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Interstellar (2014)


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What really is kind of... disturbing, is the fact that after Cooper sends the message back to Murph and is catapulted out of the worm hole next to Saturn, the wormhole disappears.


This means that in the end, he sets off the find Brand without the help of that wormhole. And we know how well that is going to end...

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What really is kind of... disturbing, is the fact that after Cooper sends the message back to Murph and is catapulted out of the worm hole next to Saturn, the wormhole disappears.


This means that in the end, he sets off the find Brand without the help of that wormhole. And we know how well that is going to end...

No way?  I didn't even catch that. The worm hole closed after Cooper got spit out? 


Man that makes the idea of Cooper passing on the knowledge that he's the one that send the data even more far fetched. How he's going to get to Brand or how will Brand know to tell there little colony babies to make sure that when they all grow and become 5D people they have to make a wormhole and save the human race.

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No way?  I didn't even catch that. The worm hole closed after Cooper got spit out? 


Man that makes the idea of Cooper passing on the knowledge that he's the one that send the data even more far fetched. How he's going to get to Brand or how will Brand know to tell there little colony babies to make sure that when they all grow and become 5D people they have to make a wormhole and save the human race.


Nolan himself said that. I don't know where I read it, but I know I did. (Might be on IMDB, not sure)

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People are overthinking the time travel portion.

In 5 dimensions time is bendable and not linear, it only appears linear to us mortals in 3 dimensions. The 5 dimensional beings aren't futuristic, they are omnipresent throughout all of time, thus they are present in a timeframe of pre-human ascension. People are thinking that time has to work 3 dimensionally and thus are getting caught in the paradox. In Interstellar's universe time isn't relative (that's a revelation of the movie) and it and gravity are 5 dimensional particles. In 3 dimensions we can only feel their effect and relevance.

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That's crazy, ChD... can you dig up that link? The tesseract closed, obviously, but surely the wormhole remains, right?

It sounded like people were confusing Gargantua and the wormhole near Saturn. I thought they were two different things. One they take to get to Gargantua. The one takes MM into the tesseract.


Reading this thread has me thinking that many are over-thinking the plot here. It comes together pretty neatly within it's bizarro timey wimey relativity logic box. It seems more complicated because the last half hour or so inundates the audience with a myriad of reveals without letting them breathe. Just my two cents...

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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It sounded like people were confusing Gargantua and the wormhole near Saturn. I thought they were two different things. One they take to get to Gargantua. The one takes MM into the tesseract.


Reading this thread has me thinking that many are over-thinking the plot here. It comes together pretty neatly within it's bizarro timey wimey relativity logic box. It seems more complicated because the last half hour or so inundates the audience with a myriad of reveals without letting them breathe. Just my two cents...

No I feel the same way that even I am overthinking it. Like I said I hate to dissect it so much but my dissection is more about looking at the different arguments more so than it's meant to break apart the movie.


When I was watching it I didn't get so caught up in all the time stuff. My only real complaint is that if a super advanced people whether it be us in the future or aliens or whatever couldn't find a better solution to talk to us than to send us to a black hole. And for what? Is the black hole system really mean to be place for us to colonize or just a way to get Cooper in the Teserract so they can send data through him to us? If it's the latter it seems like a really convoluted way to get data sent to us. If they are "omnipresent" they could just send the data to ALL times until we get it and figure it out.

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What really is kind of... disturbing, is the fact that after Cooper sends the message back to Murph and is catapulted out of the worm hole next to Saturn, the wormhole disappears.


This means that in the end, he sets off the find Brand without the help of that wormhole. And we know how well that is going to end...

Well, take the next logical leap.  Murphy was able to solve the equation that seems to allow for some breakthrough in propulsion/travel.  Further breakthroughs could have been made in the 60-70 years after that which is where we are the end of the movie.  Granted, it's still a needle in a haystack looking for her, but it's not like in that future, interstellar travel isn't possible so he'd just never make it there.

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Ugh. It's such a goofy plot point. One could argue feeling shame, despair, etc. have just as much power as love. Couldn't the 5th dimension just be emotion at large?

It's goofy but it's true, no other emotion is going to cause people to do the logically unreasonable and push themselves to such an extent

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It's goofy but it's true, no other emotion is going to cause people to do the logically unreasonable and push themselves to such an extent

I don't agree with that. At all... Lots of other emotions cause people to do logically unreasonable things. Envy, spite, hate, jealousy all cause people to do terrible things. Any emotion that becomes an obsessive emotion for someone can have the same impact as love. Just as, briefly, Damon waxes about fear being a driving inspiration.

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It's goofy but it's true, no other emotion is going to cause people to do the logically unreasonable and push themselves to such an extent

True that love is a powerful emotional drive that will lead people great and terrible things well past logic and reason. But I wonder is it really something measurable and and quantifiable in a scientific way? I ask that literally. I know nothing about any research in this field so it's a real question. However from what I understand of human emotion and how it is generated in our brains it is no more than a chemical and hormonal reaction to external stimuli based on eons of evolution shaping social dynamics. It's real to us because it has to be for our survival. Our evolution made it that way. It is our perception of biological processes that drive us to mate just like biological processes in our bodies drive us to eat for survival. Out side our own perception is love a real thing? Is it measurable? Is it observable?  I don't know. I wouldn't think so.


So to have love as some foundational force in the universe, a fifth dimension that crosses boundaries and time is "sweet" for those tender hearted folks that like a little romance thrown into their science fiction/science fact movies. But for me my head exploded that a scientist used love as and argument and I wanted to scream BULL$HIT!!!!


But I still liked the movie. (HAHAHAHAHAHA) :wub:  :blink:  :lol:

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The Chicken and the Egg thing is a problem with all time travel movies.

Terminator is the biggest one. If the T-800 isnt sent back in time to kill Sarah than Skynet is never found because they don't find the arm and so on.

So the Terminator was sent back in time to fail actually? That way Sky Net can exist ?

Except T3 breaks that theory with its message that building Skynet was inevitable, the stuff Cyberdyne found simply accelerated the process.

So the original timeline had Skynet created, nuclear war, with John Connor happening to survive and become a resistance leader.

Then Skynet sends a T-800 back which creates a time loop with an accelerated Skynet but also a self-aware Sarah and John Connor.

Then Terminator 2 breaks the time loop, which restores the original progression of Skynet but with a self-aware John Connor. This then leads into T3 and TS.

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(Stolen shamelessly from EW, but does that mean that the sixth dimension is shame? Or maybe anger?)

Hey Guys Tele - already cleared this up for us. Love must be a part of the foundation of reality. After all he was around at the beginning of time. He should know. 



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Hey Guys Tele - already cleared this up for us. Love must be a part of the foundation of reality. After all he was around at the beginning of time. He should know. 




Tele was one of the man-apes from the Dawn of Man sequence in 2001.


He's the reason for our existence, guys.

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