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Star Wars The Force Awakens: Opening Weekend | Actuals In 1st Post | $247,966,675 | The Force Awoke... and it's not sleeping anytime soon | 119, 68, 60

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30 minutes ago, SteveJaros said:


That Sunday number JW put up, $57m, was awe-inspiring. I don't think that with the NFL that TFA can catch it. 


Sundays are inflated this time of year since people are having mondays off (at least some), plus all the sellouts will force (no pun intended) people to go other days, i'm sure Sunday hold will be very good.

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4 hours ago, Rman823 said:


I've never seen Episode 5 or 6 until this past week. Over a week ago, my cousin told me to watch it in this order: 4,2,5,3,6. But the real order was 4,5,2,3,6. I mean, I still got the effect from watching 6 after watching 3, but still. 

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1 hour ago, Darth AndyLL said:


I don't think so.  I just can't see the hype of 8 ( or any movie ) approaching this.


Hopefully they will take a few years off between this and the next trilogy to allow hype ( and inflation ) build.

You do know that 8 is being released in 2017, right?

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1 hour ago, superduperm said:

I may be pessimistic, but even with a $126M OD, my OW projections keep coming to around $236-240M. I think most people here don't realize that we are in the deep portion of the NFL season, so Sunday will likely have a 30+% drop. I also see it, at the very most staying flat from Friday.


Would love to be wrong, though. Right now I'm hoping for $250M.

Never underestimate the power of the force. It's gonna drop 25% or less. 

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1 hour ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

Just got back from viewing #2. One guy behind me hated it. But the rest of the theater seemed to love it. Laser was awesome, 3D was very well done in that format.

I haven't even seen it yet, but this motherfucker saw it twice. 




Sunday can't come soon enough! :(

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I was honestly a nonbeliever in the OW record going down this weekend, but I'm glad I was wrong. These numbers are incredible.


On the subject of a movie beating this movie, I honestly don't think any movie will for at least a decade or more, by which inflation will win out. The demographics are simply too big. All of the movies adjust to over 400m first run, and when inflation and 3D are accounted for, all of the movies comfortably gross 500m or more. There is no other brand that has such recognition and brandpower that also invokes the nostalgia level to the degree that Star Wars does. As JW has shown us this year, nostalgia can be a very effective selling point. Lastly, when Avengers and JW broke the OW records when they did, theaters were "found with their pants down" as I have seen some other posters refer to it as; they were not expecting Avengers and JW to be in such high demand throughout the entire weekend and were thus unable to schedule an appropriate number of shows. This allowed their drops within the weekend and to the next weekend be comparatively low considering the massive numbers involved. For TFA, it was different though; everyone was expecting something huge, and so all the theaters were fully prepared for the storm that struck.


Because of this, I believe that whatever Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens makes this weekend to be the limit, or very close to the limit, of how much a film can make in one weekend. So I don't think this record will be broken for a very long time, and when it does, inflation will play a very large role. For the next several years however, I firmly believe this as high as we can go domestically.

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1 hour ago, somebody85 said:

I dunno if NFL will effect it that much. Kind of a weak schedule of matchups this week.

Texans vs Colts is the only notable one at 1 PM

Broncos vs Steelers is the biggest game at 4:25

Cardinals vs Eagles should be decent, but it's not huge for Sunday night showings.

Also the big ratings grabber, the Cowboys, are playing Sat night and are so bad that surly even those stubborn fans would rather watch SW7.

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