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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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1 minute ago, goldenstate5 said:

I'm guessing ep 8 will be Finn and Poe with the subplot of Luke training Rey a la Empire, so if you guys didn't like the allusions now, you may not want to continue.


Well, it wouldn't be a SW movie if there wasn't awkward cutting between different plot threads.

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9 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Mr. Plinkett and many others disgaree with you. The prequels make absolutely no sense. Both Phantom Menace and Revenge Of The Sith fall apart 7 minutes into it. 


By far the best takedown I've seen of why that movie doesn't work and why the prequels don't work as a whole. They don't have heart. 95% of it is actors on green screen or blue screen. There is never any urgency, characters just walk and talk or sit down and talk some more. We never see Anakin and Obi Wans friendship blossom, we only hear tales of it. It's brought up once in Attack Of The Clones and then again in Revenge Of The Sith. 

Here at least we saw how Rey, Poe & Finn could come together just like in ANH. Yes a lot of it was coincidental but it worked for the story. 


Fair to disagree. it is all subjective in the end. For me I find them rather easy to follow and very deep. I  dont find they fall apart, only fail to live up to the underlying vision.

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5 minutes ago, goldenstate5 said:

I'm guessing ep 8 will be Finn and Poe with the subplot of Luke training Rey a la Empire, so if you guys didn't like the allusions now, you may not want to continue.




Yeah... it's setup to mimic ESB if they want.

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This is definitely an Abrams film. It was very different from the previous three movies and I don't mean this in a negative way. I just wish I saw more of the world and MORE space battles. Ha ha. The last 30 minutes were amazing though. This also will get several non-acting nominations.

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And here we go! My 2000 post dedicated to my feelings after watching SW7!


Many things to think about! Right now I would rate TFA with an A-


Fantastic movie with minor objections.


Best things:

*Rey - it's so amazing to see a woman leading the movie. And she always delivers!

*I loved all the new characters! The chemistry between Finn / Rey / Poe was great. 

*Kilo Ren? Second best villian of the saga.

*BB8 Cute, smart... Brilliant.

*Han Solo / Chewbacca - they are the real bridge between the two trilogies. Provided the right amount of nostalgia, humor and gravitas.

*The screenplay - Always solid, sometimes incredible. Great dialogues and perfectly added funny moments.

*JJAbrams - he really knows how to deliver a big sci fi spectacle. The movie is full ofbeatiful epic memorable shots.

*The ending - no words needed. The ascension...

*Solo's sacrifice - I knew either Solo or Chewbacca wouldn't be alive after SW7. I expected Chewbacca was going to be killed... The scene with Solo and Kilo Ren was intense and suspenseful even when everyone was already fearing the drama.

*The fight between Finn, Rey and Kilo Ren is great!

*Rey progressively finding her powers... Rey teased family drama...

*The Starkiller was freaking cool.

*The score - listening to it at this moment. Some powerful themes around the resistence and Rey!


Things I cared less or I am unsure about them

At times I had a feeling they were relying too much on nostalgia. Glad they didn't overuse C3PO.

The Starkiller being destroyed like Death Star. The bigger not always the better.

Phasma is really underused. Cool character there!

It is undeniable that the movie often follows an easy route to please old and new audience. Another robot with a map that needs to escape from a Sith and ends up finding a future Jedi? Another Master Jedi that is hidding in a lonely planet?

I have minor issues with the not really expanded x-wing attack to the Starkiller or the cameo appearance for Max von Sydow. Leia and Rey hug feels kinda forced... Unless Leia knows who she is...





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One thing I do wish we would have gotten was a scene of someone comforting Chewie after Hans death. Like maybe holding an old jacket or something. The only thing I remember was Leia hugging Rey and that silence was effective. I believe the next time we see Chewie he is already in the Falcon with Rey.

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I told you guys, Abrams is insanely good at casting & directing actors.


I never doubted him on that front.


Best acing in a Star Wars in a landslide.


I knew the new ones were gonna kill it.


Daisy Ridley has read EP 8 s script.


That english gurl had literally 4B on her shoulders.


She got Ovaries for sure.

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I am not a prequel hater but that was my main grip about them, the acting was so wooden & stiff from everybody, nobody felt alive in those films.



This Star Wars is ALIVE, acting awakens too I d say, it fucking vibrates because actors don't have dead eyes, they are in the moment in every scene.

Edited by The Futurist
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3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

I told you guys, Abrams is insanely good at casting & directing actors.


I never doubted him on that front.


Best acing in a Star Wars in a landslide.


I knew the new ones were gonna kill it.


Daisy Ridley has read EP 8 s script.


That english gurl had literally 4B on her shoulders.


She got Ovaries for sure.

This is spot on. Also editing and pacing. Basically at an execution level I was never worried. The story was always the big issue for me. It delivered in many ways but wow did they leave a lot of stuff hanging. I think this is the least stand alone Star Wars movie I have seen. ESB was a cliffhanger, yes, but not only was TFA a cliffhanger, it left a massive amount of info about the galaxy and some of the characters unanswered.

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