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The Box Office Knight Rises (PAGE 17, FINAL PART UP, BONUS SPECIAL UPDATED 08/06/2014)

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Part 5 of the Box Office Knight Rises. This is a slightly shorter part than usual, however it was the appropriate time to end this part and I think you'll find this part worth it, especially if you want to see BKB unleashed in his full glory. I did my best to make it seem exciting and I hope you guys enjoy it. The action scenes are always hard to adapt, so I hope it is worth it. As usual, likes, comments, and suggestions are welcome. I can't tell if you guys are reading unless you guys give likes! And judging by the last part, Part 4 was the least read one in quite sometime...and I thought it was one of the best I've written :(


Part 5


#ED is taking Shawn back to the DC Movieverse section of the forums. Shawn isn’t exactly sure whether to trust him but it was better him than being interrogated by Blankments. It’s not like he had much friends these days. Not even Accursed Arachnid. That left RTH, Redfirebird who didn’t even know who he was, and maybe Miranda Shitto, who had every reason to be angry at him too.


#ED: When you started, why the avatar?


ShawnMR: To protect the people closest to me.


#ED: Yeah, but you were a loner, right? You didn’t have any family?


ShawnMR: There are always people you care about. You just don’t realize how much until they’re gone. The idea was to be a symbol. BoxOfficeMan…could be anybody. That was the point.


#ED: Yeah well it was damn good to see him back.


ShawnMR: Not everybody agrees.


#ED: They’ll figure that out in the end.


ShawnMR: You got anything about BKB’s whereabouts?


#ED: Yeah I got about 500 pages of underground threads, I could use some help actually.


ShawnMR: You know what? Drop me off at the Captain America: Winter Soldier thread.


At the Captain America thread, ddddeeee tries to stop ShawnMR.  Sam is packing when she hears the commotion outside.


ShawnMR: Hey hey hey,  I don’t think so


Ddddeeee: That’s the way it works!


Sam: He’s not a mark. And he doesn’t have a like to his name anyway.


Sam welcomes ShawnMR into her humble abode. It’s been ransacked somewhat. Clearly she’s looking to leave in a hurry. For a master hacker, it was rather modest honestly. One wonders where all her savings went.


Sam: Yeah, it’s not much. But it’s more than what you’ve got right now.


ShawnMR: Actually, they’re letting me keep my residence.


Sam: The rich don’t even go broke the same as the rest of us, huh?


ShawnMR: My powerful friend might hope to change your mind about leaving.


Sam: And how would he do that?


ShawnMR: By giving you what you want.


Sam: It. Doesn’t. Exist.


ShawnMR: He says it does. He wants to meet. Tonight.


Sam: Why?


ShawnMR: He needs to find BKB. He says you’d know how.


Sam: Tell him I’ll think about it.


ShawnMR: Okay. I like your place.


Sam: Mister Shawn? I’m sorry they took all your likes.


ShawnMR: No you’re not (in a good natured tone).




#ED meanwhile goes to visit Redfirebird. When he arrives, he notices Neo is there. Great. Neo hates #ED because he’s always being a hothead. Doesn’t help he was being snarky to him the other day.


Neo: Can we help you, officer?


#ED: Uh yeah, Noctis was found banned a little over an hour ago. Thought you might want to know.


Redfirebird: Why?


#ED: Well his name is all over these permits I pulled to map the underground threads on Box Office.


Redfirebird (to Neo): Where did you get to with those underground searches?


Neo: Remind me to tell detail to keep hotheads out of here. We’ve uh, we’ve had teams down there. It’s a huge network.


Redfirebird: Then get more men. Work a grid, I want him found.


Neo: Yeah they uh, bolded man. We got it.


Redfirebird: Time to change your username to blue. You’re working for me now. We could use some hotter heads around here.


#ED: Sir, that could all be a coincidence.


Redfirebird: You’re a detective now son, you’re not allowed to believe in coincidence anymore.




ShawnMR manages to arrive home. He tries entering in but it’s password protected. What’s the password? Damn it, only Accursed Arachnid knew. Behind him, he realizes Miranda is there.


Fishnets: Nobody’s answering.


ShawnMR: Yeah, I’m on my own now.


Fishnets: Do you have your password?


ShawnMR: Never needed it.


ShawnMR and Fishnets sneak in another way.


ShawnMR: I hope you didn’t like me for my money and likes.


Fishnets: Suffering builds character.


Fishnets looks around. She notices a picture of Brandon Gray.


Fishnets: I’ll take care of Brandon Gray’s legacy, Shawn.


Then she sees a picture of Dragon.


Fishnets: Who is this?


ShawnMR tries to explain, but struggles to do so. The pain is still deep.


Fishnets: Where’s Arachnid?


ShawnMR: He left…taking everything.


Fishnets looks deep into his eyes. She gives him a slow, sensual like. To comfort him. It’s been a while for Shawn. Laying dormant for a while does that. He reciprocates back. They do it again. Then the lights go out.


Fishnets: What’s that?


ShawnMR: It looks like they’re shutting down my services.


She laughs, and they proceed to have fun. After the fun’s over, Fishnets and ShawnMR are just talking. Talking about their past.


Fishnets: When I was a child, I had almost nothing. But on the nights we had access to the internet, we felt very rich indeed.


ShawnMR: I had assumed your family was wealthy.


Fishnets: Not always. Not when I was young.


ShawnMR observes a mark on her profile. Almost like a battle scar. No significance to this in any way.


Fishnets: An old mistake.


ShawnMR: I’ve made a few myself.


Fishnets: More than a few. We can leave. Tonight. We can go to any forum.


ShawnMR: Some day perhaps. But not tonight.


They like each other game. After a couple hours, Fishnets signs off and goes to sleep. ShawnMR gets up. It’s time. He dons the avatar. He ascends to the latest Weekend thread and takes a look. Waiting. He then proceeds to the meetup point with Sam.




At the underground network, not far from the Avengers: Age of Ultron thread, Sam waits. She’s comfortable, sitting down.


Sam: Don’t be shy.


BoxOfficeMan emerges from the shadows.


Sam: ShawnMR says you can get me the clean slate.


BoxOfficeMan: That depends.


Sam: On what?


BoxOfficeMan: On what it’s for. I acquired it to keep it out of the wrong hands.


Sam: Still don’t trust me, huh? What can we do to change that?


BoxOfficeMan: Start by taking me to BKB.


Sam: You asked.


She gets up and proceeds to lead BoxOfficeMan deeper into the network.


Sam: From here, BKB’s men control these networks. And they’re not your average arguers.


BoxOfficeMan: Neither am I.


He splits off. Sam proceeds forward and encounters one of BKB’s men. He has a banning weapon and stares down Sam.


Sam: He’s behind you.


Thug: Who?


BoxOfficeMan: Me.


BoxOfficeMan takes him out quickly before he can take any action. They continue forward and run into a few other men.


Thug: What do you think you’re…?


Before he can finish his sentence, he’s grabbed by BoxOfficeMan and knocked out. One of the thugs runs off. Sam quickly kicks him down. The other fires wildly into the dark at BoxOfficeMan but he can’t get a good shot. BoxOfficeMan moves like the wind and tackles him. Sam continues on and BoxOfficeMan joins him.


Sam: Just a little further.


Sam stops and BoxOfficeMan continues. Suddenly, the thread locks down and the page separates Sam and BoxOfficeMan. BoxOfficeMan turns around, realizing he’s been trapped.


Sam: I had to find a way to stop them from trying to ban me.


BoxOfficeMan: You’ve made a serious mistake.


BKB: Not as serious as yours, I fear.


BoxOfficeMan turns around. It’s BKB.


BoxOfficeMan: BKB.


BKB: Let’s not stand on ceremony here. Mistah Shawn.


Sam is shocked at this revelation. What has she done? Now she’s doomed a man to his banning. Guilt instantly washes over her, paralyzing her. BoxOfficeMan steps forward. BKB makes his move as well. BoxOfficeMan rushes forward and makes a jab at BKB. He quickly follows up with another attack at BKB’s face. BKB simply takes the attack with no pain. BoxOfficeMan makes another strike but then BKB blocks it.


BKB: Peace has cost you strength.  Victory has defeated you!


BoxOfficeMan uses his other arm to attempt another strike. BKB catches that as well. BKB then goes on the offensive and strikes back. Shawn feels the pain and grimaces. The shots sting. BoxOfficeMan uses his head to strike back and land another blow on BKB. He begins yelling, something he’s never done before. But he puts all his strength and thought into each strike to wear down BKB. But he’s only wearing down himself. BKB’s thugs watch, including ChD. BKB kicks BoxOfficeMan down to another page. BKB quickly climbs down as Sam watches in awe. BKB grabs BoxOfficeMan by the throat and brings him up against a wall. BoxOfficeMan doesn’t allow himself to get trapped and pushes back, again expending more energy to take him down.


BoxOfficeMan: Urgh! Aah! Aaaaargh!


He throws blow after blow after blow, but BKB feels nothing. He preps for one giant blow but BKB spins around and knocks BoxOfficeMan right on the end. He collapses to the ground but he has no time to rest as BKB kicks him. He grunts in enormous pain and then steps back.




He charges up a shot but BKB ducks and lands another low blow on BoxOfficeMan. BKB kicks him back once again. Running out of options, BoxOfficeMan uses a smokescreen virus to try and distract BKB. BKB simply watches idly.


BKB: Theatricality and deception…powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated, aren’t we Shawn? Members of the League of BoxOfficeTheory.


BoxOfficeMan takes another swipe at his head. BKB effortlessly dodges it and lands another blow. He grabs BoxOfficeMan.


BKB: And you betrayed us.


BoxOfficeMan: Us? You were excommunicated. From a gang of psychopaths.


BKB lets that settle in for a second. It stings. He aggressively attacks BoxOfficeMan as punishment.


BKB: I AM THE LEAGUE OF BOX OFFICE THEORY. And I am here to fulfill Baumer’s destiny!


The words motivate BoxOfficeMan to gather all that he has left to tackle BKB. He takes him to the ground and whacks BKB several times but to no avail. BKB waits for the opportune moment and headbutts BoxOfficeMan.


BKB: You fight like a younger man! Nothing held back! Admirable…but mistaken.


BoxOfficeMan makes a last ditch effort. He activates a device that scrambles everything and makes the whole thread incomprehensible. He tries to blend in within the thread and land a hail mary strike. BKB simply meditates on this.


BKB: Ah you think nonsense is your ally. But you merely adopted this nonsense. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn’t see civility until I was already a man. By then, it was nothing to me but blinding!


He quickly finds BoxOfficeMan and throws him down. He was BoxOfficeMan no more though. His identity left him and he felt human again. Like ShawnMR as he laid collapsed on the ground.


BKB:  The forums betray you. Because they belong to ME.


BKB wails down on ShawnMR several times. The thread unscrambles itself. ShawnMR is in a near suspension state.


BKB: I will show you where I have made my home whilst preparing to bring justice. Then…I will break you.


ChD tosses him a detonator. He activates it and the thread above collapses. It’s right under BoxOfficeEnterprises! One of the BoxOfficeApps comes crashing down.


BKB: Your precious armory! Gratefully accepted! We will need it.


ShawnMR watches as BKB’s thugs climb into BoxOfficeEnterprises and begin hijacking everything. Security through obscurity but now they’ve found the devices…now they’re in trouble. RTH and Shawn thought they were doing the right thing. Now they have doomed the forum. ShawnMR collects his thoughts and does everything he can to get up. BoxOfficeMan, he needs to come back. Grant him strength for just a little bit.


BoxOfficeMan: Urgh….


BKB turns around. He sees that BoxOfficeMan is up…but just barely.


BKB: AH yes! I was wondering what would break first!


BoxOfficeMan takes a giant strike at BKB but BKB easily dodges it. He smacks ShawnMR down.


BKB: Your spirit…


BKB picks him up. ShawnMR tries to struggle but to no avail.


BKB: …or your profile!


BKB brings him down hard and breaks his profile. ShawnMR lands with a thud. Just about lifeless. Sam, ChD, and BKB’s thugs look. The BoxOfficeMan has been destroyed. Maybe not permanently, but a victory like this is impossible to come back from. BKB grabs a piece of his avatar and tears it off. He looks at it briefly and walks off. He tosses the avatar aside. Sam watches in horror as BKB’s thugs grab ShawnMR and drag him off, possibly to be banned.



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Great part, I love the Bane lines in that fight, I often recite them in the showe.... what? :blink:


Anyway, do I have my promised part, cause I could have easily been that nameless thug who is also Luther's partner. Just saying -_-

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Great part, I love the Bane lines in that fight, I often recite them in the showe.... what? :blink:


Anyway, do I have my promised part, cause I could have easily been that nameless thug who is also Luther's partner. Just saying -_-


Very soon. Do not worry

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I forgot where to cast Squaremaster.


I think I've fixed the problem though. Jesus, Darkelf, do not fret, you two are still on the agenda.

Edited by MrPink
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Okay, I just went through the thread and like every story post. Looks like I find what to do to past time tonight. I see my name in the cast. Hopefully I kick ass.

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Okay, I just went through the thread and like every story post. Looks like I find what to do to past time tonight.

I see my name in the cast. Hopefully I kick ass.


You're a female character in a Nolan story.


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You're a female character in a Nolan story.


Posted Image

Well, I put some hope in you. I don't have much hope for my fate, but if I can at least kick some ass, I'll take the chance.

Bedside, even if I have to go out Talia-styles, it'll be hilariously memorable. So...

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I forgot where to cast Squaremaster.


I think I've fixed the problem though. Jesus, Darkelf, do not fret, you two are still on the agenda.


Squaremaster would be the President. Chief Nolanite and all.


Then again, can he pull off dat William Devane badassness? Not so sure.

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Squaremaster would be the President. Chief Nolanite and all.


Then again, can he pull off dat William Devane badassness? Not so sure.


I have opinions on how Squaremaster fits in. And I think there should be a proper face to face meeting with BKB.


Make of that what you will ;)


(President Heller owns!)

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Part 6 of The Box Office Knight Rises. This one covers a little more material than usual to make up for last week. Right now, there's pretty much an hour left of the film which will be split up into four parts. If you ever need to catch up, the 2nd post of this thread has links to every part if you ever need to catch up. Likes, comments, and suggestions are always appreciated.


Part 6


It’s the following day. #ED arrives at the DC Movieverse section to go check on ShawnMR, but when he arrives, nobody is there. Hm. Maybe he’s busy. He decides to go check on where he dropped off ShawnMR yesterday. As he looks for him, he notices Sam. She was right under his nose this whole time! Detective skills could use some work. Whatever. He notices Sam leaving her home and seemingly bailing for another website.


#ED (through voice chat): Get me Redfirebird. I’ve got a line on Reddevil18’s kidnapping.


Sam is prepping to leave, get out of dodge. She’ll be able to access the world wide web and go to any website she wants from here…so long as she can make it past the mods. At the terminal however, a mod spots her. She enters an empty thread.


Adam: Excuse me, Miss, I’m going to need to see some identification.


Sam: Do you mind?


She hands something for Adam to hold and like the gentleman he is, he holds it for her but as soon as he does, Sam knocks him right out. She begins to board, but before she can make it, #ED dramatically appears from the corner and stops her. And it’s too public to make a move. Caught. She’s taken to a room to be interviewed at the mod headquarters.


#ED: So I showed your picture to Reddevil18 and guess what?


Sam: Don’t tell me…still in love?


#ED: Oh head over heels. Still pressing charges though. You’ve made some mistakes, Miss Sam.


Sam: Girl’s gotta post.


#ED: You have quite an appetite for it. Why would you run? You can’t hide from us with a record like this.


Sam: Maybe it’s not you I’m running from.


#ED: Who, then? BKB? What do you know about him?


Sam: That you should be afraid of him as I am.


#ED: We can offer you protection.


Sam rolls her eyes.  :rolleyes:  #ED gets up and proceeds to leave.


#ED: When I spotted you, I was looking for a friend of mine. Bruce Wayne.


Sam looks at #ED. She can’t hide the shock from last night’s events. #ED, master face reader interprets everything.


#ED: Did they kill him?


Sam: I’m not sure.




BKB’s men are dragging ShawnMR. To a completely different forum..Rotten Tomatoes. Posters chant in a wild frenzy as another is brought to their midst. ShawnMR awakes and finds BKB staring down on him.


ShawnMR: Why didn’t you just...ban me?


BKB: You don’t fear banning. You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.


ShawnMR: You’re a torturer?


BKB: Yes. But not of your body. Of your soul.


ShawnMR: Where am I?


BKB: Home. Where I learned the truth about despair. As will you. There’s a reason why this forum is the worst hell on the internet. Hope. Every man who has posted here over the years has looked beyond this site and imagined climbing out of this site to freedom. So easy. So simple. And like shipwrecked men turning to seawater with uncontrollable thirst, many have been banned trying. I learned here that there cannot be true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Box Office Forums, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe we can end derailment and continue posting so that you can watch them clambering over each other to stay in the Sun. You could watch me torture an entire forum and then when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Baumer’s destiny. We will destroy Box Office. And then, when it is done, and Box Office is…ashes. Then you have my permission to be banned.


BKB begins to leave and ShawnMR clutches himself in pain, unable to take any action.




Jessie is helping transport Sam to the Banned/Suspended thread. It’s usually all male posters, but Sam is a special case.


Jessie: You’re locking her up in here?


FTF: The Numbers Act allows non-segregation based on extraordinary need. First time she broken out of a women’s suspended thread, she was 16.


Hilderic: Come here baby, just a little closer.


Sam: Why honey, want to mess with me?


She quickly attacks Hilderic and deals immense pain to him.


FTF: She’ll be just fine.


Fishnets and RTH are still unaware as to what’s happened to ShawnMR. But he’s not a part of the board anymore. They’re heading to a meeting called by Fishnets, without Noctis of course


RTH: I don’t see the need for a board meeting on the clean spam project.


Fishnets: Shawn got a lot of things right, keeping the board in the dark was not one of them.


As they enter, they notice BKB along with his Marvelites.


BKB: How good of you to join us. Chair. President. All I need now is one more ordinary board member. Mr. Fox, would you like to nominate?


Ozymandias: No. I will volunteer.


RTH: Where are you taking us?


RTH, Fishnets, and Ozymandias are taken to the underground network, where RTH notices the Box Office Apps. Oh my god…Shawn must have been banned. How did BKB get access? Meanwhile, Neo meets up with Commissioner Redfirebird. There have been reports that the Box Office Board of Executives have been taken hostage by BKB.


Neo: Will you excuse us, please?


The doctors leave. #ED remains with Redfirebird.


Redfirebird: What happened?


Neo: Your bolded man kidnapped the entire BoxOffice Enterprises Board. He let most of them go but took three of them into the underground network.


Redfirebird: No more patrols, no more hide and seek. Get every available mod down there and SMOKE HIM OUT!


Neo: Riczhang won’t want the whole forum to panic.


#ED: So it’s a training exercise.


Neo and #ED look at Redfirebird for the final word. He nods.


Neo: I’m sorry I didn’t take you seriously.


#ED begins to leave as well.


Redfirebird: Not you! You’re telling me the BoxOfficeMan’s gone.  So you chase up the Noctis leads. Any way that you can.


#ED: Yes sir.




ShawnMR struggles in pain. A poster in the Rotten Tomatoes forum helps him. It’s Gopher. Along with him is Jay Beezy who speaks in some language that can’t be described. A troll language for those who spend long enough in Rotten Tomatoes, the cesspool of all movie forums.


Gopher: He asks how much you would pay us, to ban you. I told him you have nothing.


ShawnMR: Do it for the pleasure.


Gopher: They pay me more than that to keep you alive.


Posters chant as one of their own attempts to climb out of the forum. Basara. Basara. Deshi Deshi Basara Basara Deshi Deshi Basara.


Gopher: He will try the climb.


ShawnMR struggle and manages to watch. The poster makes it to the final jump. The leap out of the forums into the Rotten Tomatoes main page.


ShawnMR: Has anyone ever made it?


Gopher: Of course not.


The poster leaps but falls tragically short. He plummets and lands with a thud right back into the forums. Jay Beezy mutters again.


Gopher: He says there is one who did. A child. A child born in this Hell.


ShawnMR: BKB.


Gopher: An old legend. Nothing more.


Gopher proceeds to turn on a stream.


ShawnMR: Don’t.


Gopher: Whatever it is they want you to see, it’s happening soon.


BKB leads Fishnets, RTH, and Ozymandias to their final destination. It’s the Clean Spam project. Neo begins prepping for an assault on the underground network. MrPink and hundreds of other mods are with them. BKB preps a bomb that will link the underground network straight to the Queer as Members thread here the project is held. The explosion echoes through the entire underground network. MrPink looks on with a slight bit of apprehension. They continue on anyway. BKB arrives at the project and turns his attention towards BKB.


BKB: Turn it on.


RTH shakes his head.


BKB: I only need one other board member, there are eight others waiting.


RTH: I won’t do it.


BKB motions for Ozymandias to be banned. Fishnets interjects.


Fishnets: Alright, stop. RTH, you’ll let this man be banned, and then yourself. And you’ll barely slow them down.


Fishnets and RTH activate the project after that slight bit of convincing. Ozymandias too. The project activates. BKB motions for Jay Hollywood to come out. Not so banned after all.


BKB: Go on then, do your work. Take the others up to the surface. People of their status deserve to see the next era of Box Office.




#ED continues to follow up on the Noctis leads. He’s starting with his crews, trying to find out what the Potterheads have been up to over the last few months.


#ED: I’ve been around to half of his places looking at what the crews have been up to.


Redfirebird: Notice anything unusual?


#ED: Honestly, I don’t deal with forum infrastructure.


Redfirebird: Keep looking.


Meanwhile back at the bomb…


Jay Hollywood: It’s done! This is now a four megaton Marvel Spam Bomb.


BKB: Change the code. Remove the safety features.


Jay Hollywood: No, you cannot! This is the only way of sustaining this project. If you change it then the program will deteriorate it in a matter of weeks!


BKB: Five by my calculations.


Jay Hollywood: Then it will go off!


BKB: And for the sake of your family, Jay Hollywood, indeed I hope it does.


Back with #ED, he notices bcf26. Wasn’t he at the HSX? What was he doing there?


#ED: Hey, hey! That was you at the Stock Exchange, wasn’t it?


Bcf26: When?


#ED: When? When half the forum’s mods were blocked off by you and your app when it was taken hostage.


Bcf26: Oh yeah, you’re the junior mod.


#ED:  General moderator now. And as general moderator, we’re not allowed to believe in coincidence (uh good detective skills?)


Before he can question any further, Bcf26 attacks #ED along with another Marvelite. #ED pulls out his banning weapon and shoots him while Bcf26 has #ED in a vice. #ED fires again and deflects it off the forum. It hits Bcf26 and he slumps down, lifeless.


#ED: What were you working on? What were you doing?!


No response, he’s banned. #ED throws away his weapon in disgust. He takes a look around.


#ED: Redfirebird, it’s #ED. I’ve got two dead witnesses and…wait a minute. I’m looking at some code here…and this is used to make viruses. Jesus, they’ve laced the code with a virus.


#ED immediately rushes to his voice chat. He takes a look at the forum map and realizes it will completely segregate the Box Office Discussion from the rest of the forum.


#ED: Patch me in to Neo. They’re heading into a trap!


Mods are continuing to rush in. Blankments is on the scene to report.


Blankments: We’re seeing hundreds of mods heading into the underground network. Literally hundreds. Mr. Riczhang…


Riczhang: It’s a training exercise. That’s all. Now if you excuse me, I’ve got tickets to see the Nolanites thrash the Marvel stans in the Annual Box Office Hunger Games.


Neo reaches his voice chat.


Neo: This is Neo.


#ED: It’s a trap, pull everybody out! BKB has been lacing the code with viruses!


Neo: Where?


At the Hunger Games, the national anthem is playing. It’s Tarzan singing his heart out. BKB makes his way to the thread.


#ED: There’s a ring around the entire Box Office Discussion! They’re gonna blow it and trap the mods in the underground network!


Neo (to other mods): Pull em’ out! Pull them out, now!


Tarzan continues to sing. Riczhang watches from his luxurious computer, blissfully unaware. BKB reaches the entrance. He waits.


BKB: That’s a lovely lovely voice.


The anthem finishes and the games are about to begin. BKB preps for the viruses to activate.


BKB: Let the games begin!


The Hunger Games kicks off and Alfredstellar starts as the first to run off. He begins running by the wind, but slow. Kind of like Hines Ward. The viruses activates and tears apart most of the participants as Alfredstellar runs for dear life. #ED is knocked off his own app by the explosions and a bomb goes off in Riczhang’s spot, banning him. Alfredstellar reaches the end of the thread and turns around. Everybody behind him is gone. Banned. The crowd watches in horror. All bridges to other sections of the forum also explode, completely isolating the area from the forums. Marvelites storm into the Hunger Games thread and BKB makes his grand entrance. The crowd panics.


BKB: BOX OFFICE! Take control! Take control of your forum.


#ED manages to recover and gets ahold of the voice chat.


#ED: Neo!


Neo: Jesus, #ED. Every mod on the forums is down in the underground network!


#ED: Not every mod.


At the Help thread, Marvelites begin looking for Redfirebird. He realizes something has gone horribly wrong. #ED immediately scurries there to get to Redfirebird before them. Redfirebird begins to get up and grab his banning weapon. #ED arrives at the help thread and searches for him. He enters Redfirebird’s page when a weapon is pointed at him. He thinks it’s a Marvelite.


Redfirebird: Clear the pages, rookie.


#ED is relieved to see it’s Redfirebird and back on his two feet, so to speak.


Redfirebird: Let’s go, son.




BKB: This! This is the instrument of your liberation!


The internet police look from their streams. Among them is Fancyarcher and Darkelf.


Darkelf: Our anti-virus shows that whatever it is, it’s essentially nuclear. It can blow up the entire forum.


BKB has Jay Hollywood brought out.


BKB: Identity yourself to the Internet!


Jay Hollywood: Jay Hollywood.


Darkelf: Hollywood was confirmed banned in an app crash over a few months ago…but it looks like it’s him.


BKB: And what…what is this?


Jay Hollywood: It’s a fully primed spam bomb. With a blast radius of an entire website.


BKB: And who is capable of disabling such a device?


Jay Hollywood: Only me.


BKB: Only you. Thank you Jay Hollywood.


BKB quickly snaps off Jay Hollywood’s profile and bans him.  The posters in the thread watch in horror.


BKB: Now! This bomb is armed! This bomb is mobile! And the identity of this triggerman is a mystery. For one of you holds the detonator!  Now we come here not as conquerors…but as liberators to return control of the forums to its posters. At the sign of first interference from the internet, or if anybody attempts to flee then this anonymous Box Office poster…this unsung hero will trigger the bomb. For now, martial law is in effect. Return to your threads, hold your families close, and wait. Tomorrow you claim what’s rightfully yours.


BKB essentially drops the mic and walks off. The entire internet is stunned.



Edited by MrPink
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