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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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I took it as Rey is basically as strong as anakin if not more so. And like Anakin was using the force unconsciously (well before any training.) But yes a ton of questions are left regarding Rey. The entire movie really. Never left a movie with so many questions

Edited by warriormonk
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20 minutes ago, Orestes said:

I'm not so sure she has zero training. She just has no training that she remembers. Feels like too much relating to Rey was left on the cutting room floor, though.

I guessing it is going to be explained in episode 8 when she is training with Luke. 

Edited by Darth Dexter of Hoth
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14 minutes ago, Orestes said:

I'm not so sure she has zero training. She just has no training that she remembers. Feels like too much relating to Rey was left on the cutting room floor, though.


No, they just set up the sequels.

Nothing was left out.

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I'm assuming she's Luke's kid. It was pretty strongly suggested during and after she first touched the light saber. Outside chance she might instead be another Solo kid. I'm guessing there was some mind wiping of multiple people done by Luke to protect her from Snoke/Ren.

Edited by Orestes
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3 minutes ago, Giesi said:

The scene with Luke kinda scared me, the way he stood there, no talking, revealing his face. 10/10 acting for me in this movie, I can't wait to see it again.

Such a wonderfully done scene. The beautiful wordless execution of it is a concept that would've went right over Lucas' head if he had been in charge, that's for sure. The acting really was fantastic in this all around. 

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Power levels discussions end if you think like me something is happening with/through Luke s lightsaber.


I swear to God Rey is giving back Excalibur to Luke in the final scene.


She seems to know she gives back something unusual that helped her against Kylo.


Why would Rey "hear" the lightsaber at Lupita s home ?


Theories are welcomed.



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10 minutes ago, kowhite said:


Unceremonious?  Man, they gave him a real, proper meaningful death.  It worked.  


Youre talking like he landed on a fucking bridge and the. Malcolm McDowell phaser shot it.


Nope, it's hard to see Solo die...but JJ sold it.  Ford...well, his face wasn't 100% Oscar worthy, but no sir, I don't agree.  


This is was a good death.


Maybe if the movie spent more time mourning him... I mean, Qui-Gon got a more reverential treatment than he did

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6 minutes ago, Orestes said:

I'm assuming she's Luke's kid. It was pretty strongly suggested during and after she first touched the light saber. Outside chance she might instead be another Solo kid. I'm guessing there was some mind wiping of multiple people done by Luke to protect her from Snoke/Ren.

Agreed. Also it would be too complicated to make her a Solo. Why did, especially Leia, not recognize her? Or Han? Kylo has no idea he has a sister? Or Snoke? They could do it but they would have to twist hard and it would not ever be really satisfying.

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1 minute ago, warriormonk said:

Agreed. Also it would be too complicated to make her a Solo. Why did, especially Leia, not recognize her? Or Han? Kylo has no idea he has a sister? Or Snoke? They could do it but they would have to twist hard and it would not ever be really satisfying.

I think Snoke might know since when Kylo told him she is powerful in the force. He said bring her to me now. 

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Just got out loved Finn loved Han loved Rey loved loved Chewy loved BB88. My favorite scene was hearing Kylo Ren refer to Vader as grandfather overall I give it a 8.9/10 just couldn't get over Luke standing on rock the entire movie like let me see him at least ignite the saber. 

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Han Solo's death wasn't completely fumbled, but it was hardly dramatic, saw it coming a mile away.  The plot had so many similarities to ANH up to that point that I knew it was gonna be the "Vader kills Obi Wan" scene of the movie.  Its like poetry, it rhymes.


And 10$ says Snoke is really Darth Plagueis that Palpatine rambled on about in ROTS.  I hope thats not the case though.



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11 hours ago, redfirebird2008 said:

Poor Andy. "Haven't been this excited since ESB." Talk about setting yourself up for letdown there.



11 hours ago, stuart360 said:

I really wanted to reply with this gif -




Its not worth it though lol.:D


Nope.  2nd best SW movie since ESB.  (ANH will always be special to me because it was the 1st but overall quality wise it drops to 3rd)


5 hours ago, Jayhawk the Hutt said:

I don't want Rey to be Luke's daughter. It makes the universe too small.


Nope... Star Wars is about the Skywalker family.   They have always had exceptional powers in the force.  Don't know why people are surprised they Rey is powerful in the force without training. Anakin was, Luke was, and now Rey is.  Ren is untrained also and show enormous power.


I hear the complaints that it was felt too much like the OT and didn't explore new ground.


Are you people fucking serious?


Of course it tried to mimic the OT... that's why they brought back the old cast who looked at times they needed walkers.


This was a cleansing of the PT.


That's why Lucas praises the movie but seems bitter about it.  He knows this is the movie he should have made.


I was actually surprised how small of part the OT cast played except Han.


However I love Rey and Finn.   


So sad that Han died.  He is my 2nd favorite character ( Indy is #1) and Ford is my favorite actor.  Hard to believe we won't see Han and Luke together ever again.


I, like many, thought Luke would come in to save the day.


I am disappointed we didn't have more of Luke but the ending was fucking great.


I am so freaken' excited for SW8





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