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Star Wars TFA 2nd Wknd Actual: 149.2M !!!

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2 hours ago, K1Rey said:

I consider spectacular and good two different things. For example, a good cake is a cake with great chocolate frosting and but the cake is a bit dry. A spectacular cake is rich delicious gooey frosting along with a moist center of fudgy goodness that just melts on your tongue. 



And now I want cake.


Like, I understand spectacular is a more specific (and better) version of good.


I just don't get why there should be criticism of somebody who says they're good numbers for not being more enthusiastic.


153m is a spectacular 2nd weekend number, but with how the weekdays played out it doesn't seem as spectacular in comparison.  So I understand why people might say good or solid, when they were hearing 160-180m thrown around all week.


Im excited to see the actuals.

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2 hours ago, filmlover said:

And? Titanic's run was astonishing to watch in real time, no qualifiers needed or required.


Was commenting on the person you quoted who said its run occurred in an entirely different era. Wasn't directed at you..sorry.

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12 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

I'm just putting those together to show how much your range shifted in an hour. I'll do 22.5% or higher I win & I feel that's generous given your original terms.


He believed the weather lowed BO today which would lead to a lower drop tomorrow.


It was pointed out to him that if weather affected today it is likely it could affect tomorrow also.


He was smart enough to re-evaluate.


You, on the other hand, are being an ass.


No bet was offered.  I realize you are a compulsive gambler but just because someone has a different opinion then you on what the BO will do does not mean they want to bet on it.

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1 minute ago, druv10 Maul said:


TDK & TA1 are fairly close so to say definitively one or another is higher is wrong. 

Yeah, it's too close to call without exact 3d/IMAX data for both of their entire runs. We just know Avatar and (soon) TFA are the only two definitively higher than TDK since then. 

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1 minute ago, Darth AndyLL said:


He believed the weather lowed BO today which would lead to a lower drop tomorrow.


It was pointed out to him that if weather affected today it is likely it could affect tomorrow also.


He was smart enough to re-evaluate.


You, on the other hand, are being an ass.


No bet was offered.  I realize you are a compulsive gambler but just because someone has a different opinion then you on what the BO will do does not mean they want to bet on it.


Lol compulsive gambler? You know nothing about me thanks for your assessment though.

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2 hours ago, JonathanLB said:

I don't follow the box office as closely as you guys, but what I don't see happening and what seems kind of funny to predict is a sudden drop-off for any movie that has been performing this week. That just isn't really how reality works, if you ignore the numbers for a second. There isn't a mass group of people saying, "Ok, well we will go see Star Wars on its second Sunday, but absolutely not the next week even though we are off." You are going to start to see, as was said above, slight deviations from Avatar's holds week in and week out. It's not going to be like, wow, ok $20M Monday after a $40M Monday last week, holy cow, fell off the cliff. No. Instead of increasing like Avatar did Monday-to-Monday, though, it's going to decline slightly. It may very well manage only a 20% decline, but that will still be a decline. And it will still be a massive Monday gross. 


I feel like some people act like there's this brick wall that the movie will suddenly hit and fall against it and that's that. I just find that idea kind of laughable. A movie like this will gradually start to show the demand has been met or most of the demand has been met, and will deviate from Avatar significantly but not hugely here and there until they are on quite different trajectories as far as opening weekend multiples. But I don't see the next week suddenly being garbage holds because of some imaginary idea that everyone has seen the film and nobody else is left. That's just not reality. 


Also Titanic's box office run wasn't nearly as much fun to watch as this even if you weren't a Star Wars fan. You can imagine as a SW fan, I found watching Titanic's box office run to be horrifying and completely awful, because A New Hope had just claimed its rightful place as #1. But even stepping aside my biases for a moment, there wasn't anything fun or interesting to watch about the box office run of Titanic WHATSOEVER on a day to day basis. What was interesting and amazing is opening up the newspaper every Monday and seeing, wow, the dang movie declined only 7%. Then next week, WHAT? It went UP 5%? Huh? Movies don't do that! That was what made the box office run so interesting to see. It wasn't like this where I can spend all day reading articles, posting about it, checking for Rth updates, seeing actuals, etc. I mean, what, it was fascinating on a January weekday to say, "Holy cow, Titanic made $1.7 million today, that's amazing! On a Tuesday! No movie has ever made almost $2 million on a Tuesday!" LOL, no. Not fun and not interesting. It was just those weekend figures that were astonishing for months.



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8 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

Less, $188 million.


Right. Week between X-mas and New-Year is generally very good, movies either go up or don't drop a lot.


Return of the King, for example, dropped a mere 15,5% during its second week, and avatar actually went up. Force Awakens isn't Avatar, but it's showing much better holds than Return of the King so far, so I think it's going to do pretty well, actually.


My prediction is 30% drop for the week ($100 M) + 40% week-end drop($90 M)


so, $188 M seems about right. It might drop less than that though. Anything above that is a win, in my opinion.

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5 minutes ago, The Panda Menace said:

I think the Midwest Blizzard is likely causing Sunday to be weaker than estimates.  As the blizzard dies down we should see stronger holds to make up for it. (Like Avatar, lol)

We are being spoiled here. When the Avatar-esque holds inevitably stop likely starting next Monday, it is going to be a little hard to swallow at first. :P 

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6 minutes ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


At least your wife has a movie to watch. 


Really upset. It was my $500 league and I lost in the final. I deserved to lose though. Started Brady vs my Jets :(




The weather in NYC has been shit all weekend if that matters.

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For adjusted original run (Note: I was VERY strict with these numbers so even if a film did $4,999,999m on a particular day it did not count as a $5m day. All these films could have been helped if the number was slightly rounded. Ex. Star Wars 7 did $119m on a single day but cannot be rounded up to $120m) 


E.T. had 187(+) days, maybe more but data ran out, with over $1,000,000 (Record)

Titanic had 139 days with over $1,000,000

Avatar had 86 days with over $1,000,000

TPM had 75 days with over $1,000,000

Jurassic World had 52 days with over $1,000,000


E.T. had 75 days with over $5,000,000 (Record)

Titanic had 63 days with over $5,000,000

Avatar had 45 days with over $5,000,000

TPM had 37 days with over $5,000,000

Jurassic World had 27 days with over $5,000,000


E.T. had 21 days with over $10,000,000

Titanic had 44 days with over $10,000,000 (Record)

Avatar had 30 days with over $10,000,000

TPM had 21 days with over $10,000,000

Jurassic World had 16 days with over $10,000,000


E.T. never had a day over $20,000,000 ($14,691,000 highest)

Titanic had 10 days with over $20,000,000

Avatar had 12 days with over $20,000,000 (Record)

TPM had 10 days with over $20,000,000

Jurassic World had 10 days with over $20,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 10 days over $20,000,000 already (went over everyday so far)


Titanic never had a day over $30,000,000 ($23,203,900 highest)

Avatar had 1 day over $30,000,000

TPM had 6 days over $30,000,000

Shrek 2 had 6 days over $30,000,000

Jurassic World had 5 days over $30,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 9 days over $30,000,000 already (Record) 


Avatar never had a day over $40,000,000 ($30,986,700 highest)

TPM had 2 days over $40,000,000

Jurassic World had 3 days over $40,000,000

The Avengers had 4 days over $40,000,000

Spider-man had 4 days over $40,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 7 days over $40,000,000 (Record)


TPM never had a day over $50,000,000 ($46,858,900 highest)

Jurassic World had 3 days over $50,000,000

The Avengers had 3 days over $50,000,000

The Dark Knight had 3 days over $50,000,000

Avengers: Age of Ultron had 3 days over $50,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 4 days with over $50,000,000 (Record)


Jurassic World had 2 days over $60,000,000

The Avengers had 2 days over $60,000,000

Spider-Man 3 had 2 days over $60,000,000

Iron-Man 3 had 2 days over $60,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 3 days with over $60,000,000 (Record)


Jurassic World had 2 days over $70,000,000 

The Avengers had 2 days over $70,000,000 (Record)


The Dark Knight Rises had 1 day over $80,000,000

Avengers: Age of Ultron had 1 day over $80,000,000

Jurassic World had 1 day over $80,000,000

The Avengers had 1 day over $80,000,000

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 had 1 day over $80,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 1 day over $80,000,000 (Record)


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 had 1 day over $90,000,000

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 1 day over $90,000,000 (Record)


Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 1 day over $100,000,000 (Record)


Star Wars: The Force Awakens has 1 day over $110,000,000 [($119,119,282) almost $120,000,000, bad break]


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I dont know which is a bigger shock for us boxoffice nerds:


someone found Titanic's boxoffice run boring and awful,


he found it boring and awful and yet he still bothered to come to register an user and post on this boxoffice site.




Edited by vc2002
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2 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

We are being spoiled here. When the Avatar-esque holds inevitably stop likely starting next Monday, it is going to be a little hard to swallow at first. :P 

No question about the spoilage. By that point Avatar domestic will be done & dusted and journey towards 1B will continue earnestly.  

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