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Baumer's Summer Game - Darkelf #1, Grim22 #2, laguy03 #3..final words from baumer pg 95

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There's really only one question I can score right now. The rest are going to be close. So I'm going to hold off for a little before I do any pre season scoring.

Is it the pan question?

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Ages ago, when Barry Bonds got off to a hot start in 2001 and was viewed as chasing Roger Maris's single season HR record.  Even though it was still really early in the season, reports started asking him questions about it.  How many do you think you'll hit? Do you think you've got a chance of catching Maris? What will you do if/when you catch Maris? etc. Bonds started getting annoyed by it.


After a couple weeks of getting the same questions every post-game press conference, Bonds replied with one my all-time favorite quotes:

"To talk about it on May 21 is ridiculous. I could be hit by a truck tomorrow, then what? 'He was on his way, but, damn, he got hit by a truck.'"


The point being, a good start is certainly worth enjoying, but its way too early to get invested in how everyone's doing.  Unless, of course, you're in first, in which case you should look out for trucks because I'm coming for you.

But....at that point it was McGwire's record. :P

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Guys I have a favour to ask.


I didn't put any totals in for my international films.


Would anyone mind if I add totals to them?  I won't do anything extreme to AOU, my prediction all along was about 1.6 billion WW for it (575 dom and about 1 billion international).


I understand if you don't think I should be allowed but all my other top 10 WW films have not been released yet.  I have no idea why I didn't put totals in, stupid me.



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Guys I have a favour to ask.


I didn't put any totals in for my international films.


Would anyone mind if I add totals to them?  I won't do anything extreme to AOU, my prediction all along was about 1.6 billion WW for it (575 dom and about 1 billion international).


I understand if you don't think I should be allowed but all my other top 10 WW films have not been released yet.  I have no idea why I didn't put totals in, stupid me.




IMHO you should add them.


1. Since you don't have nor MM, neither PP2 or Tomorrowland, they only movie which has come out is AOU (and having it at a lot more than a Billion OS, since it had already been released in half markets at the beginning of the game, would have been already quite stupid at the end of April, so it doesn't amaze me at all (and I believe you) if you tell me that you had it at "only" 1,6 B, ). Basically no problem.


2. We play only because you "let" us to (and you spent and spend a lot of time to give us this opportunity). You forgot once, we owe you more than this favour  and you don't have basically any (big) advantages in doing that now (since movies are already chosen). 


Do it. 

Edited by Filmovie
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In the interest in fairness, I don't think you should add the international predictions. I don't want to sound mean but with extra info, both objective box office results and tracking, there is the possibility you could alter your predictions from what you thought at the end of April. I'm not saying I think you will, but it's possible and not really fair on others. If you are allowed to do it then everyone else should be able to do it, and you know that would be silly.


I respect you hugely for doing this game and dedicating so much time to it, but just in the interest of respect for the game and the players, I think you should be fair. You said yourself in the OP:



Here's how the game will work. AND PLEASE READ VERY VERY CAREFULLY. And if you have any questions, ask me because once the game starts, you must abide by STRICT deadlines. If you miss a deadline on any question, you absolutely, unequivocally will not qualify for that question. So if i ask that a SOTM question be answered by 4pm on July 6th, and your answer is submitted or edited after that time, you will be disqualified from that question. I will rule on this without passion or prejudice. IT WILL BE STRICT. I hope everyone understands this. To be even more clear, THIS YEAR, I WILL FOLLOW THE DEADLINES TO A FAULT. I FEEL THAT THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE ABSOLUTELY FAIR WITH EVERYONE. CONSIDER THE DEADLINE TO BE JUST LIKE A TIMER ON A COMPUTER. WHEN IT RUNS OUT, YOUR TIME RUNS OUT.....JUST LIKE THE DERBY BACK IN THE DAY. I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH GUYS. THIS YEAR, IT WILL BE STRICT.


Ultimately though it's your game, you are the one counting scores. It's your decision.

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In the interest in fairness, I don't think you should add the international predictions. I don't want to sound mean but with extra info, both objective box office results and tracking, there is the possibility you could alter your predictions from what you thought at the end of April. I'm not saying I think you will, but it's possible and not really fair on others. If you are allowed to do it then everyone else should be able to do it, and you know that would be silly.


I respect you hugely for doing this game and dedicating so much time to it, but just in the interest of respect for the game and the players, I think you should be fair. You said yourself in the OP:




Ultimately though it's your game, you are the one counting scores. It's your decision.


Well. His hands are more bound than what you think: He can't change Dom totals, he can't change the movies in WW chart, he has already the positions (!) 


TOP 15


1) Avengers: Age of Ultron

2) Minions

3) Jurassic World

4) Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

5) Terminator

6) Ted 2

7) Inside Out

8) San Andreas

9) Ant-Man

10) Fantastic Four




For example, next movie that will come out is San Andreas. Honestly I didn't change my mind on any WW prediction and I still think what I tought a month ago but let's suppose there were news that have just come out that tell us that is going to be a sure 750 m hit. Could B take advantages of that? Well, given the fact that he can't alter the positions, not so (but really not so) much. He really can't change his mind that much on a movie since that decision would affect basically the all chart. His leeway is really very small. Even if he would alter, he couldn't. Well he could actually alter them by adding/removing 20-30 M but not in a considerable way. The game lasts 4 months and that wouldn't affect it that much.


Moreover I noticed already when I started playing 2 year ago that this game attaches more importance to which movies you choose (and their order) instead of what are the totals that you put on them. 


Then guys, you decide, I said mine.

Edited by Filmovie
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Ultimately this game is for fun. If enough people feel the way tree does I wont add anything. Im happy to have so many players year after year. I also appreciate the support from people like film and chas. But whatever happens happens.

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