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Year 10 Discussion Thread

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Since the game is in hibernation at the moment I've only been progressing very slowly on my projects, but I'm thinking of ramping up production this week. If Alpha's pulling his films I might move Abstract up to March 13 to give space for a live-action tentpole in April, whatever that may end up being.

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Gone Rogue

In this wondrous spin-off sequel to the beloved, God's gift to man franchise "Star Wars", Felicity Jones (Rogue One) has successfully stolen the Death Star plans. On her way back, she must navigate a pesky starfield and a bad meal. Will she make it back in time or will she defecate all over her ship? Stay tuned for more brilliant adventures from the Star Wars franchise. 


Frozen 3

After Elsa finds true white love with her handsome American saviour prince in Frozen 2, what a wonderful story, she now has to deal with motherhood. Having married a dashing, blonde straight white man, Elsa now feels complete and her powers are now used to clean dishes and wash clothes like she always wanted and knew she should. What will she do when the baby comes out?


Toy Story 5

"A story we would have regretted on our death bed to not have told" John Lasseter truthfully revealed after the opening weekend of Toy Story 4. Outgoing president of the era, Bob Iger was quoted in a shareholder's meeting, "Ladies and gentlemen, I just thought Toy Story 5 has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you agree?" Pixar is proud to present, the one and only, best idea we've had, sequel to the iconic Toy Story franchise, Toy Story 5, where our favourite toys Woody and Buzz learn the true meaning of dancing. After Buzz and Jessie's elopement in Toy Story 4, we've had millions of fanmail asking us for their wedding, so in this follow up, Buzz enlists his best friend Woody to help him prepare for the big day, but as the two friends attempt to learn the intricacies of dance, they discover a bond with it they never knew possible. Coming soon to a theatre near you.


Avengers: Part 19 Infinity Wars

30 years ago, one studio had a vision. Today that vision is realized. From the studio that brought you "The Avengers" and "Age of Ultron" and "Infinity Wars" and "Infinity Wars 2" and "Infinity Wars 3" and "Infinity Wars 4" and "Infinity Wars 5" and "Infinity Wars 6" and "Infinity Wars 7" and "Infinity Wars 8" and "Infinity Wars 9" and "Infinity Wars 10" and "Infinity Wars 11" and "Infinity Wars 12" and "Infinity Wars 13" and "Infinity Wars 14" and "Infinity Wars 15" and "Infinity Wars 16" and "Infinity Wars 17" and "Infinity Wars 18" comes "Infinity War 19". Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr Jr), Captain America (Chris Evans Jr), Thor (Liam Hemsworth Jr) and Nick Fury (Morgan Freeman) have been through hell and back fighting Thanos and his henchmen across the galaxy, but after the agonizing death of Black Widow in their 18th War, they have now cornered Thanos in the Milky Way. This time, this time, this time it's the end. 

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I was actually planning on restarting it this weekend since I know the Easter Holidays are starting up.

I have an important test to take on Friday but after that I can go back to working on my films.

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I was researching on computer viruses and anti-virus software and got this idea I really want to make now: An action movie literally set inside a computer where the whole rig is a sprawling city with anthropomorphic bits of data walking around and the various components representing different parts of the city. The anti-viruses would be this big police force chasing after criminals (as in viruses) and the internet would be the highway to millions of other "cities" worldwide which the viruses use to invade the cities with and cause havoc. There's potential for whole lot of commentary on the effectiveness of anti-virus software and some of the shadier practices of the companies behind them, and on our own society's need of security.


In fact I might start writing it right now.

Edited by C00k13
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Well, so far so decent. The schedule's not exactly packed, but we've got an entry for nearly every week and I've got a couple of extra minor ideas that could fill up the gaps in February. Including that MST3K of Expedecade I mentioned a while back, which I've spent a lot of the week working on and should almost certainly be done in time for the deadline (and have had entirely too much fun doing). Speaking of, no offense Blank, but Expedecade really is fairly terrible. I genuinely can't comprehend how it was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay.


Still, I got some good joke fodder out of it. And in the end, isn't that all that's important to me?



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Speaking of, no offense Blank, but Expedecade really is fairly terrible. I genuinely can't comprehend how it was nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay.


Finally someone feels my pain

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If anyone ever wants to know why Numbers is my favorite CAYOM reviewer, I only point to the Expedecade review.

And now I wish the BOM forums could still be accessed cause Numbers had some real gems in CAYOM 1.0.

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I have a question:

Say there is a me member who we are unsure of whether or not they are returning or not to continue the games but we would like to use a director that we see that they set to do one of their films in the Advanced Schedule thread before we went on are long break from the games? Can I state my own claim on the director since it doesn't appear they're coming back? Should I ask the member if they plan on coming back?

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Can I do a Taylor swift 1989 concert movie?

Planning to write this weekend

I see no reason why you can't aside from good taste



I have a question:

Say there is a me member who we are unsure of whether or not they are returning or not to continue the games but we would like to use a director that we see that they set to do one of their films in the Advanced Schedule thread before we went on are long break from the games? Can I state my own claim on the director since it doesn't appear they're coming back? Should I ask the member if they plan on coming back?

If you're not certain you're coming back, it does feel a bit off to try and reserve a director that other people might want to use. I suppose it largely depends on which director though. If it's one of the big names, then definitely not.


Also, just a quick reminder that I'm going to be opening March and April tomorrow, so get ready for that.

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