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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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i could see this ww ending up similar to star wars 4 and 5 dom adjusted: $1,310,412,745 drop to $748,669,279. empire was still absolutely colossal but the first was just too high to sustain


and i doubt we'll see a 3b film until the mid 20s

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It's funny that we're talking about a huge drop-off.... to the second-biggest WW gross ever.

Well, considering how much Avatar is still talked about (or rather, not talked about...) compared to its near 3 billion gross, I say they have to worry if the sequels drops a half :stirthepot:

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Avatar 2 and 3 will probably make less than Avatar, but they will make boatloads still, so it doesn't really matter.

Not so sure about that there are entire communties with tens of thousands of pages still obsessed and saying they cant wait to explore the world of Pandora. And Since James Camerons has now done Titanic and Avatar back to back, and his grand sequels have never made less than their predecessors.. I beg to differ.


There are even more 3D theaters and super sound theaters domestically and worldwide , so I cant see how 2 makes less as no film has really blew the world away or is Avatars equal..


Its is in mosts eyes the greatest movie experience in history... People literally killed themselves when they realized they couldnt stay in the realm of Pandora.


Thats an achievement that is hypnotic  Dark Jedi buddy, we look to see another milestone domestically and Worldwide.




This is James Cameron, not GL or Speilberg.. He doesnt drop the ball he kicks it into the stratosphere!!


He may have no limits when given the money and the support to tell his epic stories to moviegoers everywhere.


Cant wait. >Also should be the worlds first 150-200+M OW!! and potentially has the best chance to make 800-1billion domestic in one run  baby!!

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Well, considering how much Avatar is still talked about (or rather, not talked about...) compared to its near 3 billion gross, I say they have to worry if the sequels drops a half :stirthepot:

Lol you serious shouldnt be in this conversation if you dont know how James Cameron epics perform Bobby lol.. .You will burn just like the doubters of James Camerons titanic and Avatar I LOL

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It's weird because John Carter and Pacific Rim were taunted for real as the new generation SW before release. That panned out very well in audience's head to be told that, right...

(HIGH FIVE DASH--AMEN!!!)  They come out of the wood works when James obliterates their franchises, but yet James does what even Spielberg and GL or Zemekis or Coppoloa could do.. He not only holds unto his audiences and brand, but continues to blow their socks off and keeps winning over new generations..



Take that to the bank.. Im going to laugh if Avatar 2 shatters the 800 M DOmestic barrier and hits 2.8-3+ B in Overseas loot alone!!

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(HIGH FIVE DASH--AMEN!!!)  They come out of the wood works when James obliterates their franchises, but yet James does what even Spielberg and GL or Zemekis or Coppoloa could do.. He not only holds unto his audiences and brand, but continues to blow their socks off and keeps winning over new generations..



Take that to the bank.. Im going to laugh if Avatar 2 shatters the 800 M DOmestic barrier and hits 2.8-3+ B in Overseas loot alone!!

Whose franchises?

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Introducing--The Avatar II  vs  the Risers in the Box office Game..(MOS2, AVengers II, SW VII, Transformers IV)


Game ends 3mths before the first of the Contenders Debuts. So get your entries in and adjust

them accordingly .We are rocking!!


Grandprize winner  who predicts Avatar and Avengers 2 the most accurately gets a Sony PSP Vista or Cash eqivalent where available.


Top 5 get $20 Paypal and Bragging Rights  and

can lord it over the pretenders- I will also try to include AvatarPosted Image 2 items for winners.


Grandprize winner gets a Sony PSP or Cash eqivalent where available.


You must come very close to AvatarPosted Image 2's domestic and  WW gross, and that of Avengers 2, SW7, MOS 2,

finally Tally.. Enjoy the Game!!


 Kal---850 Mil (Cameron aim to give us more tho lol)  161M OW,


OS an astounding 2.9B.     3.7B WW

Avengers 2 for oblivion level loss to Avatar 2 predict --- $230M OW, 540M Domestic, 1.02B OS-1.53B WW


SW7 --580M, 1.1B OS(1.6 B),  MOS II 650M Domestic, 1.1( 1.8B  WW)


Transformers IV 360M, 1.1B OS, 1.4B WW
Neo: Avatar 2:  OW 133M  790M/3.29B WW


35/86/52/37/175/18/17/18/11/22/27/22/71/17/16/16/14/ 26/25/15/66/645/1B/1.645B


OW: 175M 4-day: 193M (-51.5%)  5-day: 210M 6-day: 228M 7-day: 239M  2nd wknd: 71M (-59.5%) 10-day: 310M  3rd wknd: 66M (-7%) 17-day: 376M  











Bballman 2.7B WW


Tarzan 800M domestic, OW 150M,  2.7B OS--3.5B WW


Dash R (Need your predict)


Walt Disney, on 18 Jan 2014



AvatarPosted Image 2: OW 145M , Dom 495M, WW 2.8B


Avengers 2: OW 215M, Dom 530M, WW 2.2B






Predictions for the game (I'll consider they're all good movies)

Avengers 2 : OW 215M - DOM 540M - WW 1.8B$


Star Wars Episode VII : OW 160M - DOM 570M- WW 1.65B$


Batman/Superman : OW 205M - DOM 540M - WW 1.45B$


Avatar 2 : OW 130M - DOM 560M - WW 3B$




Kayom ...


0575 M - 0675 M domestic


2000 M - 2500 M overseas


2575 M - 3175 M worldwide






0550 M - 0625 M domestic


1000 M - 1350 M overseas


1550 M - 1975 M worldwide




SW Vll


0550 M - 0650 M domestic


0900 M - 1000 M overseas


1450 M - 1650 M worldwide




MOS ll


0450 M - 0550 M domestic


0650 M - 0800 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide






0300 M - 0400 M domestic


0800 M - 0950 M overseas


1100 M - 1350 M worldwide




The Stingray, on 27 Jan 2014 - 04:15 AM, said:Posted Image


FINAL PREDICTIONS (because real box office predictors can predict the numbers from the title alone)
Domestic: 335-360m
Worldwide: 1.25b
Domestic: 535-560m
Worldwide: 1.4-1.7b
Domestic: 475-500m
Worldwide: 0.9-1.2b
Domestic: 385-410m
Worldwide: 1-1.3b
Domestic: 550-575m
Worldwide: 1.8-2.1b




DOM - 300-350m

WW - 1-1.3b



DOM - 550-600m

WW - 1.5-1.7b



DOM - 500-600m

WW - 1.2-1.5b



DOM - 600-700m

WW - 2.8-3b



DOM - 300-400m

WW - 900-1.1b


Tarzan the man enters the Avatar vs the world Prize Game..Woohoo

Welcome home Tarzan :)


OW Predicts:


TF4 160 mil OW
TA2 240 mil
Star Wars 140 mil
BVS 180 mil


(Tarzan) Spongebob Squarepants, on 23 Feb 2014 - 3:30 PM, said:Posted Image

For kal's game:(Domestic)
TF4 405 mil
TA2 670 mil
Star Wars 460 mil
BVS 450 mil.


(WW #s)

TF4 1.5 billion
TA2 2.0 billion
Star Wars 1.3 billion
BVS 1 billion




I thought over it and you know what, lets add Transformers 4 back since you know  it could it could get to 400M and over a billion  OS . :)


Its a contender with these guys.

Avatar 2 vs the world Prize Game Bump.. Predict and win the prizes! :)


Prize Game Bump  03/30/2014..

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Whose franchises?

Well Avatar franchise will conquer LOTR in 2 movies lol and SWS... HP will be made to oblivion by Avatar 3 .


By PArt 4 I estimate Avatar franchise will greatly surpass every franchise out there with an estimated 12-15 Billion made just from the films Neo!!!


" Outstanding!!"



Mighty Franchises KOED by James Cameron by movie 2








Only movies daring to come close to James Cameron films in quality


are Empire Strikes Back, LOTR 2 , Indiana Jones 3 and 1.


Still overall Titanic and Avatar astounded movie audiences even more than the above. .James Cameron is  the movie god!!


Speilberg is still the king because of sheer volume of movies he has directed or produced, but in terms of pound for pound greatest.. Cameron is the yoda of them all. Involved at every level of film making and always the guy pushing the envelope and never relying on just repeating the same thing over and over.

Edited by Superman001
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i could see this ww ending up similar to star wars 4 and 5 dom adjusted: $1,310,412,745 drop to $748,669,279. empire was still absolutely colossal but the first was just too high to sustain


and i doubt we'll see a 3b film until the mid 20s

Lol Titanic adjusts to over 3billion , and Avatar 1 was short by less than 250Mil mark of 3billion.  Your kidding right? LOL..


Hmm did I mention that Terminator 1 made about 30-40mil and Terminator 2 was such an improvement it hit 500M WW.. Hmm what happens if Juggernaut 2 has a jump of even a small scope of the leaps of T2 over its predecessor.


Or heck Aliens 2 over Aliens 1 lol... .


Water, think and research James Cameron before making insane posts. SWs films are not even in the shadow of Avatar I, Titanic, Terminator 2.. Period.. Only the first 2 films of the original triology should even be put in the discussion with the top James Cameron epics.


Bet your bottom dollar on that that nearly everyone thinks James Cameron films are  superior to his peers out there.


Lets see what attendance your Pacific Rim Director, Speilberg, Scorscee, Zemekis, Ridley Scotts get vs Cameron in not only previous years but the future.


 I dont see any of them having back to back all time films and their last two films both garnering nearly 200 film awards.. Including oscars, best director, best picture nods in many of the top Film awards in worldwide move history. Cameron is now worth nearly a billion from 1 film lol ;)

Edited by Superman001
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It's funny that we're talking about a huge drop-off.... to the second-biggest WW gross ever.

Tele I know right, its a testament to how above the rest James Cameron is my friend..


Rofl..... The movie is a lock almost to beat Titanic on the lowend, but knowing James Cameron its likely to surpass

Avatar I and push the original into all time 2nd place, and Titanic to 3rd place and Avengers down to 4th place lol


Expect to see James Cameron in all 3 spots baby after this sequel. .THis is pretty damn crazy..

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0% chance of increasing domestically, it just was a perfect storm of factors that got it past $750M first time around and if it is going to reach its December 2014 release date then filming has to get going soon I would imagine

LOL.. Just like your predicts it would be a Fern Gully flop back in the day.. You never get tired of Cameron fans owning you do you lol

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Yeah, I never heard the SW correlation before.


Avatar made crazy money because people like my parents ended up seeing it just to keep up with the conversation. But my parents also have no intention of seeing the sequels, so I'm inclined to think they'll drop in many territories. Which is stating the obvious, I suppose.

We will see you bow before the king hatebox  when it breaks records all over the world.... When a film makes a 100million in places believed totally impossible like Austraila and other lands and makes 130+M for weekends for over 7 weekends straight OS.


Your not just an epic film maker, you  become something never seen before.


Put that with the mans last movie is arguably the greatest epic ever made and certainly the most moving blockbuster of all time. .Dominating BO, Music, radio, after box office news everything...


I would say  Avatar dropping off much OS is a non factor.. When folks hear James cameron Avatar 2, they will come

no matter what!!

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Well Avatar franchise will conquer LOTR in 2 movies lol and SWS... HP will be made to oblivion by Avatar 3 .


By PArt 4 I estimate Avatar franchise will greatly surpass every franchise out there with an estimated 12-15 Billion made just from the films Neo!!!


" Outstanding!!"



Mighty Franchises KOED by James Cameron by movie 2








Only movies daring to come close to James Cameron films in quality


are Empire Strikes Back, LOTR 2 , Indiana Jones 3 and 1.


Still overall Titanic and Avatar astounded movie audiences even more than the above. .James Cameron is  the movie god!!


Speilberg is still the king because of sheer volume of movies he has directed or produced, but in terms of pound for pound greatest.. Cameron is the yoda of them all. Involved at every level of film making and always the guy pushing the envelope and never relying on just repeating the same thing over and over.

Beating LOTR in 2 movies matters why? It will be a 10 year difference the OS markets have greatly changed. 15B won't happen with 4 movies should top out at max 13B. LOTR2 debatable as FOTR to me and others was a better movie. More than the ones you have listed beat Cameron films sorry to say. Box office =/= quality.

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Tele I know right, its a testament to how above the rest James Cameron is my friend..


Rofl..... The movie is a lock almost to beat Titanic on the lowend, but knowing James Cameron its likely to surpass

Avatar I and push the original into all time 2nd place, and Titanic to 3rd place and Avengers down to 4th place lol


Expect to see James Cameron in all 3 spots baby after this sequel. .THis is pretty damn crazy..


Aside from $$ inflation adjusting, I wish there was a way to adjust for inflation in overseas attendance.  OS markets have expanded greatly.  No way Titanic would make less than $2b in that case, quite possibly $3.5b.

Edited by lilmac
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Lol Titanic adjusts to over 3billion , and Avatar 1 was short by less than 250Mil mark of 3billion.  Your kidding right? LOL..


Hmm did I mention that Terminator 1 made about 30-40mil and Terminator 2 was such an improvement it hit 500M WW.. Hmm what happens if Juggernaut 2 has a jump of even a small scope of the leaps of T2 over its predecessor.


Or heck Aliens 2 over Aliens 1 lol... .


Water, think and research James Cameron before making insane posts. SWs films are not even in the shadow of Avatar I, Titanic, Terminator 2.. Period.. Only the first 2 films of the original triology should even be put in the discussion with the top James Cameron epics.


Bet your bottom dollar on that that nearly everyone thinks James Cameron films are  superior to his peers out there.


Lets see what attendance your Pacific Rim Director, Speilberg, Scorscee, Zemekis, Ridley Scotts get vs Cameron in not only previous years but the future.


 I dont see any of them having back to back all time films and their last two films both garnering nearly 200 film awards.. Including oscars, best director, best picture nods in many of the top Film awards in worldwide move history. Cameron is now worth nearly a billion from 1 film lol ;)

Talking DOM not WW. Was talking how its possible to have a decrease like ANH to ESB. So you think Avatar will increase by 484% (DOM)? Well Aliens wasn't Cameron directed and that Aliens increase was terrible need to look at that again. Ticket sales they all are in the same range.

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i could see this ww ending up similar to star wars 4 and 5 dom adjusted: $1,310,412,745 drop to $748,669,279. empire was still absolutely colossal but the first was just too high to sustain and i doubt we'll see a 3b film until the mid 20s

If it drops that much it will earn 434m. I can't see it earning less than 500m to be honest.
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Talking DOM not WW. Was talking how its possible to have a decrease like ANH to ESB. So you think Avatar will increase by 484% (DOM)? Well Aliens wasn't Cameron directed and that Aliens increase was terrible need to look at that again. Ticket sales they all are in the same range.

Ahaha Neo ... Correction my friend.. Aliens is directed by James Cameron... Its the biggest one in

ticket sales also. :)(Alien  is the Ridley Scott One


Budget $18.5 million[2] Box office $131,060,248[3

^^^ James Cameron's Master piece


The Original Alien film by Ridely Scott.


in the United States, though international box office figures have varied from $24 million to $122,700,000. Its total worldwide gross has been listed within the range of $104,931,801[3] to $203,630,630. Lol no one knows whats

the original made worldwide. But considering Alien was a breakthrough film with a female lead(wow) and

changed the game. I still consider James Cameron pulling off a better film with better BO and after BO(Its way

over aliens if you include DVD sales) it just shows Cameron is awesome!!


Also Since we are talking about James Cameron coming off Titanic and then Avatar I.. Films that will likely

stay in the top 5 places for another decade or more.. Have no doubts my friend..  Cameron seems to show

no slowdown in sight..And hes going to go for Juggernaut Franchise records again when he starts Battle Angel 3part Saga

with Fox next... Holy FRAGGIN MOLY!!

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