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10 hours ago, excel1 said:

Not taking a side on the bill either way, but Chapek's responsibility is to shareholders. Not Twitter.

The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who refuse to take a stand in moments of great crisis.

Your refusal to take stand against bigotry qualifies, I think.

Keep it up and one day you will wake up to find your favorite movies or tv shows have been banned because the American Taliaban finds it offensive.

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20 hours ago, cannastop said:

this is a bill designed to chill all discussion of lgbt people in elementary school, which is absurd. Lots of children are queer, and lots of their parents are queer. to say that you can't even bring the subject up at all in a class discussion is ridiculous.

Im not talking about being queer, im wondering where it is wrong to draw the line at having kids being told there are over 50 genders out there? NHS only recognises 6 whereas the LGBTQ community insist there are more. The information is changing on a daily basis which makes it difficult to keep up with whats true and whats just a movement trying to force opinions on others. 


I think it would be better to discuss it like you would religion, where you teach the kids what people believe without calling it an absolute fact. Instead teach kids to be respectful in others beliefs without forcing opinions on them which never ends well.

20 hours ago, That One Guy said:


certainly is preferable to be taught this supposedly controversial subject at a younger age instead of having one’s gender identity suppressed because they’re told it’s “weird” and “illogical” by conservative morons


Maybe but you've also got to be careful not to convince 7 year olds that they are in the wrong body simply because they dont comply with gender stereotypes. This topic isn't as black and white as one may think

22 hours ago, AniNate said:


Those parents are stupid and wrong.


Not agreeing with 'some' of the theories doesn't make them stupid. You have to remember most adults where never taught these things during school so it's natural for them to dismiss it in later life when biology lessons never touched on it

Edited by Tarintino
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1 hour ago, dudalb said:

That makes two Morons. DeSantis and Chapek for thinking this meeting would end any other way. Chapek should have just made the statment and not get a meeting. He was playing nto DeSantis hands.

What is scary is DeSantis full embrace of  bigotry. Watch. He will take some move against Afro Americans next to keep his White surpremist Maga base happy.

As much as I'm not thrilled about Disney's response to this, DeathSantis just committed pure idiocy because he just attacked arguably the biggest provider for this state's economy and one of the most powerful and influential companies in the world. The place that employs nearly 80,000 people and keeps the money flowing all year long? And in a reelection year where he's already in a rough position given that a portion of his voters are now dead due to his botched handling of COVID? He's playing with the big boys now and starting a war he is destined to lose. Hard to think of a more moronic instance of biting the hands that feed you.


Notice how he and Pushaw are going after Disney for being "woke" vs. using the "groomer" label that they called everyone else who opposes the bill. They're aware they have no stones to throw, especially when it's hardly an obscure fact that some of his best buddies are on their way to prison for sex trafficking children.

Edited by filmlover
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2 hours ago, dudalb said:

The hottest place in hell is reserved for those who refuse to take a stand in moments of great crisis.

Your refusal to take stand against bigotry qualifies, I think.

Keep it up and one day you will wake up to find your favorite movies or tv shows have been banned because the American Taliaban finds it offensive.


lmao obviously I have a personal side on the Florida bill, just noting chapek's position should be evaluated in the proper context. if you want him to start expressing personal opinions on politics, he will need to resign 

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3 hours ago, Tarintino said:

Maybe but you've also got to be careful not to convince 7 year olds that they are in the wrong body simply because they dont comply with gender stereotypes. This topic isn't as black and white as one may think


this … isn’t how gender dysphoria works. could do a lot of good to educate yourself before talking and not fall for the most blatantly moronic anti-trans rhetoric

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Disney getting a message ready for DeathSantis right now:




Really, it's no secret that King Mickey practically rules over this state and that all the politicians here are just lucky to be part of the action lmao. If Disney was really smart, they would call his bluff and demand for the money that was donated by the company to this awful bill back in full if he's determined to be the first governor of this state to actually make an active effort in making an enemy out of arguably its #1 source for revenue. Force these fools to put their money where their mouths are.

Edited by filmlover
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5 hours ago, Tarintino said:

Im not talking about being queer, im wondering where it is wrong to draw the line at having kids being told there are over 50 genders out there? NHS only recognises 6 whereas the LGBTQ community insist there are more. The information is changing on a daily basis which makes it difficult to keep up with whats true and whats just a movement trying to force opinions on others. 


I think it would be better to discuss it like you would religion, where you teach the kids what people believe without calling it an absolute fact. Instead teach kids to be respectful in others beliefs without forcing opinions on them which never ends well.


Maybe but you've also got to be careful not to convince 7 year olds that they are in the wrong body simply because they dont comply with gender stereotypes. This topic isn't as black and white as one may think


Not agreeing with 'some' of the theories doesn't make them stupid. You have to remember most adults where never taught these things during school so it's natural for them to dismiss it in later life when biology lessons never touched on it

You do know that "Queer" is derogatory?

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3 hours ago, excel1 said:


lmao obviously I have a personal side on the Florida bill, just noting chapek's position should be evaluated in the proper context. if you want him to start expressing personal opinions on politics, he will need to resign 

I also think major  comapnes should have some social consciece......otherwise you have predatory capitalism.

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6 hours ago, dudalb said:

Keep it up and one day you will wake up to find your favorite movies or tv shows have been banned because the American Taliaban finds it offensive.

For people who favourite movie is Gone With The Wind, that rather easy to imagine.

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3 hours ago, datpepper said:

Also worth noting that they apparently paused all political donations in FL, including to any politicians who opposed the bill.

BothSidesBob has to live up to his name.

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On the plus side, it seems highly unlikely whenever the donations inevitably resume that any money will be going to DeathSantis (I refuse to call him anything else because it's what he deserves) or his cronies now that he's managed to make an enemy out of Disney. Disney! In Florida! Disney practically owns Florida! If that's not proof this fool hates everything in life and that it's all one big power play to him, I don't know what is.


If there is an upside to this (and there really isn't), it's that everyone who doesn't closely follow politics is now aware what a danger this tool who thinks of himself as Aladdin but in reality is Jafar is to minorities since not only is he willing to sign bigoted bills into law (that are really only to keep his awful base happy) and say "screw you" to its main moneymaker, but he's also been in the news for signing legislation for an election police force that he claims is to target voter fraud but to everyone who has half a brain cell is a transparent attempt at harassing and intimidating voters against him. We see right through you, wannabe Disney villain. I feel sorry for all our international members who look at the US and see all the thin-skinned schoolyard bullies that we have in positions of power here.

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