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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

We just didn't realize how popular Deadpool really was. It was gonna open huge regardless of the reviews.

Oh no, that's a lie. It would have been big with his fans but outside of that...no way. If critics had slammed that movie, it would not have opened huge.

The reason it opened huge was because most of the critics agreed with the GA on the movie. They said it was super funny and fresh. And go see it! Chris Stuckmann gave it an A+. There is nio way it was going to be anywhere near that huge without those reviews first.

That was a huge deal. And this is coming from someone who was very excited for it.

Most people who were liking the marketing on Youtube were cautiously optimistic. They thought the marketing would be better then the movie itself and were hoping the reviews lived up to what the pre screenings were saying.

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1 minute ago, somebody85 said:

Oh no, that's a lie. It would have been big with his fans but outside of that...no way. If critics had slammed that movie, it would not have opened huge.

The reason it opened huge was because most of the critics agreed with the GA on the movie. They said it was super funny and fresh. And go see it! Chris Stuckmann gave it an A+. There is nio way it was going to be anywhere near that huge without those reviews first.

That was a huge deal. And this is coming from someone who was very excited for it.

Most people who were liking the marketing on Youtube were cautiously optimistic. They thought the marketing would be better then the movie itself and were hoping the reviews lived up to what the pre screenings were saying.


Yeah I missed that line, it's obvious reviews helped it huge.

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8 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

Just watched this shit, Jesus Christ, Zack, what you did..... You created a monster..... This movie is going to have a worse reception than TASM2/FF...... This is going to be hated by public AND fans......


This is the last time that I buy tickets for the whole weekend before watching the movie KrLab8m.gif

See? It's not just the critics. Very interested to see where the flixster score ends up by Saturday. I think it's going to be extremely divisive. More so then MOS.

I think Cinemascore will still end up a B+ though.

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15 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Flixster was 86% this morning. My guess is a finish in the 60's. Man of Steel is at 76%. 

Nothing would shock me at this point. McWeenys review was great. He highlighted all the things non super DC fans would be completely lost about.

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11 minutes ago, Mockingjay Raphael said:

Just watched this shit, Jesus Christ, Zack, what you did..... You created a monster..... This movie is going to have a worse reception than TASM2/FF...... This is going to be hated by public AND fans......


This is the last time that I buy tickets for the whole weekend before watching the movie KrLab8m.gif


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Every I've looked this is tracking to earn at least .66 times higher, with china projected to out earn the entirety of MOS in the first weekend, than MOS opening weekend assuming similar reception by the GA, MOS earned 368 million overseas and since this will break 300 here no matter what than the floor WW is 900 million

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1 hour ago, Telemachos said:

I really don't get this fascination with RT scores. It's really a broad picture only -- who cares whether something is 18% versus 26%, or 73% versus 82%? It's meaningless.

I kind of agree but at the same time, in the age of social media it seems like this stuff gets out quicker and is bigger deal than ever. Just this past weekend we saw the Divergent series implode, probably all thanks to the RT score (the first two were hardly well-reviewed but the second one's drop already indicated a portion of the audience was already checking out of the series, and an RT score approaching single digits for this was probably all it took for everyone who was either losing interest or pretty much jumping off the train to stay away completely).

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14 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:


Yeah I missed that line, it's obvious reviews helped it huge.

Yeah people need to remember that it was pre screening weeks in advance but everyone was like "Superfans will love everything! They don't count, it still looks terrible but the marketing has been really good."

It was when the embargo lifted and the reviews started pouring in confirming all those positive reactions, that everyone knew it wasn't just the super fans that liked it. The movie was actually good and really really funny. That created an insane amount of hype. Deadpool at 100%! on RT was all over Twitter.

What happened with Batman V Superman is pretty much the opposite. Positive reactions poured in saying it was amazing....and critics strongly disagreed. This really was MOS again but even worse. Instead of Twitter being flooded with BvS is 100% tweets, it trended as being rotten at 40%.

So yeah, we'll see how this weekend plays out. This is a much bigger movie then TMNT and critics have already warned parents about taking kids to it. (even though they didn't listen for Deadpool)

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I kind of agree but at the same time, in the age of social media it seems like this stuff gets out quicker and is bigger deal than ever. Just this past weekend we saw the Divergent series implode, probably all thanks to the RT score (the first two were hardly well-reviewed but the second one's drop already indicated a portion of the audience was already checking out of the series, and an RT score approaching single digits for this was probably all it took for everyone who was either losing interest or pretty much jumping off the train to stay away completely).


It caused Fant4stic to implode too. And Pixels. RT is a big thing.

Horror? Well it's hurt it more recently (BO has dropped off a lot) but a lot of people go to those movies and just want jump scares. And the movies it did effect, had heavy 2nd weekend drops.


And there have already been plenty of articles written about the BvS reviews. Again Rotten Tomatoes was trending on twitter yesterday when the embargo lifted.

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1 minute ago, somebody85 said:


It caused Fant4stic to implode too. RT is a big thing.


And there have already been plenty of articles written about these reviews. Again Rotten Tomatoes was trending on twitter yesterday when the embargo lifted.

it was trending with 7,500 tweets not exactly high volume

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Oh, Fantastic Four's score definitely caused its box office to crater epically as well. Even if it had landed in the same area as the Jessica Alba/Chris Evans movies, it still would've likely opened with $40M+ based on name power alone.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

Oh, Fantastic Four's score definitely caused its box office to crater epically as well. Even if it had landed in the same area as the Jessica Alba/Chris Evans movies, it still would've likely opened with $40M+ based on name power alone.

Yeah like regarding horror, wait and see what happens if The Conjuring 2 gets bad reviews. That will be a real test because lately they haven't been doing good because none are reviewed well outside of like The Witch and It Follows.

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24 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

Could we ban Cinemascore as some kind of bad swear word? Man I dislike that metric.


We can call it the 'C-word' :P

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2 minutes ago, somebody85 said:


And pretty sure BvS was trending with 275,000 I read? You don't think that had anything to do with it?

per pro box office analysis the ratio of postive to negative tweets for BVSs was 6:1 yesterday so no not entirely 

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