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Weekend Actuals 12/6-12/8 Frz $31.6m CF $26.2M

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On HGCF, what is the floor and what is the realistic, but hopeful ceiling?It is $33.4m ahead of HG on dailies.


After that Sunday, it needs to bounce back. I'm thinking 425 is a nice round number for a realistic high end finish. Low-end is probably 400.

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The 90's X-Men cartoon was owned by Fox. However, sometime in 2001 Disney made a deal with Fox. Fox used to own a cable station called Fox Family Channel. Disney bought Fox Family Channel, all of the Marvel cartoons that Fox owned, and the Power Rangers. Later on, Disney would sell ownership of the Power Rangers to Haim Saban.


Fox actually owned almost all of the old Marvel cartoons that Marvel used to make back in the day (the exception is the Hanna-Barbara made Fantastic Four cartoon). The old Marvel cartoons were sold off by New World Communications, which owned Marvel at the time. New World was trying to raise money, so they sold off their Marvel cartoon library, which ended up in the hands of Fox.


In 2001, Disney bought all of the Marvel cartoons that Fox owned, which included all the old Marvel cartoons and the ones that Fox made like X-Men.  At the end of 2009, Disney bought Marvel. This reunited Marvel with their old cartoons. So it was a happy Disney ending after all.


The reason that some X-Men cartoons may be found online is because Disney hasn't blocked them. However, Disney does own them completely and they could legally block them at any time.


Technically they sold Power Rangers back to Haim Saban.


Just saying.

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The last sentence in my first paragraph says just that.


"Later on, Disney would sell ownership of the Power Rangers to Haim Saban".


You don't acknowledge that Haim Saban was the original owner of power rangers.


Apologies, but I just like pointing things like that out.

Edited by Fancyarcher
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I am the Santa Architect. I created the Christmatrix. I've been waiting for you, Ralphie. You have many requests for gifts, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably a ten year old child. Ergo, some of my actual gifts you will like, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first request for a Red Ryder BB Gun may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also the most irrelevant, since you'll shoot your eye out.

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