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Weekend #s | 50SOG 81m, (RTH Sunday puts it at about 84M) Kings 35.6, AS 16m, JA 9.43m (official) | all #s on p1

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Pretty amazing to me.....you can have ultra violent films like Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction and a litany of others and no one says boo about them.  But have a film about S&M, dominance yet consensual sex/dominance and the moral police come out in full force.  Why isn't there the moral outcry about violence in films?  I can even remember there was the moral police out in full force for Basic Instinct.  It seems anytime there's a film that makes gobs of cash and it deals with kinky sex, the moral police come out to play.  I'd love to have a look into the lives of those who say this is a bad example for women and it's misogynistic and so on....let's see how squeaky clean all these people are.  



George RR Martin says something wtte of "you can have a knife entering a skull and no one bats an eye but a penis entering a vagina is a huge deal", and I agree, it's totally nonsensical. But that's not the issue with 50sog.

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Pretty amazing to me.....you can have ultra violent films like Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction and a litany of others and no one says boo about them.  But have a film about S&M, dominance yet consensual sex/dominance and the moral police come out in full force.  Why isn't there the moral outcry about violence in films?  I can even remember there was the moral police out in full force for Basic Instinct.  It seems anytime there's a film that makes gobs of cash and it deals with kinky sex, the moral police come out to play.  I'd love to have a look into the lives of those who say this is a bad example for women and it's misogynistic and so on....let's see how squeaky clean all these people are.  



Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction are ultra violent?

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Pretty amazing to me.....you can have ultra violent films like Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction and a litany of others and no one says boo about them. But have a film about S&M, dominance yet consensual sex/dominance and the moral police come out in full force. Why isn't there the moral outcry about violence in films? I can even remember there was the moral police out in full force for Basic Instinct. It seems anytime there's a film that makes gobs of cash and it deals with kinky sex, the moral police come out to play. I'd love to have a look into the lives of those who say this is a bad example for women and it's misogynistic and so on....let's see how squeaky clean all these people are.


Hm.... I don't know if some of what your saying is directed at my criticism. Well, I mean, I have my own issues with some UBER violent movies as well; I can't watch rape in a film or television for example (I basically stopped watching stuff like GOT altogether). Excessive violence without a point is a huge turn off for me as well. I can watch sex in a movie or porno, fine, read alllllll the good erotica I can get my grubby hands on, but yeah, it would have to at least be written with some skill, have characterization along with sex, etc... Reading 50Shades, James just wasn't able to tell a story with the sex that in any way compelled me to read beyond chapter 6 or 7. Right now, I'm giving Sylvia Day's BARED TO YOU a shot; way better written, with far more intriguing characters that don't seem like cardboard. Sme with Alisha Rai's A GENTLEMAN IN THE STREETS, and that erotica has a woman of color as the protagonist!

I am really excited to see Dakota Johnson actually try to do something with a vapid, frail character like Anastasia Steele though. That is another reason I want to see it -- to send HOLLYWOOD a message that women led, women directed sex movies can sell. And I don't want to bring down anyone who loves the book at all; it just was NOT my cuppa (and, it seems, Talkie's either!) I just really wish that the material adapted had been better. If 50 Shades is to be my adult romance at the movies for now, then so be it :)

Anyways.... I get to see it 1:50 today! WHOOO!

Edited by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
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Pretty amazing to me.....you can have ultra violent films like Goodfellas and Pulp Fiction and a litany of others and no one says boo about them. But have a film about S&M, dominance yet consensual sex/dominance and the moral police come out in full force. Why isn't there the moral outcry about violence in films? I can even remember there was the moral police out in full force for Basic Instinct. It seems anytime there's a film that makes gobs of cash and it deals with kinky sex, the moral police come out to play. I'd love to have a look into the lives of those who say this is a bad example for women and it's misogynistic and so on....let's see how squeaky clean all these people are.


I so agree with this, the double standard with violence/ sex is laughable.

People don t realize it.

It s like Wolf of Wall Street last year that offended a lot of people/ critics because you saw debauchery/ orgies in the film so people were saying the movie glorified that lifestyle bullshit.

Fuck this, Goodfellas and Casino and some other gangsters movies are considered modern masterpieces and all the " heroes" of these films do way worse shit than anything you see in Wolf of wall street or fifty shades. Did Scorcese glorify the incredible brutality of the Goodfellas/ Casino characters ?

But as you say, violence gets a free pass.

The moment sex is involved, everyone looses their minds.

You can turn on the tv at any time and every cop show involves gruesome murders and serial killers and everyone is fine with that.

Hypocrites in deed.

And if tHe books are as bad and lousy written as some say and are about abuse, why they were so goddamn succesful then ? I think some people have trouble understanding the mere concept of fantasy ...

Edited by A Grey Future
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I so agree with this, the double standard with violence/ sex is laughable.

People don t realize it.

It s like Wolf of Wall Street last year that offended a lot of people/ critics because you saw debauchery/ orgies in the film so people were saying the movie glorified that lifestyle bullshit.

Fuck this, Goodfellas and Casino and some other gangsters movies are considered modern masterpiece and all the " heroes" of these films do way worse shit than anything you see in Wolf of wall street or fifty shades. Did Scorcese glorified the incredible brutality of the Goodfellas/ Casino characters ?

But as you say, violence gets a free pass.

The moment sex is involved, everyone looses their minds.

You can turn on the tv at any time and every cop show involves gruesome murders and serial killers and everyone is fine with that.

Hypocrites in deed.

And if tHe books are as bad and lousy written as some say and are about abuse, why they were so goddamn succesful then ? I think some people have trouble understanding the mere concept of fantasy ...

Well.... we live in a world where Michael Bay is a successful filmmaker, and the TRANSFORMERS movies make bank without being qualitatively "good" films. My opinion, of course. They're fun, disposable things,nothing more or less. Same with 50 Shades. Lots of people read them, lots of other people hate them. I tried giving it a fair shake, like a piece of sexy fluff. The writing was too atrocious for me to continue. But it is what it is.

I mean, I kind of find it funny that people are bagging on people for calling the writing bad too. I don't understand what's so wrong about having that opinion. Badly done violence sucks, badly done sex also sucks.

Edited by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
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Reminder that there's literally a rape scene without even any "blurred lines" about it and the book treats it as if it's ok and pretty hot.

ANd ?

How many books with serial killers that describe for pages the torture they inflict on their victims ? To finally kill them.

Also, do you know about psychoanalysis ? What is the first fantasy women talk about when asked ?

Rape is number one.

I am not making this up.

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ANd ?

How many books with serial killers that describe for pages the torture they inflict on their victims ? To finally kill them.

Also, do you know about psychoanalysis ? What is the first fantasy women talk about when asked ?

Rape is number one.

I am not making this up.

Still doesnt justify it? Yes violence should be scrutinized too, but you cant say "theres alot violence and gore, so sex and rape is okay too, just to be fair."

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Also, do you know about psychoanalysis ? What is the first fantasy women talk about when asked ?

Rape is number one.

I am not making this up.

Sure, but I'm willing to bet that like EL James herself those women are confused about the differences between rape and domination.

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Still doesnt justify it? Yes violence should be scrutinized too, but you cant say "theres alot violence and gore, so sex and rape is okay too, just to be fair."

Books didn t invent violence, torture, rape, murder.

Books are just a reflection of human nature, doesn t mean books say those acts are ok either.

And if you do the maths, there s way more books/ movies with murders/ torture than rape.

Hey Tarantino even managed to shoot a " fun" torture scene in Reservoir Dogs ...

The double standard is permanent.

The minute sex is in loved, people get all touchy and shit.

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