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4-Day Wknd Est: AS - 105.3M, Pad - 25.2M, TWR - 24.5M,Taken 3 - 17.44M (pg 109)

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Uhh... what does being married have to do with box office appeal?





Because the movie is trying to use the so called fanbase for Chris Hemsworth, which statistically speaking, would be women/girls who are attracted to his looks, not acting chops, and often when an actor who is using his looks, to try and get a foothold in Hollywood, and is also married, tends to lose that whole appeal for the main fan base. You either have to have actual talent, charisma or already a major player in hollywood to buck that trend. There's been that secret saying when an actor is trying to start out in hollywood where his/her looks are the selling point, not the acting chops, "Always appear to be available while not actually being available".

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I didn't like the Master, but I don't want PTA to just make a film for the sake of appealing to the GA


If the trend continues, his next film will do 1.5m at the bo.


And there are many layers between making a very difficult artsy film to watch and making a pleasant, GA ready blockbuster. There are many films to make between these two opposite examples.

PTA, the more artsy he gets, the less his movies make money, that s just an observation.

Movies are made to be seen, right ?

And he can make his movies a bit more accessible without compromising himself too. That s a fine line I know.

The Master pobably lost money for example with its 70mm shoot but it was Megan Ellison's money so she doesn't care. I don't know the budget of Inherent Vice so can't comment on this one ...

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What crazy cinema plays a trailer for a movie that's one year away? :o


I get it all the time. I got the first Transformers teaser a good whole year before the movie came out. And I'll tell you this, it was well done because it got interest in it immediately.

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Two thoughts after loading up BOM:

1. I take back what I said about not caring about American Sniper. That's a legitimately mind-boggling opening that I can't really be against. Guess I'll see it in the next few weeks just to see what the hubbub's about.

2. My Winter Game is fucked

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I don't know what the budget is but it's not looking good. Moving it to get trampled on by Star Wars was a strange move too.

That, the trailer showed it to be coming out in March. People who plan on seeing it are going to be confused. Personally, I can't see this movie breaking out either. Not domestically anyways. The whole thing about killing a whale might be a big deterrent for some Americans.

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I was just a kid, and it was 1990 with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was all kinds of wonderful, when opening up the paper to find out that my most favorite thing at the moment, was loved by everyone else in the country.

Turtles '90 was nuts. #5 of the year, $260m adjusted, made most of its money in April/early May when that was a dead zone. New Line's highest-grossing movie for 8.5 years (until Rush Hour) and highest-attended for 9 years (until The Spy Who Shagged Me). And it did over 2.5x the gross/attendance of their previous highest grosser (Elm Street 4).

Edited by TServo2049
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Now for Mortdecai to surprise us next weekend with a huge unexpected debut.


:lol: Gwyneth seems to be promoting it by dishing on Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck and what she thinks of Chris Martin dating JLaw. Anything to keep from talking about the movie!



Even on MLK weekend, Selma got overshadowed. Real pity that it didn't catch on at all; between this disappointing despite fantastic reviews and Oscar buzz and Get on Up flopping last summer, I have to wonder: what went right for The Butler that allowed it do so well?




Apart from marketing, maybe Selma just got overshadowed by AS, Tak3n and whatever else, whereas The Butler was basically the last major release that summer. Was it also more feel-good than Selma? That would help too.


The Butler was about the Civil Rights movement but also a more personal story about a family and not just a history lesson, though it was kind of like a black Forrest Gump, in a way. That clip of Oprah smacking Oyelowo for disrespecting Forest Whitaker was in every ad and trailer and definitely resonated. You did have more stars in it, black and white, and the stunt casting got it a lot of attention (Robin Williams as Eisenhower! Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan! Lee Daniels is such a troll). At one point McConaughey was supposed to be JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you...alright, alright, alright!" Would've derailed the Oscar campaign before it ever started! Being the only adult drama around at the time definitely helped.

Edited by BoxOfficeChica
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Warner Bros Studios.Burbank,California. Shareholders Memo.


We, at Warner, are extatic about American Sniper's OW. It is a franchise we always believed in. Clint Eastwood, our great director and our amazing cast, Sienna Miller and Bradley Cooper made an exceptionnal movie that resonnated with audiences across all America. But we know audiences are hungry for more and you can expect a sequel as soon as early 2017, cast and director to be confirmed.

We have great plans for a shiny future of the franchise, merchandising, theme park, spin off movies.

In fact, we even want to go further and develop a military/sniper shared cinematic universe where war heroes meet in thrilling adventures and also live heartbreaking moments with their families back home.

This is a fantastic debut in 2015 for our shareholders and let me reassure you that we, at Warner, are comitted to produce quality, broad appealing entertainment for years to come.



Kevin Tsujihara, Warner CEO.

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SELMA decreased on MLK weekend, clearly black people didn't really give a shit about it either so all these SELMA apologists bashing AS on twitter crack me up big time.

Wedding Ringer did just fine. I blame Paramount's shit marketing campaign. 

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He'll always be Thor. During my AS screening yesterday, we got the Heart and Sea trailer and "hey its Thor" could be heard throughout te theater when his face showed.


True. Just like Christopher Reeve always had Superman and Sam Worthington will always have Avatar. All fine and dandy, and better to be a handsomely-paid player in a major blockbuster than being an unknown struggling actor who never makes it, but these people always want to be seen as having some sort of appeal beyond franchises and tentpoles. Thing is, that none of those seemed/seem to have any appeal to the masses beyond very specific roles in which, frankly, they don't have to act. All the heavy lifting is done by the special effects and the high-concept superheroics. I highly doubt that anyone goes to see  aThor movie in order to catch "the latest Chris Hemsworth" movie.

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SELMA decreased on MLK weekend, clearly black people didn't really give a shit about it either so all these SELMA apologists bashing AS on twitter crack me up big time.

Wedding Ringer did just fine. I blame Paramount's shit marketing campaign.

I blame black people wanting to see something uplifting and whacky instead of seeing something oppresive for the nth time in a couple years.

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SELMA decreased on MLK weekend, clearly black people didn't really give a shit about it either so all these SELMA apologists bashing AS on twitter crack me up big time.

There was a black girl who was the usher for the theater, and often she would come in and just lean agains the wall to watch AS between movies, and someone asked her why she wasn't watching Selma, and she said she did watch it, but AS resonated with her more because it was a time and a generation she knew and understood.

She was there during 9/11 and just felt that impacted her more than the MLK story did.

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