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7 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


No offense, but perhaps if you weren't so hung up on trying to find fault with CIVIL WAR, you'd enjoy it more.... I swear, a lot of you almost take pride in dissecting these movies in an effort to put them down...



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10 hours ago, IMojammer said:

I haven't kept up with this whole thread, but for me the terrible reviews of BvS made it so when I watched the movie I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, while the high reviews of Cap3 made it so I was a little disappointed by it.  The airport scene was great, but not nearly as great as the hype led me to believe.


I've noticed I enjoy watching new movies quite a bit less since I've gotten really into all the news and marketing materials and behind the scenes stuff.  

This is so true. Over exposure to news and marketing can affect so much one's enjoyment of movies. But it's also so hard to resist checking it all out for a movie you're excited about. I had the exact experience you had with CW and BVS.

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7 hours ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


No offense, but perhaps if you weren't so hung up on trying to find fault with CIVIL WAR, you'd enjoy it more.... I swear, a lot of you almost take pride in dissecting these movies in an effort to put them down...


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(Here is a rant I posted elsewhere, it probably belongs here though)


You know why the MCU is winning?


Because they'd never hire anyone like Gal Gadot for a pivotal, vital role, not in a million years.

And you all know it.

Eight years into their film franchise, over a dozen moves made and not one stupid casting like this one, a casting that reeks of shenanigans.



Hell, even Robbie grabbing WB by the balls shows a weakness in their decision making process, but the casting of Gadot is the big one that shows that things aren't in order in their front office.


Want a good snap shot at the difference between the MCU and the DCEU? Look at the difference in quality, across the board, between Marvel's Doctor Strange and DC's Wonder Woman. OMG.


One is a perfect marriage a director and writing duo to source material.


The other looks like the creatives you'd expect to find directing an indie short for youtube on a Wal-Mart grocery run budget.


One has a cast of pure all stars. Oscar nominated actors at the top of their game.All around. Male and female. Tremendous. Reading the casting list alone makes you shudder.


The other reads like a Lifetime movie where you think someone has switched around- by some honest mistake- the name of the leading actress and a female extra...



Wonder Woman can't get here fast enough.  I wonder what the excuses are going to be for Gal when Wonder Woman finally gets here. I'm sure the heroes will think of something. 

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9 hours ago, Deathlife said:


The Avengers were funded and run independently (Stark mentioned this in Age of Ultron and the first Avengers). They've never answered to anyone, hence the need for oversight. It's actually very dangerous to have people as powerful as Thor and Hulk walk willy nilly into any country they want without answering to anyone but themselves. It's an issue that's been addressed in many comic storylines like The Authority and the amazing Justice League Unlimited.


SHIELD in another form still existed and most of their equipment was still intact (that's how Fury and Hill got access to another Helicarrier).Agents of SHIELD dealt with this but I understand if no one watched the show because it's not very good (it improved vastly after Winter Soldier but took a dip again). I also felt it shouldn't have been brought into AOU at all. It was one of the many issues that made that movie clunky.


6 hours ago, eddyxx said:

To believe this makes no sense.  Black Widow is clearly shown as being not under the govt's control at the end of the winter soldier when she basically tells  Congress " fuck you,  you're not going to arrest us even though you know where we are. We're  the Avengers,  you need us or you're screwed.  Tata ". And Tony Stark was funding the Avengers since they split from shield(basically at the end of the first avengers)


How about you pay attention? 


After SHIELD is taken down in Cap2 there's no Avengers and they're all doing their own thing, that's fine.  But then at the beginning of ultron they mention stark is paying for it, but no word on who's ultimately calling the shots, just that Cap leads the team.  Again, the idea that Rogers-Stark are running a military operation based out of the US with no government involvement is preposterous. That the government is operating the helicarrier makes sense (I don't watch the show), that's what I assumed and why I said the avengers more or less were already were under the DoD thumb.  And then at the end of Age of Ultron they have a training facility with military grade weapons and vehicles with at least a few dozen crew if not over a hundred.  It only makes sense for it to be connected to the government in one way or another, maybe a blackwater style thing where they take government contracts so the US military doesn't have to go do it.  But even in that scenario the accountability is still there and the US govt would have strong objections to the UN taking control of one of their assets.


Of course my biggest criticism of it (and other avengers movies) is how ridiculously overpowered black widow is.  I still enjoy them though.  It's weird to me when some supposedly grown adults around here (and elsewhere) get all butt hurt about stuff like this. 

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Look how Marvel has Black Panther coming together...


Coogler - coming off of two great films, both of which he wrote..applied a lay of hands on Stallone's career and took him to an Oscar nomination..


Boseman - after a performance where he practically stole a soon to be billion dollar movie..

Lupita - Oscar winner, skilled, beautiful

Jordan - one of the best young actors in Hollywood


The writer? Coogler himself and Joe Robert Cole. Cole was the co-producer and writer on the The People vs OJ Simpson. 


It's like a fucking dream team coming together just for that movie.


Then look at Thor 3: Ragnarok


A film everyone is sleeping on...


The director is  Taika Watiti has two hilarious films under his belt, the most recent one,Hunt for the Wilder People, the Sundance hit,  is currently sitting at 100 percent on Rotten Tomatoes with 19 reviews in. 


His cast, aside from Hemsworth, Hiddleston, and Ruffalo, features non other than 


Her Majesty, Queen Blanchett.


Talented new-comer Tessa Thompson (who will be far more magnetic than Nate 'no chemistry with male co'stars' Portman)


The writer? Not as promising as the Black Panther project. Stephany Folsom is her name and she's best known for having a script on the Black List. But that's it.


And ofcourse there is the big one coming out later this year.


Doctor Strange.


Director Scott Derrickson + writers C. Robert Cargill and Jon Spaihts...on Doctor Strange source material? It's like a matchmade in heaven.


Cumberbatch? Chiwetel Ejiofor? Tilda Swinton? Rachel McAdams? Mads Mikkelsen? Michael Stuhlbarg? Benedict Wong?


This cast is fucking insane. Utterly insane. It's almost unreal how great that casting is.


Oh, and lets not forget


And Scott Adkins...Scott fucking Adkins. He's in it too.



I hope he kicks Tilda Swinton's ass! Cause that would be fucking awesome!! Just the possibility of that happening makes this movie the MUST SEE of the year in my book.

You can't tell me you wouldn't want to see that! Cumberbatch is gonna get some too.



Just hearing Ben Davis , the cinematographer, talk about what they're going to do with this movie is exciting.


“It has a very psychedelic grounding, and it’s not your typical Marvel action movie … Most of the work within it is about other dimensions. And I described it, I think, when I was talking to Marvel as Marvel’s Fantasia, in a way, because it’s so sort of out there and different to everything else that they’ve done.


Doctor Strange is going to be amazing.



Then lets look over at DC...and what do they have going on over there?

We've already covered that pathetic excuse of a movie Wonder Woman, 


but what else? 


Well, Warner Brothers has just announced that Margot Robbie read some comic books and she wants to produce a Harley Quinn movie, female superheroes movies or something or another.. 



In what studio does Margot fucking Robbie get a big budget superhero movie greenlit? No studio. Thats where, no where but WB.

WB is so fucking stupid.


Edited by Otakusai
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23 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


You're right.. Seriously, you are absolutely right and that this thread has pretty well run it's course until the next set of movies come out from both companies.. Until then, I'm out.. They should lock this thread until that time comes so we don't wear this out... :)


It's just unnecessary at this point. Everyone knows BvS lost the showdown with Civil War. Fuck, even Anthony Mackie doesn't want to make fun of BvS. that's how sad their situation is! If Mackie doesn't even want too talk smack..

Edited by moviesRus
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45 minutes ago, Otakusai said:

(Here is a rant I posted elsewhere, it probably belongs here though)


You know why the MCU is winning?


Because they'd never hire anyone like Gal Gadot for a pivotal, vital role, not in a million years.

And you all know it.

Eight years into their film franchise, over a dozen moves made and not one stupid casting like this one, a casting that reeks of shenanigans.



Hell, even Robbie grabbing WB by the balls shows a weakness in their decision making process, but the casting of Gadot is the big one that shows that things aren't in order in their front office.


Want a good snap shot at the difference between the MCU and the DCEU? Look at the difference in quality, across the board, between Marvel's Doctor Strange and DC's Wonder Woman. OMG.


One is a perfect marriage a director and writing duo to source material.


The other looks like the creatives you'd expect to find directing an indie short for youtube on a Wal-Mart grocery run budget.


One has a cast of pure all stars. Oscar nominated actors at the top of their game.All around. Male and female. Tremendous. Reading the casting list alone makes you shudder.


The other reads like a Lifetime movie where you think someone has switched around- by some honest mistake- the name of the leading actress and a female extra...



Wonder Woman can't get here fast enough.  I wonder what the excuses are going to be for Gal when Wonder Woman finally gets here. I'm sure the heroes will think of something. 

I am a Marvel fan through and through but I have to disagree with you on this. Gal Gardot was a breath of fresh air in BvS. I actually came out of the theater looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman.

As far as BvS, all I can say is "Martha".

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24 minutes ago, nthanh61 said:

I am a Marvel fan through and through but I have to disagree with you on this. Gal Gardot was a breath of fresh air in BvS. I actually came out of the theater looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman.

As far as BvS, all I can say is "Martha".


A breath of fresh air? How so?


What memorable lines did she have in that movie?

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13 minutes ago, Otakusai said:


A breath of fresh air? How so?


What memorable lines did she have in that movie?

I was so disappointed with what they did to the character of Superman. Having him climbing into the bathtub with Lois Lane. And then having Batman almost kill Sup. That’s not the Superman that I have grown up with. May be I am bias, I am more of a Sup fan than Batman. And among other reasons, I was disappointed with BvS so when I saw how she appeared and kicking butts, I liked her after that.

When they cast Gal Gardot , I was pretty much like you, I didn’t think this was the right casting. She was never a stand out in F&F and she is no Lynda Carter (too skinny and not as well developed as Lynda Carter  J ).  But after, I watched her in BvS, her character grew on me.  

Not much as far as memorable lines out of her but may be because they made her into this great kick butt character.

Just my opinion, will see how she does when the movie come out.

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1 hour ago, moviesRus said:

You don't really need to rub it anymore. Like even WB/DC knows they fucked up and need to change, which is a good thing. We don't need to kick the sick baby.



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4 hours ago, moviesRus said:

You don't really need to rub it anymore. Like even WB/DC knows they fucked up and need to change, which is a good thing. We don't need to kick the sick baby.

Yeah, when Johns, in his intial statement basically slammed Snyder's version of Superman and by implication most of Snyder's vision for the DCU,it was clear WB/DC is sending out messages that a lot of Snyder's "Vision" for the DCU is going to tossed out. Question is if it's a case of locking the stable door after most of the horses have gotten out.

I would love to be fly on the wall at that Studio in London. I think Snyder is finding out what it was like at Warners back in the 1930's and 40's when Jack Warner was not happy with what he was seeing from a director in the dailies....

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2 hours ago, nthanh61 said:

I was so disappointed with what they did to the character of Superman. Having him climbing into the bathtub with Lois Lane. And then having Batman almost kill Sup. That’s not the Superman that I have grown up with. May be I am bias, I am more of a Sup fan than Batman. And among other reasons, I was disappointed with BvS so when I saw how she appeared and kicking butts, I liked her after that.

When they cast Gal Gardot , I was pretty much like you, I didn’t think this was the right casting. She was never a stand out in F&F and she is no Lynda Carter (too skinny and not as well developed as Lynda Carter  J ).  But after, I watched her in BvS, her character grew on me.  

Not much as far as memorable lines out of her but may be because they made her into this great kick butt character.

Just my opinion, will see how she does when the movie come out.

Gadot was one of the few good things in BvS.

I am betting that the Patti Jenkins,btw, has gotten an OK from Warners brass to ignore Snyder's "Vision" for the DCU.

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8 hours ago, Maxmoser3 said:

Marvel should be enjoying themselves this year with Deadpool, and Civil War. Doctor Strange will be a profit but nothing like Avengers or even Guardians level. More in the lines of around the total of Ant-Man. X-Men:Appcylpse I did have at 240 million domestic but I'm gonna lower it to about $205 million domestic. DC had BVS this year which was overall a decent profit for WB, and Suicide Squad should do big for them in August.

You do know that Deadpool and X Men are not Marvel Studio films? Marvel will get a percentage of the profits, but not anywhere near the percentage that they make from their own productions.

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4 hours ago, IMojammer said:



After SHIELD is taken down in Cap2 there's no Avengers and they're all doing their own thing, that's fine.  But then at the beginning of ultron they mention stark is paying for it, but no word on who's ultimately calling the shots, just that Cap leads the team.  Again, the idea that Rogers-Stark are running a military operation based out of the US with no government involvement is preposterous. That the government is operating the helicarrier makes sense (I don't watch the show), that's what I assumed and why I said the avengers more or less were already were under the DoD thumb.  And then at the end of Age of Ultron they have a training facility with military grade weapons and vehicles with at least a few dozen crew if not over a hundred.  It only makes sense for it to be connected to the government in one way or another, maybe a blackwater style thing where they take government contracts so the US military doesn't have to go do it.  But even in that scenario the accountability is still there and the US govt would have strong objections to the UN taking control of one of their assets.


Of course my biggest criticism of it (and other avengers movies) is how ridiculously overpowered black widow is.  I still enjoy them though.  It's weird to me when some supposedly grown adults around here (and elsewhere) get all butt hurt about stuff like this. 

I'm sorry but it seems like you've been watching a completely  different  movie from me.  Why is it so hard to believe the Avengers have NOTHiNG to do with the govt or DOD?  Thats the way it is in the comics.  The X-Men  have no connection  to the govt.  The fantastic  four have no connection  to the govt.  The Justice League  have no connection  to the govt. Why is it so hard to believe the Avengers  are a independent  team?  And what made you think the Avengers were not working together at the end of Cap 2. Jesus man,  did you skip the mid credit scene where Baron Strucker says Hydra bases  are keeping Captain  America  and his COLORFUL  FRIENDS  busy???  Who do you think  he was talking about????  I feel like you've completely  missed the narrative!!


And since you don't watch Agents of SHIELD.... No,  they aren't connected  to the govt anymore either.  SHIELD is off the books  and Coulson is running a rogue black ops  group. At least during that time in the show. He was maintaining  the hellicarrier  til it was needed(and I agree with those who say it shouldn't have been used in the movie)

Edited by eddyxx
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3 minutes ago, eddyxx said:

I'm sorry but it seems like you've been watching a completely  different  movie from me.  Why is it so hard to believe the Avengers have NOTHiNG to do with the govt or DOD?  Thats the way it is in the comics.  The X-Men  have no connection  to the govt.  The fantastic  four have no connection  to the govt.  The Justice League  have no connection  to the govt. Why is it so hard to believe the Avengers  are a independent  team?  And what made you think the Avengers were not working together at the end of Cap 2. Jesus man,  did you skip the mid credit scene where Baron Strucker says Hydra bases  are keeping Captain  America  and his COLORFUL  FRIENDS  busy???  Who do you think  he was talking about????  I feel like you've completely  missed the narrative!!



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11 hours ago, Otakusai said:

Then lets look over at DC...and what do they have going on over there?

We've already covered that pathetic excuse of a movie Wonder Woman, 


but what else? 


Well, Warner Brothers has just announced that Margot Robbie read some comic books and she wants to produce a Harley Quinn movie, female superheroes movies or something or another.. 


Stacking up vaporware like Harley Quinn against Thor and/or Black Panther isn't really a fair comparison. Going by release dates, the MCU-DCEU fight card would more appropriately be:


Doctor Strange vs. Suicide Squad

Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Justice League

Thor vs. Wonder Woman

Black Panther vs. Flash

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Meh, what is there to compare ? There's a ton of successful marvel movies, both by marvel studios and other studios that have the rights to various marvel characters , against eeeeeehhhhhh a few successful batman  movies and the first two superman movies from 30+  years ago . You have characters like deadpool, blade, ant man having their own franchises for crying out loud !!! Add the amazing Netflix tv shows against the shitty CW shows and marvel wins even there .



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