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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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Ok I've got my list finalised so will start a thread to show how ignorant about films I the rest of the world is :)


Ah and the list be here: :D



Edited by chasmmi
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In the same line as Baumer's list, this is my take on 25 films that I cannot see why people rate them (or in some cases even just like them). 


Now there are films I dislike that won't be on this because I can kind of understand the reasons they are so loved (Star Wars Original Trilogy for instance).


There are other films I hate but won't be here because everyone already hates them (e.g. Date Movie)


And they'll be films I hate that won't be here because nobody else has ever seen them (e.g. Dragon Wars, The Last Godfather)



In fact of the top 25 listed here,


- 18 have been nominated for OScars (of which 13 have at least 1 win), 

- 13 are in the IMDB top 250 and 9 more have a rating of at least 7.7.

- 9 are a top 100 grossing of all time in at least one of either WW, DOM or adjusted.

- Only two films are not represented in any of the above criteria.



So without further delay lets get on with the show:


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139th IMDB, 2 Oscar Nominations, 3 BAFTA wins




I saw this film on VHS (I think it was the Director's cut after sitting back and thinking about it and deciding that 4 seconds of footage was unneccessary edition, but I'm not sure) and I think it was the first film I ever watched during my teenage film watching days that I couldn't sit through to the end.


It is so tedious they could use it as a less humane alternative to solitary confinement in the US prison system. Look I like Ridley Scott films (most of the time), I can live with his style where nothing seems to happen for the first 96% of the film and then all hell breaks loose (I'm looking at you Alien [which is awesome btw]), but this just drone and dragged and I just could not see why this was so revered.


This is one of 4 films on this list where I could not make it through to the end, you may argue that disqualifies me from having a true opinion on them, but I believe I have only ever not seen 6 films through to their conclusion in my life (ignoring say stuff that's on TV and I had to go out or something), so there has to be something especially awful about a film for me to just switch it off as I have seen some afwul films in their entirety in my lifetime. 

Edited by chasmmi
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7.9 on IMDB, first film adjusts to $160M




I like horror films, sometimes I love them. Blair Witch is a seminal piece of cinema, Nightmare on Elm street is one of my favourite franchises ever (even the bad ones) and I have a lot of time for all times of styles and quality.


However, I think I am about to write the opposite argument to Baumer's reasoning for including Elm on his list. Focusing on the big three franchises (Elm, Friday and Halloween), I am firmly in the Elm Street camp. I love the fact that Freddie has a personality, that there is something more to him than just appearing out of a dark corner and spraying blood. Robert Englund has become a cult icon in the same way as Krueger the character did and that will never be the case for the guy under the Jason or Myers mask.


Now with Friday, even though I'm not in love with it, I like the gravitas Jason has on screen, the machete, the mask, the hell connections. It's really plays well on the idea of a summer camp boogieman scary story type thing. (I wasn't so keen on the killer reveal in the first film to be honest but overall its a series I like but don't love).


With Halloween however... I just don't get Myers as a figure of fear. I mean obviously he kills people which is a bad thing but as far a being a film watcher... it's just a guy walking very slowly towards you. Maybe I didn't do enough babysitting to understand the fear of worrying about intruders, maybe I'm too blase about psychopaths, but there was nothing scary about Myers to me and that meant I was just watching a silent, charisma-less, zombie slowly walking towards people whilst being invincible to everything.


I will never understand it.

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If I remember correctly Blade Runner did poorly at the BO but became a cult classic later.


When I 1st saw it I was 'WTF did I just watch' but upon later watches I grew to appreciate it.


I think the 3 main characters are fascinating in their contrasts and comparisons.

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If I remember correctly Blade Runner did poorly at the BO but became a cult classic later.


When I 1st saw it I was 'WTF did I just watch' but upon later watches I grew to appreciate it.


I think the 3 main characters are fascinating in their contrasts and comparisons.


YEah it often makes the 'films younever knew were bombs list (at least one more of my list matches that description too :D) but I personally can get why it bombed and cannot get the revival on VHS.

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Great choice at number 25.  That came close to making my list.  


Shame on you for including the original Halloween.  Even part 2 and 4 are terrific films.  I'm afraid this ends our friendship.   ;)

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Filled with internal rage over your complete wrongness, chas. :)

(I do think you should finish watching a movie if you're going to include it. Who knows, the secret brainwashing might happen during the minutes you missed!)

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There's two now?



Yes, believe it or not, people actually participate here in more ways that making comments like, "baumer, you're an idiot".

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