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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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1 minute ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

It was really good and not great. Middle was really slow. But the first and last act were amazing though. Very emotional. Goosebumps when Rey got the light saber. I'm so excited about the new cast. Bring on Episode 8!!!

Rey and Kylo are gonna fucking rule 8 and 9.

1 minute ago, Baumer Fett said:

I don't even feel like I can breathe a little bit right now. I'm kind of overcome with emotion. That is how you make a f****** movie. I don't know how they did that I don't know how they wrote it I don't know how they directed it but everything about that movie was perfect in my opinion absolutely perfect. I seriously have a single tear coming down my face right now I just can't process it all it's just it's beautiful. It's easily the best movie of the year and it's one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Han Solo's death destroyed me as well. I knew it was coming when it happened and I still wasn't prepared.

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Just now, Chewy said:

I liked it a lot, it's fun and it's energetic and the characters are all pretty well positioned to be made interesting in the next one


But it really is two hours of fan service. Like JJ decided to nerd out and remake the first one and leave it to the next guy to do anything with the material, to contextualize everything in this



Give me more about these two. It is all I want.

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I'm ready for more of Rey and Kylo and I hope they give my man Finn more to do. And for god's sake let's please not go an entire trilogy wasting a fun, charismatic Oscar Isaac character

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3 minutes ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

It was really good and not great. Middle was really slow. But the first and last act were amazing though. Very emotional. Goosebumps when Rey got the light saber. I'm so excited about the new cast. Bring on Episode 8!!!


Rey fucking up Ben Solo was a highlight.


That guy is such a bitch.

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I get a bit of the frustration about it being a remake, but it is a bit more nuanced than a remake. Lot of fan service, but it was well done, for the most part. The final scene was epic. It's one of those moments that will transcend the film. Could be a top 10 moment in this franchise.

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We re gonna have in Ep 8 what I thought we d have in Ep 7.


Kylo is gonna want revenge against Rey and she s gonna get her ass kicked but Luke is gonna get into Yoda mode and kill Kylo.


Then big boss will be in Ep9, Luke will die and Rey will become the biggest motherfucker in the entire galaxy.

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Just now, Bonenash said:

Baumer based on you show and your though without fanboying do you think GA (not fans) will eat up as fuck?


I'm not baumer but yes. This is gonna be another WOM monster like Avengers/Jurassic World

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1 minute ago, Chewy said:

I know the Han death was this big emotional moment but I laughed when I saw it. Just imagined how happy Harrison must've been to be done with this


He has more important shit to be focusing on. It's the perfect time for 'Air Force One: Re-Elected'.

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So is it safe to say that Rey is Luke's daughter, which makes Solo her uncle and it makes Kylo her cousin.


I'm confused by some of the complaints about it being a remake of sorts.  I didn't feel that way at all.  It's a natural progression in the story.  It has elements of the first of course but a remake?  Not in my eyes.  One thing this movie has that the others didn't was real violence.  There was blood and I was genuinely worried for all the people at the beginning of the movie.  


When Han died, yes, we all saw it coming as as soon as I found out that he was Han's son, I knew he was going to die.  Chewy's reaction broke my heart.  


Havinf Kasdan not just offer up ideas but actually write the film was a stroke of genius.  He must of added so much to the script.  


Ford was epic in this.  He embodied the true spirit of Solo and that is something the prequels sorely missed.  Solo just adds so much to the Star Wars universe.  Fisher was terrific as well in her small role and her "may the force be with you," to Rey was so epic.  If there was any doubt that she was Luke's kid up until that point, after, there wasn't.  


Daisey, Oscar and Adam were fantastic.  


It's just an epic film.  I have tickets for the 11pm show as well, but I'm not going.  I'm too emotional right now and I just need to talk about it.  Then I'm going to the 9AM show tomorrow.  


Star Wars just transcends film.  

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20 minutes ago, Chewy said:

I know the Han death was this big emotional moment but I laughed when I saw it. Just imagined how happy Harrison must've been to be done with this

I felt the same way about Solo's death in this, people were saying how much they teared up online but when I actually saw the scene I was like "This is what people were soo emotional about?". You expected him to die given the situation and build-up before and after he confronted his son.

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27 minutes ago, Chewy said:

I liked it a lot, it's fun, and it's energetic and the characters are all pretty well positioned to be made interesting in the next one.


But it really is two hours of fan service. Like, JJ decided to nerd out and remake the first one and leave it to the next guy to do anything with the material, to contextualize everything in this.

YAS. Chewy liked it. I'm happy now.



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