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Weekend Thread | Weekend Estimates - FD: $136.2M, CI: $34.5M, TC2: $15.56M, NYSM2: $9.65M, Flopcraft: $6.52M

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2 minutes ago, MrPink said:


I'm almost getting worried he's not in Dunkirk!

Maybe he is too busy promoting NYSM2 :sadben: ?

1 minute ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Under 2m for Warcraft, oh god hahahaha

Brutal hilarious drop. RIP.

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36 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

With the level of talent at WDAS right now, I honestly wouldn't be totally opposed to this. Only if they can pull a Toy Story though and match the quality of the first, which is a tall order. 

The same talent has been there for a long, long time. What's changed is the management.

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42 minutes ago, CaptainJackSparrow said:

Disney also needs to obtain the rights for Banjo Kazooie, and dare I say it, Calvin and Hobbes. Work with Bill Watterson on it, get him used to the idea.

Watterson will never, ever go for it. He's got more money than he can spend, is rabidly publicity phobic, and is vehemently against commercializing his work. It took a decade of work to get him to agree to an *interview*. 


Its like Moore with Watchmen. No matter what you did, they'd hate the fact that you were doing it at all.

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2 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

catching up on the thread. boy cjohn's really forcing these meltdowns out these days. like howard beale when he doesn't have anything to rant about but people expect it cos it's howard beale.


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1 minute ago, Wrath said:

CI getting 13 on Friday instead of 11-12 is huge for its chances of breaking 100.

Still a disappointment though. It should have easily had a shot at a 50m OW given the draw power of Hart and Johnson but I think they really dropped the ball on marketing. The campaign seemed incredibly quiet to me, hardly saw a thing for it. 

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26 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


Voting not to spend $ is voting.  Otherwise everyone would see every movie.  Unless you pay to see every movie released, you do the same.  People in China are currently not voting to spend a lot of money on Finding Dory.  That's the way the cookie crumbles.  


Bad reviews didn't make people not see Warcraft.  People still came out opening weekend to see Batman v Superman because the characters and concept appealed.  WOM killed it's legs not reviews.  The same is happening with Warcraft except it appealed to far fewer from the get go.  Now either that's because of the property or what people saw of the film in marketing.  But it's not the critics fault or the audiences fault it didn't appeal and it's not their fault WOM wasn't strong enough to appeal to the non hardcore fanboy.  This was not a small film with a limited marketing budget that slipped under the radar.






Yes, there are many factors involved, but I'd say they aren't separate of each other. Just about all of them are confounding. That said, RT alone may not necessarily make or break a movie, but I would say it's a very strong contributing factor. Also, it promotes laziness in the GA. In the case of Batman v Superman, many were saying the OW was blunted due to critical response. There's no way of determining if the OW could have been higher with a different set of reviews. Also, its legs are debatable whether it was even considered bad and due to which factor, or possibly all the factors involved. In the end, that movie made as much after its opening weekend as Man of Steel and The Winter Soldier did after their OWs. Then an argument can be made whether it was solely WOM or disinterest due to factors prior to even the OW, which includes RT. Certainly, for at lest the next couple of weeks after OW, social media and Fandango statistics supported strong WOM and repeat viewership. In the case of WC, definitely the required fan base and the marketing play important roles, but I firmly believe if RT didn't exist, we could be looking at a very different situation. 

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5 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Still a disappointment though. It should have easily had a shot at a 50m OW given the draw power of Hart and Johnson but I think they really dropped the ball on marketing. The campaign seemed incredibly quiet to me, hardly saw a thing for it. 

It's doing right in line with Kevin Hart movies (only Ride Along broke $40M on OW) and Johnson is largely unestablished in comedies (or outside of pre-existing franchises in general). Pretty good, especially in the wake of Dory.

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1 minute ago, filmlover said:

It's doing right in line with Kevin Hart movies (only Ride Along broke $40M on OW) and Johnson is largely unestablished in comedies (or outside of pre-existing franchises in general). Pretty good, especially in the wake of Dory.

I really don't see an excuse for an OW below RA2 though. Should have looked a lot more appealing than that and Johnson should have added some extra draw power to Hart's, not diminished it. 

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41 minutes ago, cannastop said:

You do realize that a shitty RT scores doesn't make a movie ineligible for making money, right?


I also realize RT scores can certainly have quite an effect, and that effect could be different for each different situation.

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51 minutes ago, UrosepsisFace said:

Yes, we can all vote w/ our $$$. Just in China, the people actually watched the movie to determine its quality. Here in the US, that decision was made w/o spending a dime.

I don't know if you know this, but movies are one thing in life that isn't an obligation.

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