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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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Whedon always takes it to the next level. Whereas Cameron has gotten lazy with his writing in his "old" age. The only reason Avatar 2 will beat everything else worldwide is because JC knows that international audiences like groundbreaking visuals overlaid on simple stories with non-complex characters. In that respect he's very smart.

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Edited by The Futurist
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Whedon always takes it to the next level. Whereas Cameron has gotten lazy with his writing in his "old" age. The only reason Avatar 2 will beat everything else worldwide is because JC knows that international audiences like groundbreaking visuals overlaid on simple stories with non-complex characters. In that respect he's very smart.


Yes and due to the very complex characters and plot of Avengers you had to watch it a few times.

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I do not know if this will make what Superman001/Kal is saying. Maybe the most reasonable thing to think is that this will drop by about 200 million DOM, but I have one thing quite clear: this will have an absurd OW in December. And with Christmas boost I see difficult this can not make, at very least, 550 DOM.


But I am even more curious about Chinese gross. In 2009, Transformers 2 did 62 million $ and 2 years later, TF3 jumped to 175, and many of us have asumed that Transformers is maybe the biggest franchise in China. Well, Avatar did 210 million $ in 2010... I do not want to speculate with absurd numbers, but, IMHO, China could challenge US numbers in Avatar sequels.

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Yes and due to the very complex characters and plot of Avengers you had to watch it a few times.

HAH AHH AHHAHAH Elessar... Darth's logic comes from the same place BKB's comes from..lol Going to be funny if Avengers 2 decreases and Avatar 2 by master Cameron increases beyond everyones predictions. :)

Hmm seems Cameron has over 200 film rewards alot of them in the writing department too(He also

has what from his films now -nearly 20 oscars and Golden Globes , Saturn Awards etc )... You have to wonder where Darth Got his facts. lol

Edited by Superman001
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I do not know if this will make what Superman001/Kal is saying. Maybe the most reasonable thing to think is that this will drop by about 200 million DOM, but I have one thing quite clear: this will have an absurd OW in December. And with Christmas boost I see difficult this can not make, at very least, 550 DOM.


But I am even more curious about Chinese gross. In 2009, Transformers 2 did 62 million $ and 2 years later, TF3 jumped to 175, and many of us have asumed that Transformers is maybe the biggest franchise in China. Well, Avatar did 210 million $ in 2010... I do not want to speculate with absurd numbers, but, IMHO, China could challenge US numbers in Avatar sequels.

Amen Peludo. Im convinced between 3-4 countries ....Juggernuat 2014 will amass 1billion!!!


Just 3-4!  Put that against Avengers that will struggle to get even 800-900 OS in all the markets! LOL


Imagine this scenario Avatar becomes the worlds first 160-210M OW in December!!! ... Then still has an insane multiplier of 5.5-6x+


Yes my friend, its is possible that the sequel may bloody make Avengers OS numbers domestically!! Holy shit!


Last Avatar had a 9.8 Multiplier off a near 80M OW!!

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That would be very embarrassing all if BKB keeps Saying Avengers 2 will beat the worlds biggest sequel, and it can barely beat the Juggernaut'2 Domestic gross WW..lol




ANy news on our story's star Kayom, Neo, Dash, Telemachos... Hes facing some jail time if he loses his court case.. Post any updates on this. Although  I doubt he gets times. really, he was defending his girl from a crazy paparazzi

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I guess so. I don't know about BKB.

BKB lets marvel love cloud his mind...I just did calculations and from 5 countries Avatar could hit nearly 2 bilion (including USA) ANd there are so much more to go after that. Hah hah...Talk about a snowballs chance in hell. Im not even sure SWs 7 and Avengers 2 combined can match Avatar 2 WW gross Kayom..lol

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Yes and due to the very complex characters and plot of Avengers you had to watch it a few times.

Not necessarily more complex, but at least the characters in TA had personality and a sense of humour. No one in Avatar was developed as anything more than a generic archetype. Which I found very disappointing from a filmmaker who used to develop even minor characters like the marines in Aliens or the oil rig crew in The Abyss.
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If you want to say AVATAR is anti-colonialist, go right ahead! But there's nothing "American" about any of it. Standardized "western culture"? Definitely. US? Nope. Furthermore, the movie's very clear that the armed security team are corporate mercenaries. While they have a military background (same as most mercs actually do), they are not "the military".

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If you want to say AVATAR is anti-colonialist, go right ahead! But there's nothing "American" about any of it. Standardized "western culture"? Definitely. US? Nope.

Furthermore, the movie's very clear that the armed security team are corporate mercenaries. While they have a military background (same as most mercs actually do), they are not "the military".


Wouldn't most Marines that used to be in the US military most likely object to "fuck yeah, lets wipe this civilization off the map so I can get back to base in time for my steak dinner Posted Image"? It was handled in a really cartoonish way, getting a paycheck from a corporation doesn't suddenly make you approve of orders of mass genocide.  They were ex-Marines, not ex-Nazis.  Yes, I understand what the Europeans did to the Indians, but this movie took place in 2154.

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