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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Given some of the things you said in the lead up, I'm going out on a limb and guessing that Ruthie or Spider Freak isn't dead, and said person was the one who talked to Damien...

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Trick question. You're currently wearing shorts.


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Edited by Jandrew
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Sorry for the delays, part 5 will be up tomorrow. The updated standing are on page 1. 16 down, 42 to go.


Team Slushy is hurting...


50% either dead or a traitor 


Time to get serious:


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Edited by AndyLL
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So don't worry, your questions will be answered. Who was talking to Damien Roc? Was it Walt Disney? Will Walt Disney even survive? Will Team Gryffindor ever make it to Hogwarts? Why did Iceroll's dragon do him dirty? Who rigged the platform? Is Jay now Venom? Am i currently wearing pants? Find it all out, tomorrow.

Expect 2 big surprises that none of yall are expecting, tomorrow. Also, every part is now being archived onto page 1, so if you need to catch up or once this is over you want to go back and read for fun, the links for each part will be on page 1!


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Yall are some impatient padawans. After years and years of wait, Part 5 is here! We had another celebrity guest drawer, my gf. Part 5 was gonna be pretty big, but it ended up being too long, and BOF logged me out so I lost half of what I had typed when I tried to preview post. So everything I left out of Part 5 will be in Part 6, but there's a couple big surprises here. Hope yall enjoy. Don't spoil!
Running, Team Gryffindor, who has regrouped, outruns Fluffy, who is done feasting on Chassmmi. Suddenly, a portal opens up and they vanish. Enter Hogwarts. A portal opens up inside Hufflepuff and they all come spilling out, like when you have an open bag of Skittles, and accidentally turn the bag upside down? I hate that. Anyway, they land uncomfortably in the common area.
A2K: What just happened?
Spaghetti: I think we went through some kind of portal? Is this Gryiffindor?
CoolEric258: No, this is Jigglypuff.
Noctis: Huffle-puff. Anyway, so now what? What do we do?
Heretic: Let's look for some weapons or something. Who knows if we'll have to deal with another Fluffy, or Nagini, or Aragog. They get up and search. As they search around the Hufflepuff common area, Darkelf looks in a nook and notices something.
Darkelf: Heys, guys, check this out. He finds wands hanging on the wall, and pulls one off. Do yall think they work?
Heretic: Try it. Darkelf holds out the wand and tries a spell. He sees a cuckoo clock and aims at it. 
Darkelf: Accio! The cuckoo clock vanishes from the wall.
Spaghetti: It works! Ding! The cuckoo clock reappears and hits Darkelf in the head. Heretic and Cool Eric help him up. You okay? Darkelf nods.
Heretic: Sweet, they work! We can use these as weapons. Our team is gonna have a huge advantage now.
Noctis: Which spell makes peoples clothes disappear?
Team Shawrama has finally made it to SHIELD. They're walking around a control room, looking for any type of help, and find a touchscreen. Empire touches the screen and 7 symbols appear: one for each zone.
Sam: Whoa. I think clicking this will transport us somewhere else.
WileECoyote: We can go to Skull Island, Westeros, anywhere.
Empire: We should go to Metropolis. Empire begins to click, but Ecstacy stops him.
Ecstacy: What the hell, Empire? What's your obsession with DC? Why you wanna go there so badly? What's your obsession with them?
Spazz91: Why are we even here? We don't have to touch this screen? We should sit back, relax, and let everyone come to us. An air vent in the ceiling then opens and a canister comes falling out. Spazz91 picks it up and opens it. He pulls out a note that reads "Team Shawrama has occupied their zone for too long. You must pick one of the 7 zones to be transported to, or the Marvel zone will be gassed, burned, and destroyed - powerfully. You have 20 seconds to pick. Yours truly, the Admin Capital." He drops the canister and they all scramble.
Punishment: Omg, omg, omg! What do we do!?
Sam: Quick! Pick something! 
Ecstacy: We need to make sure we pick right!
Spazz91: We don't have time for that!
Blankments: 10 seconds! Pick Skull Island!
Ecstacy: No! Too many monsters! Pick the Baysphere!
Sam: Too many explosions!
Punishment: Six seconds! Arendelle!
Ecstacy: I'm from Los Angeles! I don't do temperatures under 70 (20 celsius)! 5...4...3 seconds tick on the clock...2...
Empire: Metropolis! Empire smashes the screen with his fist with 1 seconds to spare. A portal opens up and they all vanish.
Team Shawrama pops up inside the Daily Planet parking garage. Thump. They land on the hard concrete and collect themselves.
Sam: Great. We're in a parking garage...in frigging DC land! What the hell, Empire?
Everyone else: Yeah, Empire./What's up?/What the hell?
Ecstacy: You need to explain yourself, Empire. You've been acting odd, you've been clamoring about Metropolis since we saw SHIELD, and now you have us stuck here! Do you realize that DC is our enemies?
Empire: I do.
Ecstacy: So why the fuck did you transport us to bumfuck Metropolis!?
Spazz91: He's a traitor. He's going to get us all killed. Maybe, we should kill him first. They all glance at each other, then Empire.
Ecstacy: Maybe he's right. I'm Team Marvel for a reason; I didn't come here to catch batarangs and kryptonite. They all walk towards Empire and he gets in defensive position.
Empire: Chill, guys, there's a lot you don't know.
Ecstacy: That you're a traitor? That you don't Hail Hydra? Yes, we know. They all corner Empire.
Blankments: Kick 'em in the baby makers! Rip out his appendix and feed it too 'em!
Screetchhhh. They look to the right and a black van comes flying down. The van is about to ram into the team. They scramble, but the van flies right into a parking space. Team Shawarama, defenseless, just stands there, scared. The backs doors come flying open. Team Black/Dark Grey comes stepping and limping out. Chd and Dragon step out of the front. They all have guns in hand.
Sam: Thanks a lot, Empire. We didn't even get a fighting chance thanks to you.
Ecstacy: Every post you liked will be an extra day in Hell for you. Team Black/DG gets close. They cock their guns. Fancyarcher walks up to Team Shawrama, holding a pistol uncomfortably close to Ecstacy.
Fancyarcher: Team Shawrama? Nice to see you guys again. Haven't since the corn-o-cobia. You still have all your members? 
Ecstacy: (nervous) We've lost one, and another is missing, but why does it matter? Just kill us already.
Dragon: (looking like Gal Gagot in F6) We're not gonna kill you. We're gonna help you. Team Shawarama is baffled. What?
Sam: What do you mean help us?
Pink: Everyone knows Marvelites and DCers hate each other, so we figured if we team up, we might have a fighting chance. Two teams, allied? We could run these Games.
Bballman24: So what do ya say? Allies? Or corpses? Empire walks up and Dragon hands him her gun. Team Shawrama all look confused and overwhelmed. 


MovieMan89 and Tawasal find the rest of Team No O2 sitting and eating in the Pandoran forest.

MovieMan89: Guys!

Jack Nevada: Oh, you're back. Where's Adam?

MovieMan89: He didn't wanna come back. He said we were all losers and that he'd rather try to survive on his own than with a team. What happened here? You found food?

Kal: Yes. KFC. 

Firedeep: I knew KFC was international, but I never knew it was interstellar. Tawasal and MovieMan89 sit down and grab some food.

Jack Nevada: Anybody else find it odd that we can suddenly breathe without our oxygen masks? Maybe Jayson didn't feel like having to write the masks in every time and didn't feel like explaining how we'd be currently eating. Everyone stares at Jack Nevada.

MovieMan89: Who the hell is Jayson? 

The doorbell rings. The names of the fallen are shown. As everyone is looking up at the sky, Tawasal pops open the Quaalude bottle. There's only two left, and he throws them in random drinks, not knowing whos. Adam's picture appears and the team grows suspicious.

Firedeep: That was Adam in the sky. What happened to him?

Tawasal and MovieMan: We don't know. (MovieMan) He must've gotten eaten by something.

Kal: Friends, something is going on here. They all stare at Tawasal and MovieMan. MovieMan nervously takes a sip of his drink, and drops it. ARGGGGH, he stands up and grabs his throat. What's going on? He drops on his knees and scratches at his throat.

Jack Nevada: What the hell is going on? MovieMan bleeds out and tries to point at Tawasal. He thrashes, but slowly moves his finger and Tawasal drops on his knees and grabs MovieMan's hands. There, there. MovieMan coughs up ounces of blood and green stuff, seizes, and goes cold. Team No O2 stands in shock.


In Metropolis, Team Monstars sits in a dark office floor in a building. BoxofficeZ and Mango walk up. 

AC Slater: Who did we take out?

BoxofficeZ: (panting) I'm not sure. I think Grim22, I don't know about the others.

AC Slater: I'm glad I found the C4. Maybe we'll find more and we can bait all these slores. BEEEP, BEEP, BEEP, a white strobe blinds them and a high pitch BEEEEEP deafens them.

Tarzan: It's a fire alarm! Who tripped the fire alarm?

Dar: We need to get out of here. Feel the door before you open it.They cock their guns and run out. They run into a staircase and hop down the filghts of stairs. They reach the bottom and Tarzan kicks open the door to the outside, and they run out.

AC Slater: Where are we even going? 

Muffled Voice: To your grave. They quickly turn around. BANE. Gotham Prison prisoners aim their AK's at the team.

Prisoner #1: Put the guns down, busters!

Prisoner #2: We straight outta Compton!...I mean Gotham! Wuddup! Team Monstars comply and lowers their weapons. Bane grabs AC Slater and hoists him up.

AC Slater: Let me go, freak!

Bane: (muffled) Your punishment must be more severe. CRACK. Bane snaps AC Slater's neck and drops him to the ground. Monstars watches in horror. 

Bane: (muffled) I really wish I could kill you all, but I can't. Don't worry, you'll soon be able to die with your city, but for now, you'll just have to imagine my fire. Bane pulls out a tessaract and opens up a portal. The prisoners take Monstars' guns and they throw the team in the portal. Swoosh, they land. They all spit white stuff out of their mouths. SNOW. Its Arendelle!

BoxofficeZ: Snow? Is this Vegas?

Tarzan: No, its Aspen. Skiing!!

Dar: Arendelle. I've seen Frozen. They all get up. This is the Frozen zone. They hear an approaching vroom. Everybody get back. They fall back into the woods. A snowmobile flies by. It's Team Bay, okay? They head on to Arendelle castle. Team Monstars watches from the edge of the woods.

Mango: There's others here, but we're weaponless. We should go the other way. They get up and walk the opposite direction.

Tarzan: Are we even gonna talk about that Bane thing? Where the hell did he come from? Those prisoners were mean.
Dar: The Admin Capital. The fire alarm was to get us moving. They're gonna always be throwing these tricks at us. We need to be ready.

Tarzan: Guys, look! Yellow snow. I wonder how that happens.


Team No O2 walks through Pandora. Everyone is doing their own thing. John Marston walks up beside Tawasal.
John Marston: I may be pessimistic, but I'm not stupid. I know you did something to Adam. 
Tawasal: You don't know anything, Marston.
John Marston: I do, and I'm gonna let the others know. I bet whatever happened to MovieMan, happened to Adam too, and you're responsible. He tried to point you out, but you stopped him, and I noticed. Everyone else keeps walking, but they stop.
Tawasal: (facing away from John) Why create drama, John? Just ax me now, while you can. I know you have something in your hand. He does. John is holding a Navi spear behind his back. He swings, but Tawasal ducks. Tawasal kicks John and he falls back. AHH! Tawasal comes running up, but John kicks out his foot, sending Tawasal flipping. Tawasal lands on the ground and Marston jumps on top of him. They exchange blows, then Tawasal grabs a handful of dirt and throws it in Marston's eyes. Marston falls over. Tawasal gets up, but Marston, still blinded, slits Tawasal's ankle with the Navi spear. Tawasal kicks Marston in the head with his good foot and jumps on top of him. He takes the spear and slits Marston's throat. He then overkills, stabbing Marston a few more times. He drops the spear and gets up. He checks his ankle, it's bleeding bad. 
Tawasal: Run and tell that, homeboy.


In Arendelle, Damien Roc is crawling through the snow. He's battered and bruised. Like Rodney King in the Arctic.

Damien Roc: (crawling, struggling) Why...did they do that?...
Unknown Voice: I can tell you why. Damien Roc turns around and grows surprised. 
Damien Roc: WHAT. What? How? Why? Huh? Standing over Damien Roc is none other than...
IJack: It's me, old buddy.
Damien Roc: IJack? IJack? How the hell did you get in the Dorum?
IJack: I hacked the system. The Mods can try all they want, but they're not getting rid of me.
Damien Roc: But why? You were banned.
IJack: Me being banned is the only reason I wasn't put in the Games. The Mods will still try to come at me, so I needed a way to save myself, and this is how. And, I've given so many headaches to posters over the years, that I now want to give everyone a tranquil massage. Damien Roc is like what? That's a metaphor, for I want to help you survive.
Damien Roc: I can't trust you. For all I know, you can be some kind of trick. The Mods know you're here, and they want me to listen to you.
IJack: This is no trick or game. I broke into the Games so I could implant a virus in the system, shutting down the site. No one should have to suffer the tyranny, and my 8 month ban was unjustified. The Mods have power, but their power is useless without the posters. It's time for a revolution. I will come back, I will barrage with walls of text, and I will shoot my stringy white webs in all the faces of the Mods and my enemies! Damien Roc has a huge Ken Watanabe expression. Now I can help you survive, I know the Dorum like I know Amazing Spiderman 1987 Volume 5 Issue 21 Page 6 Panel 2, and I know all the tricks the Mods plan on employing. Just trust me, and listen to me, and you'll last.
Damien Roc: I don't know, IJack...or whoever you are.
IJack: You were a teammate of Spidey Freak. My best friend. Anyone who was an ally of Spidey Freak, is an ally of me. So what do you say?
Damien Roc: Fine. Where do I need to go?
IJack: Arendelle Castle. Walt Disney and Team Bay, okay? is headed there. You can knock all those birds out with one stone, with these... IJack pulls out two gloves and hands them to Damien Roc.
Damien Roc: Gloves? What, am I going to the castle for spring cleaning? 
IJack: These gloves are special. They're Elsa gloves. When you wear them, you get Elsa's powers. You can shoot ice blasts and sharp ice sickles, you can freeze yourself for protection, you can freeze your surroundings...or your opponents, and you can instantly cool your drinks. Get to Arrendele, take em out, and I'll find you and tell you how to find the others.
Damien Roc: Why can't you just come with me?
IJack: The Mods will eventually see me and know I'm here. I can't risk that. And my mission is different. You're trying to survive, I'm trying to take this whole thing down. Just get to Arendelle. There's a snowmobile parked a few yards away, but hurry, I parked it in a handicap spot. You're a lone survivor, Damien Roc. I love you.
Damien Roc: What?
IJack: Bye. IJack runs off into the woods (subtle Disney reference, yes). Damien Roc puts on the magic gloves and heads off for the snowmobile. The doorbell rings. John Marston, MovieMan89, and AC Slater. Sweet dreams.The scene fades.
In the Admin Capital, the illustrious Jandrew is sitting with his two beautiful honeys, joking around. He hears the door open behind him and turns around. 
Unknown Voice: Mr. Jandrew. (soft) We have a visitor. Jandrew looks quizingly into the frame. Cut to black.
Edited by Jandrew
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 That part was great. The reveal of the person who was the unknown voice was great!


ECSTASY, #ED, and I all teamed up?

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Glad I could help bring both teams together, so that could be possible. 


Edited by Empire
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 That part was great. The reveal of the person who was the unknown voice was great!



Glad I could help bring both teams together, so that could be possible. 



I have a feeling that wasn't your endgame

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