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Weekend #s April 4-6 (Cap2: 96.2, Noah 17, Divergent 13)

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1) The average yearly cost of a 4 year collage is $22,000.  I would guess for Division 1 schools its closer to 25-30,000/year.  In contrast the median household income in the USA is only $29,000 ( 2010 )


So the idea that student athletes on scholarship are being 'taken advantage of' is ridiculous.


2) While collage athletics bring big time revenue in football and basketball they also have big time expenses.  In most collages football or basketball are funding all of the other sports which do bring in much revenue.  


3) While the big time programs bring in a lot of money most schools do not.  Colorado universities are not making much money from athletics.


4) Collages are not (usually) corporations with shareholders taking all the profit.  While there are some big time paid ADs and coaches... most of the profits go towards funding other school programs and scholarships.  


I am not going to derail the thread and these is nothing wrong with your arguments but this is all besides the point. Studies have shown that national championships raise the profile of schools and can generate (tens of ) millions of dollars in alumni contributions, corporate contracts and sales of jerseys etc. Now you know that there is a 5 star High School player who can help you get there and one of your rival school is willing to pay a million dollars to get him in. What do you do ? Ok, you take the high road. Your rival wins the national championship. So what do you do next year ? The system is setup to be abused. These players are not morons. They have these million dollar coaches camping outside their homes and ESPN crews  taping their high school games. They know what they are worth and it isn't a $1500 per month scholarship.

Edited by TLK
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1. Who would've thought I would like Cap 2 more than Sam... :)


2. 96m (just like I predicted before my midnights meltdown :P ) is an awesome number.


The midnights really set a high expectation for the movie. Looking at comparisons, this has been one of the more frontloaded Marvel movies at midnight:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AozvDcPvd7aLdG9zNDVJRjBZVTdqeEIzLVN1aDFJQXc&usp=sharing#gid=0


Based on other Marvel movie multipliers, it was headed to 115M even with the worst of the multipliers. I guess there was an initial fanboy rush for the early shows thanks to the buzz and reviews.

Edited by grim22
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I hadn't even realized that.


Thor 1 OW - 65.7

Cap 1 OW - 65.1


Thor 2 OW - 85.7

Cap 2 OW - 95-96????


After their first movies were fairly even, it looks like Cap is going to take a fairly significant lead over Thor.

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The midnights really set a high expectation for the movie. Looking at comparisons, this has been one of the more frontloaded movies at midnight:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AozvDcPvd7aLdG9zNDVJRjBZVTdqeEIzLVN1aDFJQXc&usp=sharing#gid=0

Yeah, the midnight # is why the OW slightly disappoints me. After that #, I thought it would do 100M for sure.  :(

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Sounds good. That's a 30m increase over the first one's opening weekend.


yeah all this century-mark OW talk definitely got my hopes up. But when you put it in this perspective the sequel has done exceptionally well--that's a 46% increase over TFA's OW.

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But but the final four it lead to a deflated Saturday or something



People seem to be saying Game Of Thrones and Wrestlemania, though I question how many will actually watch Wrestlemania. Don't their ppv's usually only get 1-2 million people?

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OW predictions from 01-03-2014 >> 31-03-2014


BKB = 150m

portgas = 120m

Empire = 112m

iJack = 110m

Jesus of Suburbia = 110m

Jessie = 106m

Tarzan = 105m

druv10 = 101m

WileECoyote = 98m 

fmpro = 97m

Captawasal = 97m


junkshop38 = 95m

Shaldun = 95m

Talkie = 95m

The Stingray = 95m

kayumanggi = 94m

ShawnMR = 94m

Captain Craig = 93m

FilmBuff = 93m

Wade = 93m

Cmasterclay = 92m

The Panda = 92m

acab = 90m

bapi = 90m

ffe99 = 90m

Gokai Red = 90m

Michael Gary Scott = 90m

Sam = 90m

Tails Miles Prower = 90m

kowhite = 85m-90m

Lordmandeep = 88m

Olive = 88m

Jay Hollywood = 86m

Samarus = 86m

acetabulum7 = 85m

boomboom234 = 85m

Manu2227 = 85m

Talon = 83m

boomboom234 = 80m

LexJoker = 80m

AJG = 75m

ChD = 75m

Goffe Rises = 75m

I think it will be closer to 97 mill E :)

Now thats Danish Dynamite

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TWS earlier today 34.3-36SatCATWS 35.1,Noah 7.3,Div 5.7,GND 3,MMW 2.9,GBH 2.7,MPS 2.3,NFS 830k,Sab/NS 800k

Noooooooooo!!!Why NFS? Why? :PGreat number for CATWS. Good thing I didn't bump my initial ow guess after the midnights. It'll still likely fall a little short of 97 but such big improvement for supposedly the weakest of the big 3 MCU single franchises. Speaks volumes about the movie and the initial push. Now let's see how strong WOM actually is, and I believe it is good enough to get close to 270.BTW. I sure as hell don't want to live in SoCal. But it's still great fun in short doses. Edited by WileECoyote
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Thor 1 OW - 65.7

Cap 1 OW - 65.1


Thor 2 OW - 85.7

Cap 2 OW - 95-96????


After their first movies were fairly even, it looks like Cap is going to take a fairly significant lead over Thor.


Hopefully it ends up higher than Thor 2. The budget increased by 30m too, lol. 

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I think it will be closer to 97 mill E :)Now thats Danish Dynamite


That's cool. I won't complain. I just highlighted my prediction. 

Edited by ECSTASY
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Noooooooooo!!!Why NFS? Why? :PGreat number for CATWS. Good thing I didn't bump my initial ow guess after the midnights. It'll still likely fall a little short of 97 but such big improvement for supposedly the weakest of the big 3 MCU single franchises. Speaks volumes about the movie and the initial push. Now let's see how strong WOM actually is, and I believe it is good enough to get close to 270.BTW. I sure as hell don't want to live in SoCal. But it's still great fun in short doses.

  What? :angry:


Are you home now?

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1. Who would've thought I would like Cap 2 more than Sam... :) 2. 96m (just like I predicted before my midnights meltdown :P ) is an awesome number.

:lol:I don't know. It did delivered well in a lot of areas, but I just feel like something is missing.
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