?  Probably has something to do with its summer release date.  Then, BD1 and BD2 went back to Nov and both of those movies increased by like 3% over Eclipse. Hmmm.


You can't just say that BD1 and BD2 did so well at midnight that it would be illogical to expect it to have done better in the summer.  DH2 has shown that a 2D movie can make up to about 36-37M at midnight.  And time and time again, we have seen summer tentpoles do ridiculous midnight numbers...TDK, HBP, Eclipse and DH2 were all record breaking midnight films.  NM is the only film to break the record outside of the summer season....and it didn't exactly blow past the previous record by all that much (26m vs 22m)

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The reason IM3 didn't feel big was because most on this board thought it was a meh movie. When was the last time we had a truly great movie break box office expectations or hit huge numbers? It's been scarce and I think that's why you feel that way as do I Cmasterclay.


Yeah, probably Avengers was the last great movie that broke expectations. I remember all the topics and articles popping up about its 200 million weekend. That was so exciting and surreal. And then a 3x multiplier!? Off a 207 OW!? It was insane. IM3 just seemed like another Marvel movie making a crapton of money.

Edited by Gokai Red
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