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The right comparison when comes to my mind is

Marvel = barcelona

Dc = real madrid

Marvel and barca are perfect well oiled machine that keep grinds result. Whether you are on their side or the opposing, you have to hand them praise for their proven method and recent track record 

Then dc and real with all of the history still trying to keep up with marvel and barca but using different method. 

Dc trying to map out their universe with complete different layout similarly real also doesnt like to follow barca method to use homegrown player which explain their mega transfer.


Im myself support ac milan and our current condition not as glamour as barca or real. Lets say ac milan in similar boat with paramount atm.

If you ask any football fans which way they prefer to shape their supported club, i bet you 9 out of 10 will choose barca. Logically thinking in order to achieve success you need to learn from the best. Its just common sense

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1 hour ago, The Futurist said:

I heard rumors about IMDB boards.


Never had the guts to roam there, too scary.



I remember going on there around the time Knocked Up opened and there was a thread there claiming it was an anti-abortion movie. That was the day I knew that place was filled with people who are coconuts.

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Okay, I have read some captain america civil war reviews on IMDB that basically say: Marvel Sucks BvS is way better, and it's obviously they haven't seen the movie, and they have rated like 5 or less films. and gave them all 1s or 10s... why? how could someone be so moronic, to think that by creating multiple accounts and getting there trolls friends to give ratings to a film that haven't even seen just to put it's IMDB grade down a few points? what kind of satisfaction do they get from this? 

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On 10/04/2014 at 0:22 PM, Telemachos said:

I'll get things started off. There's been endless discussion about how wrong MAN OF STEEL screwed up Superman by having such tremendous civilian damage (and death) with little on-screen action or effort from Supes


How is this different from


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1 The Winter Soldier was a really good movie

2 In all seriousness Man Of Steel went out of its way to emphasize that people died and stuff. Was half-watching it the other day - and noticed that during the World Engine scene someone took the time to clearly add CGI humans being yanked hundreds of meters into the air and then pulverized into the concrete below. Mostly we just see cars and rubble but if you look for it you can see people getting squashed.

3 I think people arent generally very good at vocalising what they like/dont like about a film. People come away with a general feeling but they arent exactly sure why they feel that way. People honed in on Superman not caring about the destruction but I actually think its more the fact that the movie "doesnt care". It revels in little details like people getting crushed. It spends 15 minutes manipulating Superman into a position where he has to break a guys neck in an extremely heavyhanded fashion.


OTOH stuff like Superman contemptuously and casually jumping over a truck that Zod kicks at him only to let it collide with the ground floor of the building behind him and literally tigger its collapse doesnt make him look good.

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1 minute ago, Kalo said:

Okay, I have read some captain america civil war reviews on IMDB that basically say: Marvel Sucks BvS is way better, and it's obviously they haven't seen the movie, and they have rated like 5 or less films. and gave them all 1s or 10s... why? how could someone be so moronic, to think that by creating multiple accounts and getting there trolls friends to give ratings to a film that haven't even seen just to put it's IMDB grade down a few points? what kind of satisfaction do they get from this? 


Isnt this standard practice for IMDB? I've never trusted audience ratings from there or anywhere else really for precisely this reason.

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This whole Grace twitter thing is so stupid. Two super-hero movies with nearly the exact same premise that come out a month apart were always going to be compared to each other.


Shes acting like the whole thing is taboo. Lol

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4 minutes ago, Kalo said:

Okay, I have read some captain america civil war reviews on IMDB that basically say: Marvel Sucks BvS is way better, and it's obviously they haven't seen the movie, and they have rated like 5 or less films. and gave them all 1s or 10s... why? how could someone be so moronic, to think that by creating multiple accounts and getting there trolls friends to give ratings to a film that haven't even seen just to put it's IMDB grade down a few points? what kind of satisfaction do they get from this? 

lololololololol prreeeessssssssseeeeeeeddddddd

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16 minutes ago, eXtacy said:

This whole Grace twitter thing is so stupid. Two super-hero movies with nearly the exact same premise that come out a month apart were always going to be compared to each other.


Shes acting like the whole thing is taboo. Lol


With reviews being what they are, it's even more of a shame they didn't stick to opening on the same day. Could've been the greatest gladiator match in the history of the world: good vs bad, rotten vs fresh, the Kryptonian neck snapper vs the Star Spangled Man!

Edited by Orestes
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2 hours ago, eXtacy said:

The hate voting is real on IMDb, Civil War down to an 8.3 when almost every superhero tent-pole begins with a 9+

Iirc even bvs score still around 9,ish just 3-4 days before its opening


The hate is strong with this one

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8 hours ago, The Futurist said:

I have different answer each time I ask :


are the Sucide Squad worlds and Justice League Worlds linked besides the Batman/Joker connexion or what ?






They are in the same universe , but we don't know exactly about the time line. There was a rumor that Lex will make an appearance too. Superman was mentioned in one of the trailers. The big question is , is it after or before the events of Batman v Superman?

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2 hours ago, Kalo said:

Okay, I have read some captain america civil war reviews on IMDB that basically say: Marvel Sucks BvS is way better, and it's obviously they haven't seen the movie, and they have rated like 5 or less films. and gave them all 1s or 10s... why? how could someone be so moronic, to think that by creating multiple accounts and getting there trolls friends to give ratings to a film that haven't even seen just to put it's IMDB grade down a few points? what kind of satisfaction do they get from this? 


Lol , it happened with BvS too.People gave it 1 star even before seeing it and Marvel >>>>> DC and all that crap. Crazy fans and the internet ... the most annoying formula.

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8 hours ago, Telemachos said:


I'm not gonna watch it again just to see if I read the scene differently, but what I took away from it was Supes was trying to say "Martha Kent" but didn't finish because he was getting his neck crushed. 


I agree,that's exactly what I said too , Superman was trying to say her full name since Batman does not know her or know who he is (Clark Kent) he was about to die and his mother will be left with Lex to do with her as he wants. It was like a last wish thing.

Edited by Emerald kikyou
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I just read this on SHH. Prepare to be converted.


Originally Posted by Axelrod View Post
Hey guys. 

Just seen civil war tonight. I posted here 3 weeks ago when I seen BVS at the NYC premiere and it's only right. 

I'll just say this. 

I originally gave BVS a 9/10 and thought it was solid and refreshing. Even after the messy reviews and watching it multiple times , it still held that score (in my eyes) and I was a proud defender of that movie...............

Until tonight. 

Civil war is the MCU at its peak. Imma jump out the window and say it's their best. The hype is real and I thought it was gonna let me down. I thought it was impossible. 

It's so good that I had to drop my personal rating for BVS to 7.5. 

I'm sorry for mentioning BVS in here and starting any type of debate but I just wanna give y'all a gauge of what to expect. And mind you , I want all these movies especially DC to succeed so we can have awesome movies all around but

JESUS!!! Marvel just owns everything!!!
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