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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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I'm sure I can get you a role in somewhere, but pretty much for any new major roles for TDKR, I locked in people who have yet to get a spot. I'm sure I can find somebody though with a handful of lines or so.

I am waiting to see what you have in store for me  :ph34r:

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Re-read this. Fantastic job MrPink, can't wait for Rises although not as great as this, it has some of the best quotes :)Oh, and how great is it for you that Shawn removed his avatar. Folds right into the story :D

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Re-read this. Fantastic job MrPink, can't wait for Rises although not as great as this, it has some of the best quotes :)Oh, and how great is it for you that Shawn removed his avatar. Folds right into the story :D


You never know, Rises could be the most fun by virtue of cast alone. Dat BKB.


Also, there may be a trailer tomorrow (bootleg, in French of course)

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There are scenes of Box Office Forums and an old grizzled ShawnMR. He is weary. We get a voiceover from Sam.


Sam: There's a storm coming...


You see an app overtaking a smaller app in addition to Accursed Arachnid and a look at Sam. You see BKB as well as his avatar reveals a blank slate.


ShawnMR: You sound like you're looking forward to it.


More images of BKB's henchmen taking down the app.


Sam: I'm adaptable.


From MrPink (courtessy of Christopher Nolan)


Noctis: What are you...?


BKB: I'm Box Office's reckoning.


You see BKB detonating a program which results in numerous threads being destroyed. A poster is shown managing to escape the thread but with everything else destroyed. Shots of the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice thread are shown with posters being taken by a Marvel civilian mob. #ED is shown, mouth agape at what he witnesses. The link to the world wide web is destroyed, showing that Box Office is isolated from the rest of the internet.


#ED: Did they kill him?


Sam: I'm not sure...


ShawnMR: Why didn't you just ban me...?


BKB: Your punishment must be more severe...




A ShawnMR avatar is shown, drawn with chalk.


JackNevada: Do you think he's coming bac?


An image of BKB holding BoxOfficeMan's destroyed avatar.


#ED: I don't know...


More images of the destruction of BoxOffice forums. BKB's henchmen are shown having access to the BoxOffice Mobile apps.


#ED: Why would you run, BKB?


Sam: You should be afraid of him as I am.




AccursedArachnid: I won't let you get banned. I've seen enough of the BoxOfficeMojo family get banned.


Images of BoxOfficeMan turning around to see BKB behind him. Brief shots of them sparring against each other.




A shot of Redfirebird illuminating a thread to find BoxOfficeMan there.


Sam: You don't owe these posters anymore. You've given them everything.


A shot of the climax showing posters fighting against each other, DC vs Marvel in an epic battle including mods. BKB searches for BoxOfficeMan. A brief look of RTH.


BoxOfficeMan: Not everything. Not yet.


On June 1


The Epic Conclusion


To the Box Office Legend


There is a look at Fishnets as Miranda Shitto, and then the militarized BoxOffice Mobile App with the ability to ban, suspend, and delete on a whim, destroying one of the old Mobile Apps taken from Shawn.




Sam: My mother warned me about posting on forums with strange men.


BoxOfficeMan: This isn't a forum....


There's an epic shot of the new Mobile App dodging viruses launched at it. A poster's avatar is blown away by the sheer awesomeness.










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True. Also, as a Memorial Day Weekend Gift, I present to you this. Make of it what you will:

NUMERATOR PICTURES PRESENTSA BOFNUT FILMS PRODUCTIONA female voice whispersMeryl Riczhang Streep (V.O.)The following sentences are first spoken in Binary, then followed by EnglishThe Internet is changed: I feel it in thesearch engines, I feel it in the web histories, I smell itin the bookmarks...Much that was posted is lost,for none now live to archive it.THE LORD OF THE FORUMSAnonymous Dude typing binary into a computerRiczhang (V.O.)It began with the coding of the Subforum Passwords.Three were given to the Snobs, pretentious,arrogant...most fanciful of all movie posters.Seven to the Summer Gamers, great statisticiansand predictors of the box office.And Nine...nine passwords were gifted to theFanboys, who, above all else, desirefranchise dominance.For within these passwords was bound thestrength and technology to govern each community’sforums.But they were all of them deceived.For another password was madeRay Subers in a desolate room devoid of hope and fun turns on his desktopRiczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)In the land of Mojo, in the wasteland ofThe Dead Forum, the Dark Lord Subers codedin secret a Master Password to control allforums....and into this coding he poured hisfailed predictions, his distaste for social discussion,and his will to dominate all Internet life.Subers downloads the Master Password into a special USB that glows like fireRiczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)One Password to control them all...We see stormclouds brewing over posters’ homes, lightning strikes destroying their electronics. Those whose systems survive are attacked by soulless IMDBites and IP-banned.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT’D)One by one the forums of BOFlandfell to the power of the Password.But there were some...who resisted.A giant mass of posters assembles and coordinates internet web browsing to all arrive at Mojo togetherRiczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)A last alliance of Fanboys and Snobs marchedagainst the armies of Mojo.On the forgotten threads of The Dead Forumthey fought for the freedom of all movie discussion.We see the Snob Lord Telemachos, commanding Snobs to launch DoS attacks against IMDBite computers. Many IMDBites run away when they lose Internet access. The Fanboy King Squaremaster holds aloft the great smartphone....iOS 3000! [3 feet long, it handles all electronic functions one can think of, with a painting of a dapper Chris Nolan wearing a scarf on the back]Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT’D)Victory was near!Subers, bearing the Password USB on a chain around his neck, looms over the field of battle...Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)But the power of the Password, could not be undone.Subers plugs the USB into a portable laptop and types, deleting hundreds of posters from existence.With desperate courage, Squaremaster charges...but Subers bitchslaps him with the laptop and Squaremaster flies through the air, the iOS 3000 shattering and his body’s code deleting itself. His son, the Fanboy Prince Alfred, holds his father’s binary fragments in his hands and cries.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)It was in this moment…when all hope hadfaded, that Alfred, son of the king,took up his father's smartphone.Alfred snatches up the broken iOS 3000..The smartphone launches a DoS attack that shorts out Subers’ laptop and the blowback makes the Password USB fly off its chain. Subers’ code disintegrates.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)Subers, the enemy of the Free Posters ofBOFland, was defeated.Alfred picks up the Password USB...transfixed!Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)The Password passed to Alfred...who had thisone chance to secure forum freedom forever.But the hearts of Fanboys are easilycorrupted. And the Master Password has awill of its own.Alfred and a group of Fanboys are browsing a thread on Interstellar when suddenly they are attacked by IMDBites. Alfred discovers that if he plugs the Password USB into his smartphone, it can conceal him from web searches. He attempts to flee, but when traveling through the locked Man of Steel thread the USB jars itself loose. He is discovered and IP banned before he can summon help.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)It betrayed Alfred, to his banning.The Password USB assimilates itself into the Internet code and falls into the murk of the Classic Conversation Thread.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)And some things that should not have beenforgotten...were lost.History became legend...legend became myth.And for two and a half thousand years theMaster Password passed out of all knowledge.Code swirls...A browser reaches down...grasping the USB’s code fragments, which coalesce into form when pulled from the computer...Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer!A sickly hand holds the Password USB.Shayhiri (V.O.)My Precious...Mist shrouds long-forgotten movie threadsRiczhang (V.O.)The Ring came to the creature Shayhiri, whotook it deep into the Locked Threads of FlopsThe empty and cavernous Prince of Persia thread, an emaciated figure lying in the postsRiczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)And there, it consumed him.Shayhiri:It came to me. My own. My love...My precious.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT’D)The Password brought to Shayhiri unnatural longInternet access. For five hundred years it poisonedhis mind. And in the gloom of his forgotten film threads...It waited.Darkness crept back into the subforums ofthe world. Rumor grew of a darkness in thecorners of the Internet...whispers of a nameless fear.And the Master Password perceived...its timehad now come. It abandoned Shayhiri.The Password USB dissolves into code and slips into the cracks between threads...Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT'D)But something happened then the Password did not intend...Fumbling in threads, a hand closes over a reformed USB.Riczhang (V.O.) (CONT’D)It was picked up by the most unlikelycreature imaginable...DAR (to himself):What’s this?A younger DAR peers down at what lies in his handRiczhang (V.O.)A Sports Fan.... DAR of the Green Bay.DAR (surprised):A USB.Shayhiri (V.O.)Lost! Lost! My Precious is lost!!Frightened, DAR quickly pockets the Password USB and hurries on.Riczhang (V.O.)For the time will soon come when Sports Fanswill shape thread discussions for all.FADE TO BLACK

Edited by Numbers of House Stark
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