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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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3 minutes ago, Emerald kikyou said:


Personally, these things don't bother me in threads. I just skip it. ( being a manga/anime/comics follower I see way worse in their sites ) But I think the mods gets headaches because of the people reporting to them. Perma band the trouble makers from the thread would have been a better solution to us who wanted to talk about that movie.Well , whatever the mods see fit I guess.

I agree. It's a bitch for the mods to have to police a thread every time posters get a hair up their ass about something they don't like and then have to close the thread down. It's like when you're in school and the teacher punishes the whole class because one or two people make trouble. It just sucks for people who actually want to talk about the movie. 

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2 minutes ago, AndyK said:

Doesn't that just move the problem somewhere else?

No, how exactly will that happen? If these two still talked about the same movie in threads that has nothing to do with it then they should be perma banned from the whole site. End of story.


2 minutes ago, MrGamer2558 said:

I agree. It's a bitch for the mods to have to police a thread every time posters get a hair up their ass about something they don't like and then have to close the thread down. It's like when you're in school and the teacher punishes the whole class because one or two people make trouble. It just sucks for people who actually want to talk about the movie. 


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4 hours ago, Water Bottle said:


We give out zero point warnings to tell people they've been thread banned now. They have to agree to the warning to post anywhere.


I think he though that when you are thread ban that it wont' allow him in the thread to type anything in, therefore he didn't know and kept on replying.

Actually perhaps this is something BOT can do is once thread ban is to not allow a user to enter/type anything in the thread.

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4 minutes ago, Subzero said:


I think he though that when you are thread ban that it wont' allow him in the thread to type anything in, therefore he didn't know and kept on replying.

Actually perhaps this is something BOT can do is once thread ban is to not allow a user to enter/type anything in the thread.


We don't have the technology.


When you are warned though you do get a big fat warning which you have to read before you can do anything. So it really is on him for not reading that.

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2 hours ago, Orestes said:


Yeah, it would be a shame if that wretched hive....err, umm, if that beacon of sunshine and rainbows were to remain forever closed.


LOL and yet something like this doesnt' get notice .. let your hate flow ... :rofl:

Seriously dude cool it, it's a thread where some do enjoy posting ...if  you don't like you don't have to come. No need to bash it.

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10 hours ago, Subzero said:


LOL and yet something like this doesn't' get notice .. let your hate flow ... :rofl:

Seriously dude cool it, it's a thread where some do enjoy posting ...if  you don't like you don't have to come. No need to bash it.

I've noticed these dramatic posters a lot in JL and BvS threads. The ones that act like the thread is murdering them slowly or making their lives hell. They keep repeating and posting how miserable the thread is making them without contributing to anything of value to the thread. Then they are finally so happy about the thread closing to the point of praying in thanks to the Gods that gave mercy. As if they were forced in any shape or form to actually be in that thread specially when they don't even contribute. :rofl:

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7 minutes ago, Wonder89 said:

DCEU Club don't work, please re-open the Justice League thread

Why? So that you and some Marvel fanboy continue to endlessly bicker about which brand has the biggest dick? Do you not have more important things to do in your life? Relax, bro/sis.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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3 minutes ago, Wonder89 said:


How ironic that you're telling me to cut it out. The I-RO-NY.


Go out, get a job, get a girlfriend or boyfriend or hermaphrodite or nothingphrodite... or maybe a pet, an exotic one like a Caribbean snake or a Galapagos turtle... or maybe talk to your parents, or your friends.... mostly anything is better than sit in front of whatever technology you use to antagonize an equally lifeless tool and send gifs in a forum all morning long. Think about your life, person.

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1 minute ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

How ironic that you're telling me to cut it out. The I-RO-NY.


Go out, get a job, get a girlfriend or boyfriend or hermaphrodite or nothingphrodite... or maybe a pet, an exotic one like a Caribbean snake or a Galapagos turtle... or maybe talk to your parents, or your friends.... mostly anything is better than sit in front of whatever technology you use to antagonize an equally lifeless tool and send gifs in a forum all morning long. Think about your life, person.


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2018-2019 CBM box office predictions:

Panther: $110M/$340M

Mutants: $85M/$235M

Infinity 1: $210M/$450M

Deadpool 2: $120M/$280M

Ant Man 2: $80M/$210M

Venom: $40M/$115M

Phoenix: $50M/$135M

Miles: $35M/$135M

Aquaman: $110M/$340M


Silver and Black: $65M/$190M

Captain Marvel: $90M/$260M

Shazam!: $105M/$330M

Infinity 2: $190M/$420M

(Guessing) X-Force: $135M/$315M

(Guessing) The Batman: $145M/$450M

Homecoming 2: $125M/$285M

Wonder Woman 2: $130M/$505M

Edited by YourMother
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7 minutes ago, YourMother said:

2018-2019 CBM box office predictions:

Panther: $110M/$340M

Mutants: $85M/$235M

Infinity 1: $210M/$450M

Deadpool 2: $120M/$280M

Ant Man 2: $80M/$210M

Venom: $40M/$115M

Phoenix: $50M/$135M

Miles: $35M/$135M


Silver and Black: $65M/$190M

Captain Marvel: $90M/$260M

Shazam!: $105M/$330M

Infinity 2: $190M/$420M

(Guessing) X-Force: $135M/$315M

(Guessing) The Batman: $145M/$450M

Homecoming 2: $125M/$285M

Wonder Woman 2: $130M/$505M

Too low Panther and Deadpool, too high Ant-man, Aquaman?

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20 hours ago, Captain Craig said:

So some shit happened I'm gathering. 

We poor posters who are fans of all comic book movies, regardless of publisher or pedigree feel sad for those who feel the need to only exist in one camp. Who do they think their "battle" serves? Where is the victory? What is the reward? 


16 hours ago, MrGamer2558 said:

There are actually people who would like to talk about JL in a civil manner, but, thanks to certain posters, we can't have that without having to segregate it from the rest of the forum (at least for now).


16 hours ago, MrGamer2558 said:

I agree. It's a bitch for the mods to have to police a thread every time posters get a hair up their ass about something they don't like and then have to close the thread down. It's like when you're in school and the teacher punishes the whole class because one or two people make trouble. It just sucks for people who actually want to talk about the movie. 


3 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:



A disease that runs rampant in this fucking planet.


I've quoted three people on this thread - which I despise, because I fucking hate the very idea of this thread, it implies that people's identities are linked to their fidelity or hate to a brand, which is an incredibly stupid idea to me - which opinions I value and respect, and even though we don't always agree with the many subjects we discuss here, I really like to talk with about films with all of you. I've said my mind about what I'm going to say to some people on the forums, but I feel that I owe this to some:


I'm sorry if you feel that I've started any kind of flame war. Anyone that follows me posting here for a good while - Captain Graig being the oldest member that I can remember being around among those I've quoted - knows that I'm neither a Marvel fanboy or a DC fanboy. I'm a superhero fanboy. I'm a fan of the superhero genre, and with that comes DC, Marvel, Millarworld, Hellboy, etc.. I feel that people might be mad at me because of the JL thread getting closed, and I wish I didn't have to explain how I feel, but I think I need to so you people maybe understand my perspective:


If you read the mess from the beginning I think you will understand what I mean. You can read the previous pages of the thread or beyond that. Nothing I've said warranted getting called "a cancer". Nothing that I was discussing could be considered me starting a flame war. I honestly think I was punished unfairly. What happened was that I've got called cancer and reacted. I've reacted because like to many people, cancer is a very real thing to me. I've lost my brother with cancer seven years ago. I've lost my youngest aunt with cancer seven months ago. I was livid, but trying to control myself. I think I've managed my best to keep my calm.


After getting called "a cancer" by another user here and got made fun of by a mod that somehow started a rant about me having inside sources - something that wasn't even brought up in the discussion whatsoever, we were literally discussing things related to the news that broke two days ago about the film's change of tone - I considered stopping posting here altogether. I'm feeling honestly humiliated and unfairly punished. I understand the moderators POV but I feel that there were better ways to handle the situation. I've give it a lot of thought and I've decided that I feel that I've earned my place in this community throughout the years. I like the great majority of the posters here and I try to keep respectful with everyone, even when it isn't reciprocal.  


But I've decided two things: one, I love DC Comics and it's a very public fact that Wonder Woman is one of my favorite superhero films of all time. I'm excited for Justice League and the DCEU's future. Like Affleck, I feel that the DCEU is finally in the right track and I'm very happy for it. But as long as the policy of the DCEU threads here on BOT stays as it is, without the problems I see it not getting addressed that I've previously brought to some of the mods, I've gave up talking about DCEU films altogether on them. How healthy is an environment that the superfans (to not say something else) think that not only disagreement but reacting to news that they don't like and deem click bait (we are talking THR, IGN and EW here) equals trolling? It isn't, and since I was made the boogeyman and scapegoat for the closing of the thread, by someone that should probably know better, I'm giving up on posting on the threads, even if I'm excited for Justice League and other upcoming DCEU films.  


With that said, there's the second thing I've decided, but this second thing I want to get permission from the moderators first. It's an idea that I've had before writing this long ass wall of text. You know me, I like those. It's sort of a "be the change that you want to see in the world" kind of an idea, something that I feel that can make these boards better and think I have an idea on how to help on that. 

Edited by iJackSparrow
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