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Blank's 14 Movies of 2014 That Would've Been Better Off Released As Blank Film Cartridges

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This is Where I leave You unfortunately went straigth to video here. I did download it yesterday and I am curious to see it.


Really surprised Unbroken made your list. I didn't fell in love with it, but it would never make it to my Worst of 2014 list.

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This is Where I Leave You makes my top 5 of the year, makes your bottom 15.  Amazing how one can see something that the other doesn't.   :)

Don't worry, there's one that's the exact opposite coming up on the other list (on your bottom 15, on my top 5). :D


Well at least you have Non-Stop as an honorable mention, that was an atrocious movie.

I actually like Non-Stop a fair amount haha. It's definitely my favorite of the dishonorable mentions, it's just this was a good year for movies.


Muppets Most Wanted 'gets' the muppets way more than the 2011 film does, I do dig the 2011, but it's not quite as good.

I get where you're coming from, but I just feel like Most Wanted is kinda soulless. The only part of the movie that really lives up to Muppets wackiness is Ty Burrell IMO


Muppets Most Wanted was the one with Gervais, right?


I forgot to put that on my list.  It truly is horrible.

It's funny, I feel as though if Simon Pegg was in Gervais' role, the movie would've been more entertaining on some level. Gervais just played himself though.


Top ten coming right up.

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It’s funny, I popped in a DVD of this yesterday to screencap the title, and I got treated to an incredibly interesting opening credits scene that I remembered from the theater, one of the actually cinematic moments of this movie. Veronica Mars is the first big movie that has been completely crowdfunded by Kickstarter, and man, it shows. Outside of the aforementioned opening credits scene, the only thing that tips you off that this is a movie is the admittedly really funny James Franco cameo. The film is shot like a TV show, and follows soap opera plots to a tee. I admit, I haven’t watched anything from the show, but this is film. I shouldn’t have to watch the show to like the movie. Also, the crowdfunding delivers something awful as well. The director of this film has gone on record that a lot of stuff changed from his original script in order to appease the fans. Well, fans are idiots. Veronica ditches her fiancée to date a meathead idiot who’s abusive as well, but you know, LoVe is better than Pizonica! The only person who can act in this movie is Veronica, which proves once and for all you can escape the CW School of acting, but as soon as you think you’re out, they pull you back in. Veronica Mars manages to be a second rate mystery that should’ve premiered on the channel the show debuted on, not in theaters.

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Gee, what can I say that I haven’t said already? After all, after seeing this movie, I wrote for three hours a review of it that was so scathing, I still am annoyed I only got 15 likes out of it. Come on, guys, I put legitimate, creative, NOT PARODY effort into that! Regardless as my review may make it sound, it’s not the worst movie of the year. Heck, it’s pretty entertaining! Ray Liotta is a ham, there’s like four people in it who look like Benedict Cumberbatch, and I’ve honestly repressed most of the movie after writing it down in the RTM thread. Don’t get me wrong, this is an awful, awful movie, but it’s fun in its badness. It’s like this year’s Free Birds, except it is live-action and Christian, although barely. As mentioned in my long review, I honestly think it would turn more people away from Christianity than want to join it, but whatever, I’m sure Ray Liotta had fun bankrolling this film. For as bad as it, The Identical is a highly enjoyable film, but I can’t place it higher than #9 for simply technical reasons.

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Miraculously not the worst blockbuster of 2014, Maleficent still sucks majorly. Inexplicably 90 minutes long but feeling like four hours, Maleficent decides to take a shit over one of Disney’s most popular fairy tales and then decides to rip off its most recent popular fairy tale. Why? I sure don’t know; probably Angelina Jolie wanted a piece of the Frozen/Oz pie. Speaking of Oz, I guess this would’ve been more interesting if James Franco played Maleficent but I digress. Jolie’s performance is highly overrated, as the only thing really interesting about it is the high cheekbones. No, the real MVP of this movie is the one, the only, SHARLTO COPLEY. Sharlto comes in and all “Eh, MaleeefaaaKANt? A’ll keel you and you fokkin prawns!” Well, that might not be the actual dialogue, but the point stands. I’m convinced that Sharlto read the script, realized the movie was a pile of shit, and then turned in one of the most brilliantly bad performances in recent memory, just for shits and giggles. Using a bizarre mixture of South African, Irish, and Welsh as an accent, Sharlto gloriously chews up the ugly, Tim Burton lite, CGI scenery, and then spits out thanks to bad taste, but then realizes, hey, a guy’s gotta eat, and then chews it again. Sharlto makes Maleficent worth a watch, as everything else in the movie is hopelessly mediocre.

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while I didn't hate Maleficent, it was not a good film, it's writing was really crappy. there could have been something good there, if they put their minds to it. heres hoping Cinderella is better. it looks much better.

Edited by KaloVisor
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