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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Even SW was 3 movies at first. I think Avatar is the first franchise not based on a source-material that has decided on 3 films after the first one. All others have taken it movie by movie, or sometimes planned 2 movies. It's a bold move. But then I am done doubting Cameroon.

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I'm not pushing anything. It was my first and only (up to that point) post on that matter.




What are you even trying to say? I'm sorry but pretty much everyone takes ideas from somewhere else, no one is living in a bubble. It's how you make them your own is what matters. And how you tell your story, its execution. And just because the backdrop of Titanic is based on a historical event, it doesn't make it any less his story, a love story.

Guess you missed the part I was quoting.

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No, it doesn't guarantee ANYTHING Kal.. You really don't grasp just how much $$$$ over 2Billion dollars really is, do ya??? Do you know how hard it was for TA to make what it did and you're expecting a sequel to a movie no one barely even mentions for as much $$$ as it made, to make over 2 Billion????


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We already posted that Walt Disney is even promoting Avatar BKB..... Not popular..



I think you need to take your nose out of the sniffing of avengers suits and come into the light.LOL Walt disney is spending almost a billion putting Avatar 1 and Avatar 2 parks into their Amusement resorts ROFL.


3billion isnt alock, but if Cameron delivers afilm almost or better than Avatar1 ...Blowing away Avengers 2  domestically

and worldwide is guranteed as is the 2.4-2.7Billion range.


Like others tell you, your movie and not even SW7 is in Avatar leagues. .We have to measure as if Titanic had a sequel.


Juggernaut 2016's love is unbeatable , who else but cameron could have people all over the world

contemplating suicide because they cant return to fictional world. I suggest you go back to posts by me , Dash, Neo and over 20 others.


When all is said and dont..Foxes one franchise with Cameron will be more powerful than any 2-3 films from Disneys Marvel Universe :)(And thats including Avengers 2 in the mix of 2-3 films) :D


The funny thing is after Avatar 2 makes 3billion, theres still 2 more films left ROFL!! ;)

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Even SW was 3 movies at first. I think Avatar is the first franchise not based on a source-material that has decided on 3 films after the first one. All others have taken it movie by movie, or sometimes planned 2 movies. It's a bold move. But then I am done doubting Cameroon.

SHoot BKB friend sounds crazy to think a comic movie is even a blip on the radar compared to any epic from Cameron at this point. :)


We need to tell him the masses believe in this man like no other. He has never dropped the ball, and pushes the industry. He doesnt just give you a movie, he gives us a fucking world breaking event and glory...


Can you imagine AK2 if he gives us a sequel that blows the great Terminator 2 (Which in manys eyes was the best sequel of all time)


and Aliens sequel away.. Oh my..


I also hope the gap like many are saying between Avengers 2 and the Juggernaut 2 will be insane.


Avengers hitting 520-550M domestic and Avatar 2 you hear that annoucement has surpassed Avengers 2 domestically

by over 350M!! :)



If any film can get to 850-950+M domestic its going to be  one of the Avatar sequels..



Oh did we mention despite Avengers being in more theaters in 3D domestically and OS.. Avatar almost beat it by 2billion..


LOL. What will a Avatar 2 with the Cameron stamp achieve when it has as much theaters as Avengers worldwide and a lock on the 3D theaters for months. As everyone will be making money keeping the new benchmark for 3D and sound in their studios again and again.



Can Cameron top himself--You damn skippy.


Just go back and look at T2, Aliens, Titanic (Adjsuts to over 4Billion WW!!!), and Avatar surpasses Titanic in 1 run..


Titanic domestically alone sold enough tickets with piracy and internet to still have almost 1.1Billion domestic.


Come on now BKB.... You dont doubt a man who is in the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Spots WW(That future is guranteed)


Avengers will be lucky to get 520-550+M Domestic again,, and its OS bounty will be around the 850-900M OS range.


So 1.4-1.65b.. .A2 is a lock to surpass Titanic...Not even in the same arena.:)

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All this hate for james all over again!Guess people will never learn!After aliens,terminator 2,titanic,avatar! They still doubt him!Its a shame really!

Lol when Avatar 2 breaks Avatar 1 and makes an OS tally in excess of 2.5-3billion... We will just dig BKB a hole..


^^ Also Neo I agree Titanic is a story well known, but its  takes a genious to get every generation around the world to find this old

and seemingly tired story so fresh that despite bootlegs , and internet it made 1.8 billion without 3D price and in a market over 1200% smaller than today OS ..


That is the testament to the Yodameron

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Anyone here think Avengers 2 is going to make as much as the first domestically and WW?


Much less be a challenge for Avatar 2.... Only the over the top Marvel loonies I suspect. We all know there is no movie more anticipated and will be more attended than this sequel.



Its going to be interesting to see if he will  do it again with Battle Angelita.. :) I will be right here pumping that one next if it looks to be a game changer as when  I first set my foot in theaters to see the 16 min preview of Avatar at Avatar Day 1  in August of 2009.




Oh and guys Im hearing there may be an Avatar Day 2!!!! Yeeehaw.. I hope so!!

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Even SW was 3 movies at first. I think Avatar is the first franchise not based on a source-material that has decided on 3 films after the first one. All others have taken it movie by movie, or sometimes planned 2 movies. It's a bold move. But then I am done doubting Cameroon.

LOl lets just go again to BKB and Marvel horde..


Terminator 2, Aliens , Back to back 2 billion dollar films both that got over 100 major film awards(if not 200lol)

Titanic  and Avatar 1.



Any questions...Absolutely no chance for any marvel film to make the numbers of Titanic or Avatar 2

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Anyone here think Avengers 2 is going to make as much as the first domestically and WW?


Much less be a challenge for Avatar 2.... Only the over the top Marvel loonies I suspect. We all know there is no movie more anticipated and will be more attended than this sequel.



Its going to be interesting to see if he will  do it again with Battle Angelita.. :) I will be right here pumping that one next if it looks to be a game changer as when  I first set my foot in theaters to see the 16 min preview of Avatar at Avatar Day 1  in August of 2009.




Oh and guys Im hearing there may be an Avatar Day 2!!!! Yeeehaw.. I hope so!!


I actually don't think Avatar 2 is overly anticipated by the GA, just a shrug type thing right now.

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I actually don't think Avatar 2 is overly anticipated by the GA, just a shrug type thing right now.

Well its HV and merchandising sales is on the level of near the Lion King,  and Avengers and everything else pales in comparison.



So I beg to differ. There are societies on the web who all talk in the Navi Now.. So no Marvels film is anywhere close to this kind of anticipation. 


And now Avatar 2 will be  in as much theaters as Avengers 1 or so.. Last Avatar was in 6000-7000+ TCs Ww.


Avengers was in 10000-12000 or more and still couldnt come close.. Theres no comparison.And Avengers is coming from 50 yrs of love lol. Avatar an original out of this world concept from James Camerons mind..




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^^ Neo can you post the estimated showings for Avengers 1 vs Avatar 2009..


There is a huge difference!


Domestically I think Avatar was only in 2300+ TC lols (Avengers in 4500) That is embarrassing on the domination and love of Cameron films over an established and first time teamup film like avengers.


OS they had avengers in way more TCs too ..And the ass whopping is almost fainting level staggering.


Sorry Panda... Your Marvel notions aside.. When you outsell avengers on HV 3- 1 or more... Your very anticipated. Go look up HV BO for the film  Avatar. :ph34r:

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Guess you missed the part I was quoting.


It's a difference between getting inspired by something and adapting a book. Not that the latter is necessarily easier, it has its own challenges.

Edited by Elessar
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I actually don't think Avatar 2 is overly anticipated by the GA, just a shrug type thing right now.


I'm not saying I agree with you, but the question is: does it matter?


Sure these days for normal Hollywood blockbusters and sequels anticipation is the biggest thing ever for the boxoffice success, but Avatar sequels ain't normal Hollywood blockbusters and sequels. Anticipation has never been a priority for Cameron's films. He managed to make the not-so-anticipated movie the highest grossing of all time and he did twice 12 years apart. We can find all the excuses we want to explain the first one, like he got lucky and teen girls just couldn't get enough of Leo, but if he faced a whole new generation of movie goers 12 years later and did it again, there's no excuses. There is simply no other man on this planet knows better than him on how to connect with GA. And if not making a feature film in 12 years didn't make him lose his touch with the GA , what makes you think 6 years will suddenly do?

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SHoot BKB friend sounds crazy to think a comic movie is even a blip on the radar compared to any epic from Cameron at this point. :)


We need to tell him the masses believe in this man like no other. He has never dropped the ball, and pushes the industry. He doesnt just give you a movie, he gives us a fucking world breaking event and glory...


Can you imagine AK2 if he gives us a sequel that blows the great Terminator 2 (Which in manys eyes was the best sequel of all time)


and Aliens sequel away.. Oh my..


I also hope the gap like many are saying between Avengers 2 and the Juggernaut 2 will be insane.


Avengers hitting 520-550M domestic and Avatar 2 you hear that annoucement has surpassed Avengers 2 domestically

by over 350M!! :)



If any film can get to 850-950+M domestic its going to be  one of the Avatar sequels..



Oh did we mention despite Avengers being in more theaters in 3D domestically and OS.. Avatar almost beat it by 2billion..


LOL. What will a Avatar 2 with the Cameron stamp achieve when it has as much theaters as Avengers worldwide and a lock on the 3D theaters for months. As everyone will be making money keeping the new benchmark for 3D and sound in their studios again and again.



Can Cameron top himself--You damn skippy.


Just go back and look at T2, Aliens, Titanic (Adjsuts to over 4Billion WW!!!), and Avatar surpasses Titanic in 1 run..


Titanic domestically alone sold enough tickets with piracy and internet to still have almost 1.1Billion domestic.


Come on now BKB.... You dont doubt a man who is in the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Spots WW(That future is guranteed)


Avengers will be lucky to get 520-550+M Domestic again,, and its OS bounty will be around the 850-900M OS range.


So 1.4-1.65b.. .A2 is a lock to surpass Titanic...Not even in the same arena. :)


I dont think piracy was a factor in 97/98. We were in dial up era back then. But Titanic domestic run is just one of its kind. Only other run which is kind of comparable is ET. 

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I dont think piracy was a factor in 97/98. We were in dial up era back then. But Titanic domestic run is just one of its kind. Only other run which is kind of comparable is ET. 

It was my friend. Ton of bootlegs were being downloaded back in 97-98 and we had high speed back then. Just not as fast as now :)..

Dial era was in the 1988-1992 or so.. We had high speed not only through cable modems in 98 but even dish network had highspeed

up 400kps a sec way back then. :) And agreed the run of Titanic is unparallel. If Avatar 2 succeeds in even a 6-7 multiplier after a 150-160M OW.. It will make Titanic like numbers domestically (adjusted), but nothing on this planet can sell tickets in one run like the Titan. It will always be the ultimate king of the one run world :)

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I'm not saying I agree with you, but the question is: does it matter?


Sure these days for normal Hollywood blockbusters and sequels anticipation is the biggest thing ever for the boxoffice success, but Avatar sequels ain't normal Hollywood blockbusters and sequels. Anticipation has never been a priority for Cameron's films. He managed to make the not-so-anticipated movie the highest grossing of all time and he did twice 12 years apart. We can find all the excuses we want to explain the first one, like he got lucky and teen girls just couldn't get enough of Leo, but if he faced a whole new generation of movie goers 12 years later and did it again, there's no excuses. There is simply no other man on this planet knows better than him on how to connect with GA. And if not making a feature film in 12 years didn't make him lose his touch with the GA , what makes you think 6 years will suddenly do?

Amen VC2002.. It amazes me some folks still say Cameron cant pull it offf...LMAO.. I think they know my scenario and others can definitely happen.. They just dont want their franchise to get owned that badly, but if  James delievers ineed there is no sequel

the general audience will flock to more.


Can you imagine its so grand over the original, that 3D theaters play it for 4-5 months this time, not just having itself in 3D theaters for 2-3 months.. LOL :)



Still seeing fans with Avatar shirts... And avatar games coming up for Apple..So the GA is very much aware and its amazing..

The studio just advertises the names James cameron shows us a bit of behind the scenes on whats hes doing, Cameron and team come up with epic trailers and his epics push other directors and the GA to follow him whereever his creative mind goes. :)


Im still laughing at ignorant smoes who said Titanic was a fluke, but there were over 20+ films made...Only  Camerons exploded and had more people see it than any movie in history of the world!


And then he almost does it again with Avatar(In fact OS , there might have been just as much people who took it in as Titanic's  massive appeal) Domestically, nothing comes close to Titanic.

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hey guys heres me doing a video on the subway. Enjoy. About to post an old video

I made when I first went into Juggernaut 2009 at the largest Imax location in new york


80 Foot x 140 or 160 feet wide!! 25-30,000 watts of sound power!!




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