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WKND BO: Frozen $20.7M/$297.8M, Paranormal 18.2, Hobbit 16.3/229.6, Wolf 13.4 (new Sun #s pg 83)

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Your dad will cry, Numbers.


IDK, even I didn't cry at Frozen ;)


She wants to see Frozen, Mr. Banks, or Walter Mitty. None of which my dad will be that interested in.


I'd see any of the three (particularly Banks) but I'm gonna abstain on Frozen just to help Tele in driving the Snowflakes or whatever we call them further insane.


Butbutbut Tele has to eventually watch Frozen or else his ethics in PGA voting will be compromised ._.

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It's spectacular, it's a bit aimless, but that's the beauty and art of it.


By the way guys I think I may have just found one of the worst reviewers ever (worse than Armond White), I got referred to this reviewer, and pretty much if there is any sex, swearing, or "unmoral" themes he puts it as a negative in the movie.  At some points I think he is trying to refer to what is appropriate for what age, but then he puts his judgement on the movie.  He trashed Wolf, Inside Llewyn Davis, said 12 Years a Slave went to far and didn't live up to the captivation of Schindler's List or THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Dallas Buyer's Club, etc.  He then gave a Christmas Candle a 5 out of 5 for spreading an enlightening message or some crap.


The problem is, he actually tries to sound intelligent in his opinion and I can tell he is not trolling.




Read for your amusement, I really didn't know it was possible to have such a bad opinion and still be able to write legibly.


It's pretty much a common sense media wannabe. 


I actually use CommonSenseMedia... just so that way I get my conservative dad to shut up at about my moviegoing :lol:

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I saw Finding Nemo on TV and despite it being one of my favorite animated movies (If not my favorite) I always wished they had taken a bit more time to flesh out the quieter moments, because when they happen they are beautiful they just don't last as long as I'd personally prefer.


My biggest problem was actually how the credits and end credits scene completely destroys the tone you get from the ending.  It ends perfectly and then you get a cheesy end credits scene you don't need blaring on right after, I've almost cry a lot when I see the movie just from how great the relationships are and it's always those tone killers that stop it from happening.

Nemo in general is an overrated film...


Update: Still haven't watched it.


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My brother wants to see Lone Survivor. He never talks movies with me. He hasnt wanted to see CF, IM3, MOS, none of those blockbusters, he barely goes to movies, but LS has him drawn.

Edited by Jandrew
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King fu panda tried to hard to be emotional, finding Nemo doesn't make me nearly cry because it's sad, it's because the relationships created are subtly real, relatable, and beautiful.

KFP2 had some legit emotion in it, I remember calling it the Pixar film of 2011


I'm tired watching these two teams ... I'm going to watch the latest movie I bought today ... 'The World's End' ... I blind bought it because Hot Fuzz & Shaun of the Dead are fucking great and I had to finish the collection.

That's a fantastic movie, my #3 of 2013. So funny and yet very poignant

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I'm probably going to see Lone Survivor this weekend. And then hopefully Wolf a second time. Maybe I can catch American Hustle too since the theater I'll be near by then will actually be playing it.

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